Just wanna do it with a degenerate fag but there's no one at my school that will lower their standards for me. what do?
6-7/10 femanon in late hs
6-7 is the sweet spot, there must be something wrong with you or your rating isnt accurate. Guys hit on 5s, what are you talking about
guys hit on 4's*
lower your standards
Cant really say what the problem is without a pic, but double check that you: shower daily, dont dress in sweatpants, arent a landwhale, and smile. Also, women tend not to do this out of pride, but if you sat next to some lonely nerd at lunch and asked to hang out after school, you'd probably make him the happiest he's ever been in his whole life. And no, Im not exaggerating.
Flaunt your tits more.
I don't know lady, how autistic are you?
i'd say my face is probably a 9 but I'm a little chubby and I don't have enough tits to cope. The country fags at my school are only into the 9s because they act the sluttiest.
Do you just really want to get laid or something? Are you a virgin?
Yes to all of the above. I've been single all of HS, and I don't have any standards at all. I really don't think im that ugly but I know im not no stacy. Its just annoying af.
I swear I am perfectly normal. Shower every morning. Dress nicely and feminine, friendly to any guy who I can talk to but I'm a little shy so I'm not starting too many conversations. I just don't think I could make anyone's day, I feel like I'm the joke of the school bcus of how unfuckable I am. But i can't figure out why I'm unfuckable.
Post picture for judgement. Either you’re lying or somehow too autistic for the pathetic guys who trip over the few girls that tolerate them around
In all seriousness, casual sex isn't worth anything and just makes you feel used and degraded. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin, especially if you're still in high school. It's a perfectly fine thing to wait for a guy who loves you and wants to make you feel good.
>I've been single all of HS, and I don't have any standards at all.
You're probably really ugly and/or fat. I remember there was a fat chick in hs that (basically) asked me out when she was a senior. I honestly wouldn't have dated her if I wasnt on the rebound from a breakup, but I was surprised to learn that she was a khv. Im not sure what's best for you, but that's probably the reason you're alone. Maybe lose some weight?
>i'd say my face is probably a 9 but I'm a little chubby and I don't have enough tits to cope. The country fags at my school are only into the 9s because they act the sluttiest.
You need to lose weight. Find some women that can teach you how to be social, flirt and be a slut.
ugh I used to be a lot heavier, but once HS started I kinda got an eating disorder and lost a bunch of weight. Currently 5'6" and 124 ish lbs. I'm really worried that it might be due to my weight, but I have heavier friends with boyfriends. I think its just the lack of tits :/
>I just don't think I could make anyone's day
Ive had girls come onto me that were frankly disgusting. It really is a confidence boost, though.
Well, how do you feel about fucking an older man? If you're after a one night stand, there's plenty of guys in their 20's or 30's who would jump at the chance to fuck a teen. Your small tits wouldn't be an issue then since those kind of guys might be into it.
My friends are a little slutty, but anyone who could possibly help me hates me, they were bitchy to me freshman year and I told them off.
If your friends are a little slutty, then they can help you.
Chubby girls tend to be slutty.
>I kinda got an eating disorder and lost a bunch of weight
>5'6" and 124 ish lbs
>I'm really worried that it might be due to my weight
That puts you at a healthy bmi, which in the US would mean you're probably on the thin side. Could it be that youre just a generally unlikeable person on top of being less than average looking? Confidence is attractive to both sexes, so if you mope around, then you probably repulse guys that way too.
this. What state/country do you live in OP? Im 20 and its not soliciting a minor if you say youre 18.
This is from spring break of sophmore year. I dressed similar to this freshman-sophmore but since summer of sophmore year I've been wearing more dresses and clothes that the other girls at my school wear. Just not confident enough to go for something super revealing
I'm 24 and have never fucked before. Just pick a guy, throw it out there, and if it doesn't work, try with another. It's easier for women to get laid than for men. There are plenty of men out there that are depraved enough to fuck anything that comes their way. I know because I'm one o them.
You dont look fat, but what's up with your hair? Its really short for a girl.
I wont rule out the personality thing, but I'm friends with a lot of people. Like most of the girls in my class, and 1/4 of the males in my class. But maybe I just have a friendzone personality. I live in NM, USA anyone here who would be into minors is definitely a druggy and car thief.
Oh come on, you don't look fat at all. You look completely fine. And no one wants a girl who acts like a slut, especially when you can tell it's not really who she is. You're not that kind of girl, there's nothing wrong with that.
>Chubby girls tend to be slutty.
They do love to eat.
You look masculine in that pic.
You look like trash
At the time it was a little longer than it looks in the pics. It was about shoulder length at the end of sophomore year and now its a good 5 inches past my shoulders.
I know, it's gotten a lot better since then though. If I had bigger tits I could dress like that without any problems. :/
You don't look fat at all in that picture. I get the feeling that you're just shy. That's cute. Eventually you'll meet a guy who will get to know you and grow to love your personality, and he'll go crazy dying to see what you look like under your NASA t-shirt. You don't have to force it. It'll happen.
And I kind of like small boobs by the way. It's not anywhere near as big a deal as you think it is.
Honestly, OP, theres nothing wrong with being a virgin past hs. 99% of guys view sexual inexperience as a positive trait and women who have low body counts tend to be happier. My advice would be to just wait until college. If 4 years from now, no guys have shown interest, then maybe you should start to worry. Most guys in hs are beta cucks anyways, despite what the media would tell you.
you look like a male extra from Stranger Things.
And here comes the incel brigade
You are beautiful. I really like your outfit there and your hair. I bet there are guys who are interested in you and find you attractive but they don’t always ask people out and take initiative. If you really want to date, you can try a dating app. You might be surprised by the amount of messages you get. But honestly, you aren’t missing out on much. I promise you that.
No, he's right. Casual sex is a meme.
are you 18, give me your contact info
I'm not trying to become a slut overnight but, I'm super horny. Masturbation will not cut it. I just want what everyone else has, and my friends think I'm crazy because they get accosted by fuckboys all the time.
>here comes
I've been posting itt the whole time, you moron
>the incel brigade
"Wahh, someone pointed out that being a slut makes women unhappy. INCEL! INCEL! INCEL! REEEEEE"
I do think it's pretty cute how badly you want to have sex. I think you'll likely regret it if you start having casual hookups though. You don't seem like that kind of girl. Wouldn't you rather be with a guy who loves you, and who really wants to make you feel good when he makes love to you?
>I just want what everyone else has
I've felt that way for 29 years, feels shit man
>I'm super horny. Masturbation will not cut it.
Try getting a dildo. Getting in a relationship wont make you any less horny.
>I just want what everyone else has
Youre overblowing relationships. Being in one doesnt make everything better and I guarantee you you arent alone in being lonely. If you really want to meet people, try my "talk to lonely nerds" advice. Then at least you'll be with other lonely people and be more likely to get a date instead of clamoring for the hot guys every girl wants.
Just get absolutely blasted and Lose standards (lost virginity at 14 and wasn’t cute) go at it !
It might be your personality. Do you give people death glares? Are you interested in non mainstream things? If yes, then the guys who do want to fuck you might be too intimidated.
I just feel like I've been straight-laced my whole life and now in the last bit of high school it seems kinda pointless to let it go. My parents are super strict religiously (muslim too) so I kinda got a reputation freshman year that I didn't want to go to drinking parties or anything like that. they've started to loosen up recently because they think I need a relationship. I would prefer a relationship to random dicking while drunk at a party though..........
A relationship is more important than sex for sure. Quiet and shy girls don't get as much attention, but I'm not worried at all about your ability to find someone who will care for you. Are there any boys at your school that you like?
You can't sit here and complain when we both know you'd reject me in real life even though I'd love and cherish you forever.
>I just feel like I've been straight-laced my whole life and now in the last bit of high school it seems kinda pointless to let it go
Thats probably a better way of thinking about it. Rushing into degeneracy just because youre horny isnt a good move.
>My parents are super strict religiously (muslim too)
White muslims in NM? Sheeit, now youre just fucking with us, right? Thats definitely outlandish. Do your classmates know youre muslim? That religion is pretty stigmatized in the US. Maybe people dont know youre on the market or are scared of asking you out.
>I would prefer a relationship to random dicking while drunk at a party
You should wait for real relationship. Hs is really early in the dating scene, so you shoudnt feel inadequate for not being with someone yet.
There are a couple, but one is really prude and would not give me a dicking. He would also tell my parents if he found out anyone else gave me a dicking. The other guy seems genuinely uninterested in a relationship.
Well, femanon, you seem pretty cute to me. If I knew you I'd be happy to suck on your tits and spank you and just show you the time of your life. But until then, this guy has the right idea. Just put yourself out there and be friendly with people. There have been girls I've thought nothing of, but then as I got to know them and liking their personalities I started to find them really attractive. That's just how our minds work. If you like someone a lot, you start to think they're sexy.
>White muslims in NM? Sheeit, now youre just fucking with us, right?
There's actually a lot of white converts in ABQ. My parents weren't converts though. I'm 3rd gen Chechnian immigrant, no clue why we're in NM of all places though.
>Do your classmates know youre muslim?
AFAIK, no. Only my friends who have ever been to my house I think. I've never covered my hair at school or anything. Even if people did find out I think a lot of the trump country fags at my school would love the experience of "westernizing" me.
>Hs is really early in the dating scene, so you shoudnt feel inadequate for not being with someone yet.
I know, and I try to talk myself out of it but I still worry.
Hey, atheist guy with Muslim gf here. A lot of guys are honestly scared of your parents response. Most guys will not suspect that you want a relationship, so you'll have to break out of your comfort zone a little bit. Think about what you're doing before you act though, my GF's family fucked her over royally because I am white.
>Even if people did find out I think a lot of the trump country fags at my school would love the experience of "westernizing" me.
Unless I'm "dating" one of the few muslim boys who live here (that don't go to my school btw), with the intentions of marriage soon after we graduate hs my parents would not be ok with anything. They would never hear about any relationship I would enter, and I really don't think anyone at my school would know/suspect that I am, especially since I'm not brown. How did your gf signal that she was interested in a relationship?
Do you think of yourself as Muslim yourself, or is that just for your parents?
idrk. I definitely believe in the religion, but I feel that even if I die before I get the chance to ask for forgiveness and go to hell, I need to live out some of the "western devils" my parents love to scream about. I'm definitely not putting it in my instagram bio or anything.
You'd be surprised how parents can find things out, especially if your parents aren't dumb.
She used Bumble, and we met that way. This city (Ottawa) is also known for supporting interracial and interfaith relationships at the university level, although it is conservative at other levels.
Honestly, sex is over rated unless it's with someone you like, and it can be really easy for a clever (but awful) boy to leverage your relationship, ESPECIALLY because you your situation.
I think I'd feel guilty having sex with you, since I think you'd probably feel really guilty when it's over. Is a one night stand something you'd be interested in, or are you strictly looking for a relationship?
I would probably have an easier time hiding it if I lived in a bigger city. I'm probably just going to have to wait it out but this last year is gonna kill me. planning to move out of state for college so I should have some chance.
>Unless I'm "dating" one of the few muslim boys who live here (that don't go to my school btw), with the intentions of marriage soon after we graduate hs my parents would not be ok with anything.
Youre fucked. Move out asap to start your love life. It'll probably be impossible to date anyone without your parents knowing while you live with them unless they're okay with it.
> Is a one night stand something you'd be interested in, or are you strictly looking for a relationship?
I am definitely more interested in a relationship at this point, but a one night stand with someone in a similar situation to me would probably work out. at least I'd know he wouldn't go blabbing to anyone.
Unfortunately, the only guys that are around my age and familial makeup are either in a relationship or really strict.
Her parents live in Toronto and found out when they came to visit by surprise. That was not fun. I personally think that their behaviour was pretty shitty (they visited for controlling reasons), because I've watched her grow from struggling to succeeding and helped her find the resources to help with some personal problems. If you want to ask either of us any questions, let me know.
I'm really sorry about that. I wouldn't say my parents are controlling, just strict, so hopefully I could move out without anything similar happening. thanks for the advice.
I really is kind of adorable how badly you want it, it really is.
Well, I wish you the best of luck with whatever it is you choose to do, and your body is definitely not the reason you're not getting laid. It's just the fact that you're shy.
That triggered you something fierce. Don't want to be called an incel? Then don't post garbage material from your evil death cult.
>ahh, I see you soundly btfo'd me there
>bet that means youre triggered, huh?
no, fag. It actually means that you are.
You obviously are not smart enough to understand that your collection of "blackpill" meme graphs are completely made up bullshit. You'd have to be a real brainlet to believe what you posted is legit.
>sourced graphs
>completely made up
This is weak bait.
>riddled with spelling errors
>source is a crackpot religious site manifesto
I would say you are baiting if you hadn't outed yourself as an incel before, an incel's maximum IQ is 80.
if there's any boys/men that talk to you regularly, say "would you like to come to my house/go to your house?"
of course, confirm if no one's at home, or maybe it doesn't matter.
You gotta act suggestively and converse casually.
A sex friend is fine.
Dude you dresslike a dyke. Get some makeup and wear clothes from forever 21 or h&m. Ask one of your slutty friends to go shopping
that means you are a 2 not a 6/7
Show yourself and we will give you a score
High School literally doesn't matter. Just stay positive and go into college willing to meet new people.
If you're really that insecure about going to college as a virgin, I guarantee you that there's any number of quiet guys that would love to have a girl appraoch them for once.
Have you considered that you may intimidate people into not flirting or hitting on you?
Just because you aren't being hit on doesn't mean that people don't want to hit on you.
You’re not a girl or younger than 25, you’re some fat ugly sweaty bastard who faps to anime porn.
Not sure if trolling...
That's what I was thinking.
trad country white guys hate anyone who immasculates them. lose weight or find the black guys.
>The source for the three "promisquity bad" graphs is Stefan fucking Molymeme
>This is your brain on American education
There's nothing wrong with being a virgin in high school OP. Nothing wrong with being a virgin fullstop. Don't fall for cumbrain propaganda and just lose it with someone you feel is right, and you trust. That time will come eventually, but not when you're anxious.