Trickle down my man, how do you think people get those fat food stamp bucks for sitting at home and trying to find a purpose from a hit of fentanyl after a chink slave was given his job for pennies on the dollar. CAPITALISM ROXX!!
Jeff Beszos net worth: 157 billion $
Chase Howard
Xavier Foster
That said, if you want to fix half the problem get rid of the federal reserve. Jews get preferential treatment from their (((banker buddies))) for obvious reasons. That's not capitalism, that's organized Jewry being propped up by the government.
David Collins
Reminder that "net worth" is a fictional number. Its not a real thing.
Anthony Gomez
>builds company out of his moms garage wh he lived with into his 30s.
>becomes rich
He fucking trained you poor people to shill for him DUURRRR why do you vote against your interests DURRRRr
God damn you fags are cancer on every level.