My 2 months gf is begging for me have a baby with her, I want kids too, but it seems to early...

My 2 months gf is begging for me have a baby with her, I want kids too, but it seems to early. What do you think would be best ammount of time too know eachother before having children

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dont think too much just bust that dick

At least 3 years. 1 year if you really are desperate

2 months and she's begging you? Good chance she's already pregnant with someone else's kid. Could also be daddy issues or welfare queen.

>Could also be daddy issues
She is from a family of 7 herself, obviously that is factor,the parents are actually still together all these years and the relationship between her and her parents seem pretty healthy, doubt she's already pregnant, she's quite shy and awkward and I'm her (and she's mine) first

>having kids right before a recession
I hope you at least own your house.
It's literally the worst time to get pregnant unless you plan on punching her in the stomach if things don't pan out.

She says he parents are welcoming of us moving into her quite large house but I don't think it would actually be that desirable

If that's the case, she's going to be clingy. Did she disclose being a virgin beforehand? How much convincing did she have to do? I'm suspicious of women who want to fuck less than 2-months and claim they're a virgin.

>She is from a family of 7 herself, obviously that is factor
>doubt she's already pregnant
Be very careful with these types, cause her motivation to become pregnant may make her "forgot" to take birth control, poking a hole in your condom, or doing god knows what to your used condoms.

>What do you think would be best ammount of time too know eachother before having children
Depends, but I think 3-years is enough time to filter out most of the crazies if you know what you're looking for. This is assuming they're younger, haven't rode the cock carousel, and don't have any other part of their life fucked up.

It is good her parents are still together, but how old were they when they married? How long did they date before having kids?

>but how old were they when they married?
I dunno about marriage but their oldests duaghters age - mothers age is 24

So all their daughters (except your gf) are married and have kids? Any of them divorced? What are the age gaps, careers, religion, of all the husbands/wives, and you two?

1 has children, the rest are all younger than my gf

She larps as a Christian but never goes to church or knows a single Bible verse, Im not religious so I don't care

>1 has children, the rest are all younger than my gf
So one older sister has her first kid, married, on first marriage - how long did they date before marrying? Her other siblings are under 18 I'm guessing? Any of them planning on getting married soon too?

>1 has children, the rest are all younger than my gf
Does larping include wearing a cross necklace, and advocating abstinence before marriage? Those two things are red flags for me.

Wrong quote, sorry. Corrected version:
>She larps as a Christian but never goes to church or knows a single Bible verse, Im not religious so I don't care
>Does larping include wearing a cross necklace, and advocating abstinence before marriage? Those two things are red flags for me.

She occasionally wears a cross necklaces among others she has. she doesn't insint on absitance lol.
She wants a church marriage eventually and a christining though.

>So one older sister has her first kid, married, on first marriage - how long did they date before marrying? Her other siblings are under 18 I'm guessing? Any of them planning on getting married soon too?

Any answer to my previous questions? You can tell a lot.

>She occasionally wears a cross necklaces among others she has. she doesn't insint on absitance lol.

At least she's not a full hypocrite. At this time, I only see her not wanting to put in the work to being a Christian but just want to reap her dream of a modern Christian church wedding. I don't know both of your ages, jobs, and income, but it seems a little odd the family is so willing to let you move in after just two months of knowing you.

Again, don't all the particulars, but it seems that she may be love bombing you and having some personality disorder. If she's young enough, she can wait a year minimum.

That's some serious red flag behavior. A woman knowing what she wants in a relationship is nice, but that's fucking nuts

How old is she? Is she's over 30 then it makes sense. If she's in her 20s, then she's insane.

Around 7 years, if you have made it that far, odds are you can do it forever

Can't believe no ones stayed the obvious. Keep your condoms close. Kids this early are a red flag for me.

>Be very careful with these types, cause her motivation to become pregnant may make her "forgot" to take birth control, poking a hole in your condom, or doing god knows what to your used condoms.

>Can't believe no ones stayed the obvious. Keep your condoms close. Kids this early are a red flag for me.

Lurk moar.

>How old is she? Is she's over 30 then it makes sense. If she's in her 20s, then she's insane.
Insane for pushing kids after 2 months. Even if kids can get all fucked up after 30+ of the woman. If she's really young, could just be inexperience and honeymoon phase but yeah be careful with knocking her up and take slower OP.

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Stop pushing the downs meme.

Op, if she’s your first, this will be the biggest mistake in your life. A child will literally lock down your life, forever. You’re too damn young to be responsible for two additional lives, I’m sure you can barely even take care of yourself. Doesn’t matter if her parents are rich. Money doesn’t buy time, and all your time will be devoted to mother and child. This is a decision that will be earth shattering. But you’re young and in love, so you’re going to be stupid.

Dont do it. A kid is a new life and huge commitment. Shes using you

Implant your seed user do it now while weather is cooling

Just bail right now, no one in their right mind would ask for that 2 months in.