>Fucked a girl 1 week after I met her >She said she only wanted serious relationships >The next day after fucking her she stopped talking to me. >Tried to reach her , she didn't answer. She is 19, a genuine 9/10, out of a 3 year relationship. I am 23.
she lied she wanted casual sex but didn’t want to imply she’s into that enjoy the sex move on
Sebastian Thompson
Should I call her out? I don't care if I'll fuck again.
Jaxson Foster
no be chill she might fuck u again later. talk to another girl
Robert Morgan
You fucked her too soon. You signaled you just want fuck. You just want fuck, go back to tindr and try again when you're an adult.
Anthony Martin
I don't have any social media.
Jason Foster
Also it takes two to tango.
Joshua Rogers
It takes two but you need to understand your role as the man. You're supposed to be the rational one, the one that needs to be thinking two steps ahead. She is a woman and will put up facades and will speak lies to cover up her truths.
The fuck is but a single part of the tango, and you rushed it. Learn to play game before you complain the players are cheating.
Brayden Sanders
She tested you and you failed
Charles Ortiz
>and will speak lies to cover up her truths This makes me puke. I failed by fucking her?
Tyler Ramirez
>>Fucked a girl 1 week after I met her >She said she only wanted serious relationships You fucked her after a week. She didn't want a serious relationship. >1281684 >>I failed by fucking her? You didn't fail by fucking her. You discovered she is full of it. Don't get serious with her, cause she's full of it. Don't call her. Let her come back to you if she's interested, but keep it casual.
Hunter Evans
I've already send her a message and called her once. Did I fuck up?
Samuel Powell
You probably ruined your chances of a serious relationship by fucking her that soon, but on the other hand, it might have never worked out and you might have never gotten to have sex or have a good relationship.
Justin Adams
You will find out
Blake Taylor
Oh,you don't say. Anyway, thanks.
Kayden Anderson
Woman are crazy leave it be Find someone who is mentally stable
Ryan Powell
I believe that being aggressive in these situations is better. If she didn't want to fuck, she wouldn't:
1)Wear sexy underwear 2)Shave.
It fucking hurts man.One of my friends has fallen into depression and has anxiety attacks because he can't get over of a whore who uses him for attention.He is inexperienced and she manipulates him like a fucking witch. I have many other countless examples of women not understanding the consequences of their actions, or having zero fucking empathy. Mentally stable is really rare.
Zachary Johnson
>All these posts insinuating OP fucked up No. The truth is if she wanted to hang out with you, she would be reciprocating your contact. Anything else is stupid.
Isaiah Collins
I know that. Should I do something about her ghosting me?
Ryan Hill
I think I read somewhere up there you sent her a message since her ghosting? Do nothing else. She knows you're interested.
Jayden Fisher
Be cool, my dude. You're the prize. You can do no wrong. Focus on your power and never mind what other people think or do.
Brandon Harris
>I've already send her a message and called her once. Did I fuck up? Maybe, as others have said you will find out. Just don't keep bothering her, cause it will come off as desperate like she's your only source of pussy.
> >I believe that being aggressive in these situations is better. If she didn't want to fuck, she wouldn't: >1)Wear sexy underwear >2)Shave.
THIS. Women want to be prepared for 'the one' or 'the one today'.
I think you dodged a bullet with this woman OP if you wanted seriously relationship with her. Cause she already showed she wants to fuck despite saying she wants something serious, doesn't want to be around you, etc.
>I know that. Should I do something about her ghosting me? You can't really do shit about ghosting if she actually ghosted you, how do you contact her? Plus, it'll just look like you're stalking and creeping her. At least, that's what she'll say to her friends and the cops.
Ian Long
Thanks. These are good advises.
Ethan Rogers
>THIS. Women want to be prepared for 'the one' or 'the one today'. Has there been a more based man?
Brandon Wright
If she just got out of a long relationship, I'd bet on her still talking to and seeing her ex.
I'd try texting her again in two days. If she still doesn't answer then give it up.
She might try to contact you again. She'll make up some excuse like saying her phone was broken. It's up to you if you want to give her a chance even though she's lying.
Angel Price
Move on asap, start casually talking to other girls. Dont engange in conversation with her unless she does it, it sounds fucked up but just chill now
Colton Kelly
Ask me how I know youre a roastie.
Gavin Russell
You got needy and shes playing dumb mind games on you. My recommendation is to dont contact her in any way and go do something else
Jace Gomez
This . She saw the signs you just wanted to fuck and she let you. Take the W and move on
Carter Scott
I'm a 26 year old man who's been in a successful marriage for 5 years. I literally told him women are manipulative and you need to know how to stay ahead of them, are you underage?