Hey anons, my gf has been spending a lot of time with her guy "best friend" and it makes me really uncomfortable. They recently went on a 3-day trip to see a concert together with one other girl, but my gf didnt bother to text me goodnight or good morning a single time. She also has a lot of guy friends. I don't think there's anything wrong with having guy friends, but she seems to really enjoy hanging out with those guys one-on-one. I've told her before how I feel about all this, but she basically dismissed me saying things like "oh they're just bros" and "dont worry about it". What should I do?
Hey anons, my gf has been spending a lot of time with her guy "best friend" and it makes me really uncomfortable...
Find new gf
Get a gf that dosent have male friends.
Be fun enough to be around so she want to go with you instead of other men to concerts.
It sounds that is about time to break up with her
She's gone mate
Ask her if something's up and ask her to be honest with you. Ask her if she enjoys being with you, if she says yes then just take her by her word. Hopefully she'll just say yeah and mean it.
Bad advice if you are not good at getting girls. Better try to save this one if possible.
Based, actually
If she is a cheating snake she why would she be honest? Just because he said be honest? That shit wont work.
Literally stalk and spy on her. Got access to her Facebook and other shit? If not get a keylogger on your devices and let her use them, then read her messages with her friends and look for something suspicious. When she leaves you alone with her phone go through it. Get a friends friend she doesn't know to chill around places she would be with her friends. Catch the bitch red handed but don't get stupid enough to get found out. Even if you find evidence of her cheating on you don't ever reveal it, just leave her due to your "bad gut feeling".
>dump her
>"bad advice"
>waste your time stalking her and end up as the creep and the bad guy
>good idea
kys my man
Yeah you end up as the good guy if you dump her based on suspicion alone and you don't at all end up looking like a backboneless pussy who can't handle your girlfriend having friends.
Also read nigger, i wrote its a bad advice if he is like most of the people on this site and isn't good at meeting people thus wont get a new girlfriend as easily.
You should just break up with her. I've set very clear boundaries in my relationship and my gf follows them. She knows I'm not a bitch and if she steps out I'm gone. Your gf doesn't respect you
>my gf has been spending a lot of time with her guy "best friend" and it makes me really uncomfortable
Unless he's gay, they're either having sex, had sex, or he's hoping to have sex with her.
>She also has a lot of guy friends. I don't think there's anything wrong with having guy friends, but she seems to really enjoy hanging out with those guys one-on-one.
>Is that cause you were a beta orbiter before meeting her, or cause you're a cuck?
>but she basically dismissed me saying things like "oh they're just bros" and "dont worry about it". What should I do?
Your relationship is doomed, but doesn't mean you can't have some fun before breaking it off. Start spending lots of time with her female friends, assuming you can do that. She'll either stop having male friends, or complain. Just throw her same excuses back in her face.
She doesn’t respect you, and in turn, is most likely cheating on you with the guy friend. My women knows never to do any of those situations above or I’d drop her ass and she’d be devastated. Time to find a new GF pal.
>gf goes to concerts at all
Not true. My best friend is female. And I refuse to fuck her. Mainly because she looks like a Pterodactyl
>be me, guy with gf
>have a lot of female friends who I tell my gf not to worry about (because they're just friends)
>In the last two weeks, I spent more time with one of my female friend than my actual gf
>everybody keeps jokingly shipping me with one of my female friend (despite them knowing I have a girlfriend)
>even her parents think we're together
>went to our friend's cottage for a weekend with said friend and two other friends
>started to develop feelings for her
I hate it. I'm definitely not going to cheat with my current girlfriend because I'm not an asshole, but all of my current girlfriend's defaults stand out and I feel like it just puts an expiration date on my current relationship.
You're either full of shit or get off to dinosaur erotica.
Hi OP. My girlfriend had a neighbor she called her best friend. They fucked behind my back and got pregnant and then aborted the baby before I could find out.
Have a good day.
Dude just break it off. You already told her it makes you uncomfortable but she different give a rat's ass.
It will be better for you to not know if she's cheating and break up than wait for it to be confirmed.
fuck you dinoigger, one meteor wasn't enough
red flag
could you really marry a women like this?
just keep using her for sex but be on look out for another gf just in case
She’s fucking the bro
>believe wamen!
The dumbest advice ever. You are either an incel or a roastie
>What should I do?
Ask to join them next time, if she asks why tell her you want to get to know her friends. Gauge how thebfriend is around her and proceed to cave his skull in if he is trying to make a move and leave her for reciprocating. I once had a gf who would constantly tell me her best friend was gay, even though he wasn't and she left me for him.
Do people really expect the other person to text goodnight and goodmorning every single day? It seems so high maintenance
>Do people really expect the other person to text goodnight and goodmorning every single day
If my gf were with another guy for sure, not that I would consider her my gf anymore if she went on a 3-day trip with another guy without me.
I think you should observe her behavior a bit longer, maybe shes really just friends with those guys and nothing more, but get ready to drop her at the drop of a hat if you find any concrete evidence that shes cheating