What's the point of dating when your gf is just going to cheat or leave you when a better man comes around?
What's the point of dating when your gf is just going to cheat or leave you when a better man comes around?
>when a better man comes around?
I am the better man.
Find a gf who can't afford cheating on you
How do you know this would happen?
Stop believing incel lies.
Just go for that gay dude you really want.
Do you think the % of relationships that last is 0%? That’s pretty dumb
I used to think along those lines. An average women has a host of prospective sexual partners available to her. What's to stop her trading up when she has the opportunity?
Lots of reasons:
1 women can actually care about their partner. Shocking I know
2 number of available partners isn’t as high as you think
3 even if they have one, it’s risky and women tend to be more conservative with those decisions. Could end up worse than what they have
1. Yeah, but that's not a reason to not trade up.
2. They can fire up tinder and have 200 matches in a week.
3. I guess there can be some risk but they can just dump the new one and go search. And lots of guys would go back with her as a rebound anyway