Is sex the only best thing there is? I feel that everything I do is meant to achieve that goal
Is sex the only best thing there is? I feel that everything I do is meant to achieve that goal
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It's not a goal, stop thinking of it as one.
>Is sex the only best thing there is?
It's actually pretty mediocre if your not with someone you genuinely connect with. Well in my opinion anyway. I've chosen to avoid it for years simply because I didn't want to fuck randoms and my hand does the job well enough that I can keep it off my mind most of the time.
You probably want to rethink your life if you place that much importance on sex, or maybe become a male prostitute and get more sex than you want.
Lol no.
The people who say sex is the best thing in the world are boring people. There are way more better things out there
That’s pretty much hardwired into our brain. Biology is a bitch. Everything else is just coping.
>There are way more better things out there
Nice list you have
You’re going to get laid one day and you will be so depressed when you realize you put so much stress and effort into something that literally doesn’t matter
There are millions of things desu
holy shit, I'm shocked
So why do I feel what I feel?
Sex can be fun, but I wouldn't say it is the best thing there is and the "only" is definitely wrong.
Individual experiences can always be better than others.
It is hard to rank every experience you will ever have and decide one category to be better than the rest.
You can have a meal that is better than most sexual experiences but that doesn't mean all food is better than sex.
Sex comes with a lot of things that is valuable and this is what people usually seek.
Intimacy, honesty and trust is part of it.
If you break it down to it's part, sex is disgusting. Outside of this context, you wouldn't want bodily fluids of another person on you. But within the context of sex you can remove some of these lines because there is a trust that these will not be met with disgust, you know it isn't malice or meant to gross you out.
But there is also bad sex, mediocre sex and even though it looks fun on tv and in movies, it isn't always. If you elevate sex to be the highest goal, it might be all you are getting.
And sex without intimacy is completely different.
Because peer pressure
Cuddling > Sex
This by far
I honestly prefer just grabbing my gfs tits and ass when we lay together over sex. Sex is too much work
So many incels in this thread holy shit
I like drugs and money more than sex. Most y’all are bad at fuckin anyway.
You must have a sad life if you’ve never had a meal that blew your mind before
Food is better. I’ve been out to eat with my gf before to some really good restaurants, where the meal was so satisfying that I declined when she wanted to have sex when we got home
yo but yall niggas gotta understand dat ppl need to experience dat shit b4 dey realise dat it aint all that ya dig what im sayin?
The scientific meaning of life is solely to reproduce and propagate your species.
So, kind of. Sex in modern humanity is treated as more of a leisure than need.
Finally, a nigga with sense
you have to have sex in order to experience the liberation that comes with realizing it aint shit, you cant just tell him about it and expect him to get the same realization...
Sex is highly overrated. It feels good but is far from the only best thing. Health, happiness, peace and success are far more important.
There's no meaning of life scientific or otherwise dipshit, we're positively-reinforced to perform certain actions and there's somewhat of an emphasis on having sex. It doesn't mean sex is the absolute biological imperative as we've discovered shit like masturbation and porn or whatever. The only reason sex seems so important is because dumbass pseud faggots on TV keep saying it is.
Pop culture basically aggrandizes sex and youth and some other shit... our task is to reject the hyperreal illusory desires and pursue life within individualistic bounds, cultivate desires that are based in reality instead of letting some cultural symbols dictate them
No, self-actualization is. Being the person you’ve always wanted to be is infinitely better.
shut up
You only think that way because water is so easy to get these days.
“If sex isn’t the pinnacle of existence... then all my work... no... NO!”
Monogamous sex is overrated and gets old.
Fucking a bunch of stupid sluts is unfulfilling and honestly isn’t worth hearing about their favorite food or some other insipid shit.
I believe the world uses sex as propaganda to make money
Of course
You are putting the cart before the horse. Sex is an act you perform with a person. If the person didn't matter, people would fuck jobless bums the most because they have the most free time. "How do you meet someone" is also the same. You have to have a life of your own. You meet many strangers during your own adventure. If you can't decide what you want to do, volunteer at a shelter and meet people who have really lived.
Everything is for sale. Don't forget these posts are paid for by ads and accounts
>Being the person you’ve always wanted to be
A person who has sex. Self-actualized.
>There's no meaning of life scientific or otherwise dipshit
/sci/ here, he's actually right. There *is* a meaning of life in STEM, and it's generally surviving (whether individually or collectively) any way you can. Typically by means of making more of you.
>It doesn't mean sex is the absolute biological imperative
Yes it is. Literally everything you do is meant to keep you alive long enough to pass on your kin. Even other biological needs (ex.: eating) are meant to aid in that.
>as we've discovered shit like masturbation and porn or whatever
That's just satisfying the need in the same way as placebos.
Then why don’t you go have sex with depressed fat girls?
thats not meaning loser it's just how it is... im tired of u losers conflating a biological affinity towards something as some kind of endgoal, purpose or meaning... this notion of a 'scientific purpose'... some reddit pseud shit
>/sci/ here
damn bro what up i browse you
But the sex isn’t going to be the pinnacle. Achieving the sex will be better than the tight hole itself.
>thats not meaning loser it's just how it is
In your opinion.
>im tired of u losers conflating a biological affinity towards something as some kind of endgoal, purpose or meaning
Those 'losers' are at least right here. It is an end goal, species-wise. The recreational use of sex may be a distinct topic in its own right, and is typically the realm of culture. But the main goal of any creature is to survive and/or make more of it.
>this notion of a 'scientific purpose'
Would species reproduction.
>some reddit pseud shit
It's usually reddit and incels who try to underplay the importance of sexual reproduction. Almost like how theists and religiousnuts try to underplay the importance of sexuality in general.
shut the fuck up you dumbass faggot im not downplaying the mechanistic purpose/prevalence of sex in the human lifecycle like whoever lame ass reddit spiritualist youre referring to. In what sense is sexual reproduction 'important?' Important to who loser? It's only 'important' inasmuch as it's sensually beneficial i.e results in pleasure... one might say the purpose of life is the attainment of pleasure gains but this isn't a statement about any 'scientific purpose' that would be justifiable cause for action. Stop trying to go from 'sex feels good' to 'sex IS good' there is no objective purpose or endgoal or whatever, scientific or otherwise, a turd getting flushed down a toilet isn't fulfilling any kind of purpose nor is your semen when you jerk off onto the computer screen. Your 'purpose' rather than being scientific is mere hyperbolization upon what science has suggested namely a system of causes and effects in nature that serve to perpetuate further instances of themselves... you people need to shut the fuck up about this evolutionary purpose-by-design or whatever.
name ten
>im not downplaying the mechanistic purpose/prevalence of sex in the human lifecycle
You are.
>like whoever lame ass reddit spiritualist youre referring to
While arguing like a lame ass reddit spiritualist.
>In what sense is sexual reproduction 'important?'
Keeping your species going.
>Important to who loser?
Your species.
>one might say the purpose of life is the attainment of pleasure gains
>Stop trying to go from 'sex feels good' to 'sex IS good'
Sex is both.
>there is no objective purpose or endgoal or whatever, scientific or otherwise
To you.
>a turd getting flushed down a toilet isn't fulfilling any kind of purpose nor is your semen when you jerk off onto the computer screen
Again, to you.
>Your 'purpose' rather than being scientific is mere hyperbolization upon what science has suggested namely a system of causes and effects in nature that serve to perpetuate further instances of themselves.
Nice reversal.
>you people need to shut the fuck up about this evolutionary purpose-by-design or whatever.
And you need to go back to whatever church keeps corrupting your worldview.
>It's actually pretty mediocre if your not with someone you genuinely connect with
Even then it won't last forever.
Sex is not the best thing ever. In fact I would say nothing is. Very little is good. Real joy doesn't exist. We live, we die and it is 90% fucking terrible
If you have it enough times in a short span you'll appreciate not sex more, semi frequently is good unless you're in a new relationship and want to be rabbits
im arguing a strictly physicalist perspective you fucking dumb monkey brained faggot and you didn't even comprehend my post, god you're stupid as fuck! kill youself!
Philosophy is not /sci/.
your little concept of biological purpose isn't scientific in the least... thats what im talking about loser, i cant stand you "/sci/" types who dont know shit about anything and can't even understand the scope and utility of your own discipline or the way in which it overlaps with philosophy to begin with... just stick to ur little polynomials ok bud
>your little concept of biological purpose isn't scientific in the least
It's completely scientific. It's the basic of physical science, not just biological.
>thats what im talking about loser
What you're talking about is wrong, and something else entirely.
>i cant stand you "/sci/" types who dont know shit about anything
>and can't even understand the scope and utility of your own discipline
>the way in which it overlaps with philosophy to begin with
It originates with philosophy, not overlap. You could go to social sciences for overlap, but they're mostly non-sciences.
>just stick to ur little polynomials ok bud
And stick with learning something of actual worth. Instead of wasting your loan on pseudofields like philosophy.
youre so stupid bro, just dumb as hell... you dont even know what philosophy is... youll never know anything...
you don't think there's any overlap between the disciplines of formal/predicate/modal logic and mathematical logic?
ive said it twice already but there's a difference between cause/correlation and 'purpose' especially when you use the term to imply the importance of something as a matter of moral/ethical fact i.e sex is the most 'important' goal in life, which is literally what you implied in your initial post. Why can't you understand that what you're saying is not objective or scientific at all... I swear to god youre underaged nobody can be this fuckin dumb beyond puberty
From a feeling perspective, MDMA feels way better than sex.
Sex on acid takes the cake though.
You evopsyche fuckers ever entertain the thought that being useful to your tribe and helping them survive is also a way to ensure that your genes carry on through family and relations, even if you never have sex? Or that having a lot of sex but leaving your women/kids to die afterwards is doing nothing to propagate your genes?
This whole "MEANING OF LIFE IS PONUS IN VAGOO" schtick feels really simplistic with heavily social K strategists like humans
That's fine, user. You're still wrong.
>you don't think there's any overlap between the disciplines of formal/predicate/modal logic and mathematical logic?
There aren't.
>but there's a difference between cause/correlation and 'purpose'
That's an off-topic subject.
>importance of something as a matter of moral/ethical
Morality and ethics are not scientific.
>which is literally what you implied in your initial post
I didn't imply it. I outright, explicitly said it was the most important goal in any biological organism.
>Why can't you understand that what you're saying is not objective or scientific at all.
Because you're wrong. It *is* objective and scientific. Not to mention, the most basic objective and scientific concept that even toddlers can understand.
Not really. My current goal is to pay off and own my house within 10 years so i dont have to pay rent anymore. Just utilities. Wahoo!!
>You evopsyche fuckers ever entertain the thought that being useful to your tribe and helping them survive is also a way to ensure that your genes carry on through family and relations, even if you never have sex?
As long as it helps your species reproduce somehow, even if that means a few specimens don't make it to the plate. And many don't, if history's concerned.
>Or that having a lot of sex but leaving your women/kids to die afterwards is doing nothing to propagate your genes?
The reason why many lifeforms have as much progeny as possible is to strengthen the chance that at least one of them reproduces and keeps producing. Even Origins of Species mentions similar behaviours in plant-life.
>This whole "MEANING OF LIFE IS PONUS IN VAGOO" schtick feels really simplistic with heavily social K strategists like humans
Of course it's going to be simplistic if you think "penis into vagina" is the only means of reproduction in a living species.
>calls someone "stupid," "dumb," &c.
>uses "bro" unironically
>doesn't bother with capitalization
>comma splices up the ass
>reddit-style ellipsis
Biology + societal pressure
Rise above it, user. Acquire currency instead
Because modern society is a degenerated mess filled with hedonists who unironically live by what OP claims. Many people fall into that trap, apparently including you, thus deepening the decline.
Cocaine, money, food, sleep, cocaine, heroin, cocaine, meth
reddit invented ellipsis?