is there any way i can reduce the brainwashing Jow Forums has done to me? i am infatuating over stupid shit like race mixing and more often than not i make assumptions about people and classify them based on Jow Forums stereotypes in my head. it's made me a very hateful and negative person. i know Jow Forums's views about things like race mixing are not as radicalized and prominent as they make them out to be, but every time i see their ideologies being proven true in the real world, it pisses me off to no avail. i know average people don't think like this, don't see things like race most of the time, and i know these things don't even affect me as i've been flirted with many times before and chosen over other men over different races. i really think i fell into the deep end of this Jow Forums shit though and i can't stop obsessing over it despite it's near non-existent effect on my personal life.
i would probably be a lot happier right now and a lot more successful if i didn't stress out about this shit. it's pointless and it doesn't help me at all. instead of trying things out for myself and dating women in the real world, i just take Jow Forums's word that all women are whores and that they'll just cheat on you in the long run anyway. it's like i'm too scared to feel the emotional pain of what i consider to be a potential reality. how do i get all of their toxic ideologies out of my head and be willing to experience life for myself?
Stop going on Jow Forums You're trying to treat the symptoms instead of the cause
Brandon Foster
Jow Forums is a cesspool of social degeneracy. It is filled with bait, and by taking them seriously you are essentially accepting advice from incels. Stop accepting other people's opinions, like a fucking woman and form your own conclusions like a man. Go socialize and enjoy your life. The white race has been around since the dawn of the human race and will be there till the end. Focus on your interests and ideology, and clear your state of mind.
And like said, stop fucking going over to Jow Forums. There are some genuine women out there that haven't been pegged by Marquis yet, and they all have your name on them.
Mason Jones
i have already stopped going on Jow Forums for the most part, but was on that shithole for nearly a year. it's really fucked up my worldview. like i said in the OP, i see real life proof that what i'm thinking is retarded, but the Jow Forums brainwash has made me rationalize every good thing that happens to me in a negative light (for example, i deny the fact that a girl is making advances towards me even though she clearly is)
>form your own conclusions like a man how do i do this? in other words, how do i adopt a more masculine mindset?
Joshua Reyes
'blackpill' is all about the devaluation of human beings, because people are sick and sociopathic, and they get worse by the year. it is he observance of these things, in specific relation to what they call "dating." r9k is right because they are observing this sickness in the world. but staring in the abyss too long will have it stare back at you, and this is what happened. you don't prove the abyss wrong, you simply lift your head and raise your eyes to something higher, further ahead in the distance. stop looking down and look up for once.
Colton Lee
>you don't prove the abyss wrong, you simply lift your head and raise your eyes to something higher, further ahead in the distance. stop looking down and look up for once. so are all the racial politics and ideologies surrounding women actually correct then? i'd like to believe what they post is a radicalization of reality. it's getting hard to tell what's real and what's propaganda at this point.
Austin Watson
get a hobby stop focusing on women and just do something other than making yourself feel bad
Eli Williams
>so are all the racial politics and ideologies surrounding women actually correct then? i'd like to believe what they post is a radicalization of reality. it's getting hard to tell what's real and what's propaganda at this point. You could ask the same question about this place.
Nicholas Green
You’re a moron. There are no fucking pills, why do you guys reduce the complexity of life to a single fucking color?
Do you know how dumb that is? It’s dumb
Brandon Lewis
i try, but it's hard. women aren't the only problem either, just a fraction of it. when i say "Jow Forums stereotypes" i'm also referring to things like basedboy, manlet, etc. for example, my manager looks like a basedboy and is interested in nerdy things so i automatically assume he's a beta male who'll be cucked at some point by his wife and i dislike him for meeting this stereotype. another example, this time involving women, is when a girl comes on too strong to me i just assume that she's a good for nothing whore and i want nothing to do with her. in reality she could just think i'm attractive and simply wants to get my attention.
you can see how deeply ingrained this thought process is and how much its been damaging my life. it's not simply about making myself feel about (although that's definitely a part) it's also about fitting people into stereotypes and disassociating myself from them.
Benjamin Foster
This is a fucking stupid way of looking at the world. Seems like I need to go to r9k and tell people what’s what
Jaxon Gutierrez
>so are all the racial politics and ideologies surrounding women actually correct then?
it's the observable reality.
>i'd like to believe what they post is a radicalization of reality.
it's extreme, not radical. these mean different things
>it's getting hard to tell what's real and what's propaganda at this point.
propaganda is for lemmings. look around you and ask yourself who the fuck is a lemming in your society
Jeremiah Jackson
i agree its stupid, but most people are under a spell.
Eli Morris
I know
Joseph Foster
honestly this, i know most of what i read on Jow Forums is either false or just extremities, but i still believe it partially for some reason i can't comprehend.
yeah it is a stupid way of looking at the world. i admit that and i want to change my mentality. good luck convincing your average Jow Forums browser of that though. most of them have no desire to escape their delusion.
Daniel Reyes
Yeah most people that belong to a dumb cult are uncomfortable thinking.
Jason Collins
>so are all the racial politics and ideologies surrounding women actually correct then
if you mean "all women just want the bbc" then no. women actually prefer their own race, its just that white guys have been pussified beyond belief. a fit, well put together white man will beat out any "thug" black man when vying for any women worth her salt.
if thats now what you meant, let me know what you DID mean by that
David Thompson
Would you rather it every time be spelled out "this stereotype is proven again because X" instead of just using the pill term? Not a fan of that board either, but there arent a bunch of forums anywhere to have conversations and call a spade a spade. Weed out the bullshit and entertain the ideas you relate to, for example taking the pill about who's running the world or what attracts other people type pills
Carter Torres
>honestly this, i know most of what i read on Jow Forums is either false or just extremities, but i still believe it partially for some reason i can't comprehend.
because it is what can be observed.
>yeah it is a stupid way of looking at the world. i admit that and i want to change my mentality. good luck convincing your average Jow Forums browser of that though. most of them have no desire to escape their delusion.
i'm going to clarify things for you.
the blackpill is a male understanding of a female imperative gone awry. thus it can be observed in our sickened society however, sickness is not the idle condition of any living thing --- health is. sickness is not life --- being sick is not living life, it is negating life. your problem is not delusion, it is pessimism (you'll never do this or that) attachment (i can't live a healthy life without this or that) hatred (this or that is oppressing me) envy (why does he get to have this or that and not me?) and so on
the more attention you give to this, the more it sucks your life away. this is the nature of the spell we are all currently under
Oliver Morgan
that is basically what i meant. and then i see people of my own race acting like betas or fucking dweebs and it pisses me off. it feels like they're contributing to this (likely imagined) racial problem. meanwhile i'm so wrapped up in my delusion that i, ironically, am contributing to the aforementioned "problem" because it's taking up so much of my mental energy i can't focus on anything else.
>the blackpill is a male understanding of a female imperative gone awry. thus it can be observed in our sickened society but the thing is i know that not all women are like this. of course there are a portion of them who are, hell, i've even experienced it firsthand, but i know that there are some good women in this world. i've witnessed that too. i'm just so wrapped up in this retarded delusion that it overpowers what i witness in reality sometimes. it prevents me from learning the truth and the workings of the world on my own accord.
also what you mention about pessimism, attachment, hatred, and envy; i can relate to all of those traits. how do i fight against the temptation to fall into these negative emotions and have a positive outlook on life and people?
Ayden Parker
>it's taking up so much of my mental energy i can't focus on anything else.
why? dont worry about other people. just focus on finding yourself a wife that isnt trash and have a family with her. that and make sure your kids dont end up like the dweebs you see
Nicholas Rivera
You can't just think for yourself? You let r9k tell you how to think and now you're begging for another board to do the same. It's sad how badly you need strangers on the internet to tell you what to think.
Thomas Hall
Women are people. Niggers are people. Trannies are people. Most importantly, you are people too. It's that simple.
Cameron Russell
stop taking everything everybody says on the internet as gospel. if you beleive everything everyone tells you >>is your name matt? as in doormat?
Evan Flores
being human is a pretty low bar If half the human population died right now i’d probably throw a party