Holy Shit I fucked Up and I Need Advice Now

Oh my God, I’m so fucking stupid. Why am I like this? Why did it have to be this way? I didn’t mean for any of this to happen!

I was so lonely, anons. I finally had. A chance to sleep with a girl but the girl I found was only 14 and I knew I shouldn’t have but I was so weak I couldn’t think about the consequences of my actions. God, I’m so stupid why am I like this?! What if my family thinks ima pedo? What if she tells her parents? Then I’m fucked! I’m straight fuckd, bros. I knew she was only 14 Andy I knew I should never have gotten her drunk but I was so lonely and thus was my chance. God, I don’t want to go to prison. I don’t want to be raped by Tyrone. I wannna live my life, I don’t wanna live in a prison cell for the rest of my life.

I don’t know what to fucking do. I feel like my hearts gonna explode and I can’t stop breathing fast and I’m standing over the overpass of a highway and I don’t want to do anything stupid.

Please anons help. God help me I’m looking for. A Hail Mary

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Calm the fuck down, did you meet the girl before you were 18?

Jesus fucking Christ someone somebody fucking tell me something! That’s it, there’s nothing else to it. I fucked my own life over by screwing a 14 year old and I can’t gobbavk. That’s it, IM gonna jump. I’m gonna fucking jump. Please, anybody, give me anything that can help me out here.

I hope this is a LARP. I'm sure your friends and family will be thrilled to see you on the news. Most inmates don't take too kindly to child rapists so I doubt you'll have to worry about it for very long. Even if you do make it out of jail after however many years, you'll be on a sex offender registry for pretty much ever. What exactly do you want help with? Avoiding the consequences of your actions?

What are your country's/state's laws on that? In germany for example you can date/fuck 14 year olds up until you're a 21 year old.
Also just to make it clear: i despise you OP. You're lower than the dirt in my boot. Attack your existence.

No. No nonono I didn’t. I didn’t know she was THAT young. But then she told me she was that young and why did my retarded ass stil, fuck her? Why? I shouldn’t have done it. I knew I shouldn’t but I did it anyway and it’s all my fault!

Certain regions provide laws that dont sentence someone who doesnt know the age of their partner before sex

You know what? I can’t run away. I feel like I’m choking on my own breath. I’m gonna jump. I know I’m gonna jump. I’m gonna do it.

In case this is real don't talk to the police without a lawyer present. If they show up there is no talking your way out. Just shut up ask for a lawyer and go with them. Again do not talk to the police. Unless she gets you DNA tested you'll be okay.

Fucking relax bro. Nothing is likely to happen at all whatsoever. You motherfuckers watching too much tv or whatever you do these days. It ain't really like that relax. We are here for you including those who call you pedo because they received the same brainwashing as you. Maybe a hint of pedo but nothing I haven't seen before. Relax. Relax.