Are men unironically attracted to dominant, assertive and ambitious women?
On the other hand i've also been told that men doesn't care about any of these traits.
Are men unironically attracted to dominant, assertive and ambitious women?
On the other hand i've also been told that men doesn't care about any of these traits.
Having a dominant gf has it's moments.
I remember my ex gf literally grabbing me by the dick and pulling me into the bedroom to fuck.
But I wouldn't say I like this in general, I like to call the shot desu.
But if I like the girl I guess I can deal with it.
Some men are and some men aren't. Cool? Next question.
Men are attracted to women that have a pulse.
Even the ugliest women I've met in this life had kids and husbands but I can't say the same about men
I am, but when I can't have them it makes me upset. I try to hide it, but occasionally I slip up in a heated moment.
I am but I wouldn't view her as dominant but I do like tough women.
Not necessarily those characteristics but confidence and ambition are pretty attractive characteristics
Some men are, some men aren't. I'm led to believe there are more of the latter than the former.
Personally I have a tendency to find those traits attractive.
>Personally I have a tendency to find those traits attractive.
I don't think anyone hate them as much as they just feel indifferent
I remember a guy on Quora saying 'these are all things women find attractive in a guy, not the other way around'
As I said.
I don't understand what you meant by quoting my personal inclinations.
This. I dont need a butch bitch but someone who knows what she wants would be nice. Currently I'm starting to resent my gf cause she can never show go getter mentality when it comes to sex, and I'd honestly like a woman who has no issue showing off her libido to her man. Ain't shit fun about having to initiate all the time.
not particularily. Sounds more like what women want out of men.
Why do you think that some men doesn't care about these traits?
you should be able to figure this out relatively quickly, just be bossy in a playful way
No, unless they are extremely attractive and is willing to take let the man provide for her.
Even them, if the women is way more successful than the man is, it can't be impossible.
for example, let's say you are dating someone and suddenly you are offered a really good position in other state/country/continent? will you choose your partner over that offer? what will be of your relationship?
You are better of looking for someone with similar personalities traits, but again, we want someone to complement each other and not someone to compete with.
>Are men unironically attracted to dominant, assertive and ambitious women?
I have yet to find a woman who actually has those qualities. The ones who appear that way, are faking it until they get back home.
I like girls like this but only if she's fiercely loyal. Often dominance and assertiveness comes with a "I'll wake what I want" lack of dedication to one relationship, and they therefore try to upgrade to "better" guys
>Are men unironically attracted to dominant, assertive and ambitious women?
Ambitious, yes. Men want women who are more than just an empty shell. We want women who we can actually talk to because they have a mind of their own as well as interests. Dominant or assertiveness? No. We want subservient women who will bend to our will and call. If more women did this, there would be less single men. We just want to take care of ya'll if you let us. We are the dominant and assertive ones; society today would say otherwise however.
>On the other hand i've also been told that men doesn't care about any of these traits.
It depends on the man. Some men have lower requirements than others in dating. I care about having a cute girl that isn't afraid of being a girl. I prefer women who let me be the man and won't fight about it. Period. It sounds sexist because it is.
Some men like dominant, assertive women, some want a submissive, subservient woman. Id say ambition is something most every man finds attractive though. Personally, Id rather have a gf that did both occasionally, rather than one all the time.
Dominant in what way? Sexually?
I fins those traits repulsive. Most men want femenine, caring, nurturing girls, not some bossy YASS QUEEN cunt
I do find these traits attractive but I'm also willing to look for a very caring and nurturing woman if I can't find a strong woman like that.
I'm mainly talking about 'dominant' as a personality trait so that would mean outside the bedroom
then no not really. Sexually? Yeah. Outside the bedroom? Not so much.
The important thing is the intangible and confusing force of "chemistry".
Being "dominant" or "shy" or whatever is negligible compared to someone's person as a whole.
That said, I will say that for me... Whenever I really like a girl, I do seem to have this weird urge to do anything for her and for some reason it seems some sick part of me wants her to toy with me and be smarter, more driven, even taller than me. But of course, it's not so much about her having traits so good she's better than me, but rather I desire to do everything and be everything for her and go insane over and be allowed to do that instead of trying to pretend she doesn't have me wrapped around her finger by my own aparrent nature alone. For some reason, I want to be infatuated and at her mercy.
It seems to extend beyond just sex and it kind of bothers me... I've never told a girl about it before, but then, I've not been in a very long relationship yet.
It's really confusing to have this part of me that feels okay with me (literally?) tying a girl's shoes for her and having her string me along a little.
I don't want to be manipulated or to be someone's bitch, yet I want to allow a woman to manipulate me and essentially worship her as a god. It makes no sense.
Of course, a woman can also be those things and not necessarily have that whole business suit wearing demeanour.
Dominant, assertive... Sure.
Ambitious? I guess that's good. But ultimately without knowing her, these are all just words.
But yeah, I do like dominant women (women that can be dominant with me) to the point that it scares me a bit.
>tfw no big strong amazon to snu snu me and break my pelvis and/or face
Some men are, most are not. The reverse is true: most women are attracted to dominant and assertive men
I am attracted to confident and intelligent and competent women. Ambition is good, assertive is fine, but dominant is usually not good. Competent is much more important. If you are wrong, you should b able to adjust course of action rather than just dominate and get your failures implemented regardless.
But of course yes having the general personality of being dominant...
That's yeah. To me, that's good.
Only thing is, kinda like I said, it might worry me a little if I feel like I'm not really doing anything for her besides doing what she wants. I want tofeel like I have say to and that she actually likes me.
I can definitely tell you that I do like when a girl asks me out and when a girl actually has a job and is doing something for people/the world. It's really nice to see a girl take on the task of setting up dates and all that stuff. Really impressive.
>Not so much.
Men are attracted to women who CAN be dominant, assertive and ambitious. But unless we're talking SoCal beta cucks, the pants are still desirable on the male part.
>it seems some sick part of me wants her to toy with me and be smarter, more driven, even taller than me
I believe the appropriate term would ve 'mental, emotionel or interpersonal domination'.
My theory is that people are (subconciously) distancing themself from from the term and concept of 'femdom' and 'BDSM' because they associate both with loveless prostitution (professional dom) and repulsive degeneracy such as chastity, cuckolding and hardcore huniliation. People basically want the real deal and none of this depraved bullshit.
I’m a woman who comes across as dominant or something I think, because I attract a lot of men who straight up tell me that they want to be dominated. The problem is it’s entirely a ruse on my part because when I meet people I’m awkward and speak bluntly. I’m actually really shy and could never dominate somebody sexually. That’s just me personally, I do know some women who deeply enjoy domination in a personality and a sexual way
pushovers suck regardless of sex. either you'll be a used condom, or the best thing to ever come in another person's life.
>it’s entirely a ruse on my part because when I meet people I’m awkward and speak bluntly. I’m actually really shy
What do you mean with 'it'a a rise in my part'? Doesn't shyness kinda contradict bluntyness?
>I do know some women who deeply enjoy domination in a personality way
How exactly are they doing this? How does the person o. The receiving end feel about and how do the ususlly react?