I'm 18, I want to be rich, I live in fucking small town in Poland...

I'm 18, I want to be rich, I live in fucking small town in Poland, only money I earned in life was from scholarship and a few hundred dollars from applications I made for some people, however I don't like programming so I don't want to do it, how can I become rich or at least middle class? I mean I want car worth 50k $, maybe motorbike, expensive clothes, money for travelling

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Be skilled at something people are willing to pay for. Like sucking dicks.

>Be skilled at something people are willing to pay for
for example? I know that programmers earn much but I dont want to be one

Not sure if its legal in your country but prostitution, male or female, is a great way to get a lot of money quickly. That or porn. Once you have about $10k then invest it or start your own business

Become self employed and smuggle shit to Germany

From Poland? What can I smuggle to Germany? (except people)

It is legal to fuck for money, but you can't earn from someone's else prostitution
Can I earn from prostitution as male? Are there girls who give money for fucking?

Lots of Polish girls are part time prostitutes. It's more or less legal there.

Something that is cheap and/or common in Poland, but rare and expensive in Germany, and in high demand.

hi I’m rich my advice is just have rich parents who give you money

Doesn't exist these days with EU and all

Money for traveling makes sense, the others just seem like a compensation for a small penis or a gold digger magnet.
I live in a country with similar economy to Poland, am in the 96th percentile of median salary in my city, and buying a car for more than 20k EUR just seems really fucking wasteful.

>just have rich parents
I failed there

But I want money, I want to make career and make money

Do some clever buying and selling. Buy stuff that's cheap in one EU country and sell it in another where it's expensive. In the EU that isn't even smuggling.

And due to the nature of EU opportunities like this are long gone. Any such price differences will have been long since exploited.

I'm talking about illegal stuff, hence smuggling. I don't know how the fact that Poland has zloty interferes with it tho.

First off, university - no way around it unless you want to struggle with a tiny business that gets taxed to hell and beyond.

Then either banking or economic industries, preferably tech, cars, etc. Have fun.

No, but men will give money for fucking (if you look good).

Do you think that studying economics/finance would be good?

University is a scam and a meme

Only in Burgerland, not in Europe.

As someone who was poor, then rich, then poor again, and now very middle class, I can tell you the pursuit of wealth and money is a slippery slope. Money can buy you a lot of happiness, but it's often the journey to obtaining large amounts of it that consumes people and makes them into miserable, cynical shits that ironically can't enjoy their money because of how unhappy they are now. Nearly every rich person I knew and still know is a unhappy trainwreck and probably the last person you'd want to be friends with. Do what you love and what interests you; don't chase the dollar for its sake.

You can succeed with both. Finance is obvious, you work with money, so you get money. Investment banking is a 6-figure-a-year-guarantee.

But since you're Polish, economics offer interesting opportunities, too. China has been investing greatly in Poland lately since their extensive rail expansion. Learning Chinese could be a great benefit for you.

Shut up burger, nobody cares about your failed two-class-university and college memes. In the EU, people will laugh you out of the interview if you show up without a bachelors.

What if I can't do what I love and what interests me because I'm a poor piece of shit and stuck in a shitty country?

>In the EU, people will laugh you out of the interview if you show up without a bachelors.
Further proving that it's a scam. I'm from Germany btw, you obsessed double nigger.

Ich auch du Hurensohn.

>hahaha mach einfach ein biz auf hahahaXDXDXD
>Moin, Finanzamt hier. Bitte 40.000€ Steuervorauszahlung wenn sie ihren Tante Emma Schuppen behalten wollen, danke.

Wen zitierst du, Neuschwuchtel?

Dich du Vollidiot. Meine Fresse, zum Glück sind die Sommerferien hier bald vorbei.

Ich hab nichts von dem gesagt, Schizo.

You can always find some niche product no one else has noticed

Which won't last long when others notice it.

nothing interests me
is Chinese difficult to learn?

Best way to get rich is to work with money. Learn to invest or become a stock broker or something. Maybe look into starting a small company as middle man connecting service providers with customers, heaps of relatively easy money to be made there.

Also witaj z nowej zelandi, pol Polak tu zyje i troche tesknie za polska

>work with money
so I will study finance or economics


there's a couple ways to get rich. honestly I don't got it figured out bro, I am trying myself to improve my life and shit, but from what I see around I realize the rich guys are always land owners. so I would guess, buying land is a good strategy to get rich.


Stay poor eurofag, enjoy the idea of being a rich white amrrican!

Cart before the horse? People get rich and then buy land, mostly - not the other way around.