Should I contact this woman again?

I don't know if it's a cultural thing or what. I am Swedish and I approached an Asian woman in the street. She was Korean and is studying here. After talking for a while I asked if she wanted to join me for a smoothie. I bought smoothies and then we were headed to a place to sit. On the way there she asked about how many days vacation we get per year in Sweden, but she said something like "you in the working class", even though she hadn't asked what I do for a living. I don't know if pretty much everyone is considered working class in Korea. I know in America pretty much everyone is considered middle class, unlike the European definition. I also don't know if she thought she herself is working class or not. I just thought it was insulting to say I was working class when she knew next to nothing about me. I got her number and I asked if we could meet next weekend but I don't know if I want to contact her.

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Haha this again . You really hate women, stop interacting with them. You need therapy.

Fuck no. Some foriegner tell me I'm "working class" while asking me how many days of vacation I get is not only obtuse as fuck, it is straight up disrespectful. If you got her number, you tell her this and ask if all korean women are as rude as her.

Man! Bitches are just dumb. They don't make sense or mean anything by what they say. She is Korean. If she is even talking to you, that means she is willing to fuck

Oops I think actually she was from Hong Kong. I talked to several Koreans lately though, including one today, but yeah I think she was from Hong Kong.


The smart thing to do would have been to make a joke about it.

In America working class would be considered blue collar, professional jobs are considered white collar. She might be rude or it just might be a cultural thing. I don't know. I do know that you got her number, so if you want to pursue her then call her if not then don't call her.

Yeah but she had just told me she was a student, implying not blue collar. Although she did say something about how it was hard to get leave after graduating or something, which might imply that even with a college degree you're working class in Hong Kong. I do have a working class job and I didn't use to like women who were students or had a college degree, but a) they are so many and b) their education is meaningless garbage for the most part, is why I try not to care anymore. Of course most of THEM care fucking much though.

Dude. Wtf. Just date fat slags. You are spiraling here.