Has Porn rotted my brain?

I don't hate women but after watching so much porn I can't look at them in the same way. You can be nice to girls, take an interest in them but deep down they want some well-hung chad to pound them silly. She'll preach about respect and women's right, then take some fuckboi home and swallow his load. I honestly don't know if porn has rotted my brain or if this is the ultimate blackpill.

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It's almost as if people are physically attracted to the best looking people of the opposite sex.

Then why pretend they want a guy who's caring, thoughtful, respectful etc. when they just want to fuck whoever's hawtest?

To irritate incels like you


Literally try your hardest to avoid porn for the rest of your life. After 90 days, your brain will be better. After a year, who knows.

Yes, it has.

Just remind yourself of one thing you've forgotten. All porn is fiction. No one is behaving normally. They are playing roles to fit male fantasies.

The women in porn are no more "real" than the talking animals in a Disney cartoon

It seems clear to me that porn has rotted yor brain but not in the way you think, the fact you seem to believe that all women want is "a well hung chad" tells me you've bought into a lot of the self loathing and sexist bs that gets passed around this site like an STD. Think about yourself for a moment, you may think you want some super hot babe who's never had sex with anyone else (but is also amazing in bed?) but i'm willing to bet if you found a girl who you got on with you could easily fall in love and they could be perfect for you. Same with women, yeah they can fantasise about six packs the same as us dudes can fantasise about huge tits but it's not the be all and end all. Porn rewires your brain so that we become shallow and insecure, after watching so much from a young age i went a long time not being able to interact with women without immediatly thinking "can i fuck this person" (i'm sure u can guess the answer lol). Take a break user, a long break, it'll be harder than you think but you can do it and you will be a healthier happier person for it. :)

Are you sure about this? It seems to me that nice guys always finish last. You show a genuine interest in a girl, treat her like a human being and you get friendzoned. Meanwhile she's getting railed by some sexist chad because he looks good and he's superficially charming

I agree. Porn has rotted me to the point I see women as mainly sex objects. I have a gf, but I see her more as a giant sex toy than a partner and I'm trying to change that.

Porn hasn't warp my standards of women. I don't need a girl like Megan Fox or Katy Perry. Those kind of sex symbols do nothing for me. I like all kinds of girls. I don't discriminate on race or if she's carrying a few extra lbs. It doesn't feel like it works both ways though.

Despite the changes in culture and society the fact remains when looking for a partner (so long term/have children with) women are attracted to a man with money and power. Men are the ones who put looks up top, specifically body type and face (hourglass and high cheekbones) essentially a woman who looks healthy enough to have children.

You need to quit porn bud. Do you think Tom Cruise can kick 5 guys asses at the same time?

Yeah, if you're talking about professional stars like Alexis Texas, Riley Reid, or whoever tf is trending on pornhub. It's literally just a job to them. They might love it or they might not, but they're doing it for the money. But if you look at all the amateur home made vids on pornhub, like 90% of them are girls with really hung chsds like OP said, or black guys.

Are you saying that women don't care how physically attractive or sexually dominant men are as long as they're rich/influential? This doesn't really make sense because plenty of girls fall for badboys who are shiftless niggers.

If they want to irritate Incels, then they shouldn’t be surprised that they are getting killed by them. In any case, this further proves that women do not deserve to have their rights as they are incapable of making logical decisions.

90% of the "amateurs" are professionals or beginners trying to break into professional porn.

I don't know user.
I got that pure gf, I got a nice virgin girl that wanted to wait till marriage, never cursed, perfect grades and what not. Young, bright and alive.
Well, I broke her with my dick. All she wants now is sex, sometimes I just want to sleep or nap together but she starts rubbing my cock and because of how it is it gets hard and she can only think of getting it into her. I've woken up to her riding me, cock deep into her.
I'm tired, I just want some hugs and cuddles not this.

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people only want this until they are old then they regret being fucking retarded as a youth. however, forward thinking people do exist, believe it or not

It's such a hopeless situation. I treat people how I want to be treated. If I like someone, I take an interest in them and their life. But it turns out all you need to be is a sexist, arrogant chad to get the girl

Bump. Need help
I'm going insane

I'm giving the facts about what women look for in long term partners. Money and power are at the top. Of course looks matter, but it's not 1 and 2 on the list like it is for men. And penis size isn't really a factor unless your dick is an outlier on the bell curve.
Please use reading comprehension and try to understand what others are writing not trying to fit it into the narrative you have.

Stuff like shared values, interest, compatibility are tertiary to money and power? How does your average wagecuck find a partner then?

Because girls want to appear good hearted or decent outwardly but hide their inner workings which to many are obvious. Ignore this fag

Because Bill Gates doesn't have 10,000 wives. Because Tiger Woods fucks a hundred randoms but only is married to one at a time.
How does average looking women find husbands when there are supermodels out there?
Average wagecucks marry average looking ladies. Is this really a revelation to you?

I'll take an average-looking lady.



>Has Porn rotted my brain?
>durr wimminz only want chad thundercock to fuck them and I see no point in talking to women because I'm not that
Women aren't fans of big dicks because it feels like they are being punched in the cervix, they will resort to sucking dick or a handjob if it comes to that, it isn't fun for women to have a sore vagina repeatedly.
Women don't tend to swallow cum if they don't know you and more importantly don't know you're STI free with absolute certainty and trust you, even one night stands I've had women will suck until you're close to cumming then start basically drooling and avoid their mouth being remotely close to your dick when you do cum.

Your expectations have been ruined by porn consumption, stop viewing porn, stop masturbating more than 2x a week (not 2 days a week, 2x a week), go outside and talk to people and talk to women, it sounds like you have a real problem.

Adding to Porn is fiction, porn is fantasy, porn is simply not real.
Almost nobody is fucking their plumber. Almost nobody is fucking their landlord/tenant. Almost nobody is fucking someone who has a 6.5" dick. Almost nobody is fucking someone because they have a big dick (save for gay men who are referred to as "size queens"). Almost nobody is having threesomes or getting involved in gang bangs.

Basing anything on porn is unrealistic, women aren't squatting over anyone and bouncing on dicks in high heels because real women aren't that fit and beds are uneven (especially in heels), women aren't sucking dick for 10 minutes before you fuck them, women aren't choosing to stop letting you fuck them so you can cum on their face/in their mouths.
Porn is incredibly scripted with everything being done so it looks good for the camera, the women get implants and all sorts of shit to look like bimbos (lips/tits/cheekbones), the verbal scripts and scenarios are made to appeal to someone's fantasy as much as the content.
The majority of porn is made with the intention of the viewer picturing themselves as the guy (this is obviously the case in pov porn, but is the case in regular viewpoint porn), that's why there isn't as much lesbian porn as "straight" porn.

Eventually after watching too much porn it becomes the only thing that gets you off and fucks you over when you fuck someone irl, I experienced it and basically couldn't cum without wanking myself silly for 5 minutes hoping the woman I'm fucking is invested enough to keep trying to get me off. Porn for the most part makes money off advertising, it's made to keep you coming back.

Watch different porn, seventies porn is pretty healthy.

Thanks guys. I really hope you are right. I think it's because I've been an incel for so long that I accept porn as my reality. If I'm not having sex it's obviously because women just want to be fucked by chads