my boyfriend makes me too horny?? ok hear me out, i can't focus on my work or chat to my friends because im always thinking about him like bending me over a desk or something. he's just so big n hot and i can't control myself. it's gotten to the point where i need to excuse myself from class just to masturbate to the thought of him. should i break up with him, it's interfering with my daily life. thx
My boyfriend makes me too horny?? ok hear me out...
>white boyfriend
dab on those white roasties. They do not deserve us.
Nah don’t breakup, shoot for morning or after class sex.
Let me smell ur roast beef panties baby
>imagine having to flex on Jow Forums
lmao u r pathetic
he's hot and got a big pp
we already do that but then 10sec later im soaked again
well im not flexing on my personal facebook i dont want my aunt knowing im a whore
This is a tranny larp
Go back to discord with the other “women”
>well im not flexing on my personal facebook i dont want my aunt knowing im a whore
You are not whore if you sleep with white man. Remember it.
>Snorting rails off the holy bible
I like your style.
Gideons BTFO
>Wh*te is the only race that has cuck fetish
Know your place
n ur a virgin!! anymore brilliant observations??
shut up fag i hate trannies
its not slutty if we love each other right??
I can only imagine how many white girls seethe when you walk next to him. Chad white fucking small brown girl. They must go in berserk with rage. Lmao.
sometimes i feel bad because these 5"10' girls need 6"2' guys like him but the size dif is too hot to pass up on (im 5"0') LOL
how did you meet your boyfriend? i'm brown too but white guys don't really ask me out ;_;
He's an ugly guy fucking his looksmatch.
Im white guy. I would ask you out. Just go to random white guy you fancy and ask for number. They will certainly pick you up
he was big twitter boy, i fancied him n followed him then he followed me back?? kinda just worked itself out from there. big fan fic kinda vibes.
jus dont be a betafag and ask boys out, n if they say no they're greasy anyway!! don't let a dumb whiteboy make u feel ugly or anything, ur worth more than that so don't settle either.
nah he's a chad, big alpha. ur just sad because the only person that'd shag u would b ur dad
You have a way way overinflated opinion of yourself princess. Few things are more disgusting than two ugly people always making out in public. Please get a room.
This is so obviously a teenager incel male larping. Or jewish gay psyops. Not sure which.
r u a cuck or smth?? LOL
why are you mad nigger we get it you don't have a gf go cry
do you literally just hang out on advice to post TFWNOGF threads you pathetic fuckin mistake
Why are you typing like a 15 year old? Or is your IQ below 80?
This thread is pathetic. Why are white guys even fucking those little monkeys. Boggles my mind really.
Why are you typing like someone with a three inch penis and a weak chin
>everyone falling for weak bait
>and all of Jow Forums fell for the larp
OP is obviously a larper but the picture just shows two ugly desperate people
i dont find her ugly. She is 8/10
i bet you are ready to settle down now..
How does he carry himself? I want my gf to be obsessed with my cock all the time. I’m already pretty handsome, and working on getting into better shape
Shes a gross little spider legged goblin. The question is who is OP in relation to her? My bet is on some orbiter who got friendzoned to hell and back.
Keep LARPing little buddy. That'll win her heart
You should fuck him and take more online courses.
I'm not convinced you are really a woman.