>Jeff Beszos net worth: 157 billion $ >TheMarshall Plan, the historic U.S. aid initiative to speed western Europe's recovery after World War II, is rightly legendary for its vision and accomplishments. The $13.2 billion the United States dedicated to thePlanfrom 1948 to 1952 would be worth a substantial $135 billion intoday's money.
This one cheeky bald guy is literally worth more than the money it cost to rebuild most of Europe after ww2, bros... I'm starting to have doubts about this unregulated capitalism thing
Jow Forums will defend him while they don’t even have a million bucks. The rich have trained the poor well to fight their battles for them.
Ethan Perry
>135 bil in today's money
Christopher Watson
fuck you nigger
Carson Richardson
Europeans rebuild Europe. The amrshall pan is a major meme.
Ian Allen
It's all in company stock. The stock market is fake and hyperinflated. He couldn't cash that out if he wanted to.
Zachary Hernandez
>middle class becomes a billionaire >bad thing
Benjamin Morales
Start a company, issue 1001 shares, sell 1 share to your grandma for $1000. Your shares are now "worth" a million dollars.
This is how the stock market works.
Landon Perez
The MP was an investment in capitalism. Looks like it has paid itself back with interest and dividends. I fucking love amazon. Hope Bezos gets richer and supplies me even more cheap shit to magically arrive at my door in 2 days. When you bitch about capitalism you only ever bitch about people having more money than you. Meanwhile you reap the benefits and love it so much, you literally cannot imagine what life is like without it. >bbbut I meant we need more regs Ask yourself if your issue is really with the quantity and quality of goods.
Wyatt Clark
Its fine in principle, but it seems the wealthy just snowball more and more to absurd wealth while the existing middle class stagnate or worse, imagine if all the super rich actually start spending their money, Musk is worth nothing compared to Beszos but he took some risky investments and now we're on our way to asteroid mining (which is good for the planet, but it'll create trillionheirs), Jeff could literally rebuild the infrastructure of several US states if he wanted to, as an indivual
>Jeff Bezos' net worth: $78.5 billion He just lost half of it because he couldn't control his dick.
Liam Hernandez
>can't contain my jealousy >can't do better oh, the life of the untermenschen.
Robert Hall
>middle class becomes a billionaire >proceeds to destroy the middle class >good thing
Charles Ramirez
>be murican >buy chinkshit >blame some rich guy
Bentley Taylor
No one's denying his skill, but looking at it objectively, it just doesn't make sense no matter how effective at running a business for one guy to be so ahead compared to the hundreds of millions of Americans who work hard for in comparison pennies, not every one can advance, shit even if they have the skills, back in the day the American middle class prospered after the government broke up the railroad tycoon monopolies, not bevause they allowed 1 guy to control all the wealth, sound like a commie here but am not I swear, the 1% holds 38% of America's private wealth, this is absurd
Eli Brooks
Its not like he has that in cash. Bezos couldnt repair Europe after a World War. He could send everybody a nice jacket for a low low price or something.
Carson King
>wealth is a finite pie We turned fucking sand into a multi-billion dollar industry. The people who get in early take huge risks but the reward is also huge. Amazon didn't even turn a profit for 14 years.
Chase Howard
Trickle down my man, how do you think people get those fat food stamp bucks for sitting at home and trying to find a purpose from a hit of fentanyl after a chink slave was given his job for pennies on the dollar. CAPITALISM ROXX!!
Xavier Foster
That said, if you want to fix half the problem get rid of the federal reserve. Jews get preferential treatment from their (((banker buddies))) for obvious reasons. That's not capitalism, that's organized Jewry being propped up by the government.
David Collins
Reminder that "net worth" is a fictional number. Its not a real thing.
Anthony Gomez
>builds company out of his moms garage wh he lived with into his 30s. >becomes rich He fucking trained you poor people to shill for him DUURRRR why do you vote against your interests DURRRRr