Gf told me that if my dick was 1-2cm bigger it'd be better

>gf told me that if my dick was 1-2cm bigger it'd be better

I'm in my early 20s, my dick can't grow. I'm stuck at 13cm for good.
What's the best way to use my dick. Anything I can read online? Also I don't watch porn.

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The g-spot is only 1-2 cm in, so try to hit that.

Just buy a penis pump faggot

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Maña antes que fuerza.

Have ypu considered buying a strap-on?

You're not using it right; if anything you're going too deep to make her feel good.

Focus on her mental pleasure first and foremost. Make her feel special. Women aren't like men wherein men love absolute physical trysts. Women are more turned on by the fantasy- the idea or the feelings associated with being intimate with someone.

Also you better not mess this up; women expect mind-blowing and different experiences every time. Repeat this horrid experience plenty enough and she will leave you. Treat her right before you try again. Practice, research, rehearse.

If you're fat, then losing weight will give you more penis to work with.

Aside from that, I'd question why you're girlfriend brought it up. Is she just trying to be mean to you? Is there a reason why she might be trying to neg you?

It might also be like this poster said.
She might be being mean to try to prompt you to change up your routine. Kind of a dick move (heh), but if you expect women to speak straight about this kind of thing, you're in for a life of suffering.

Lol, try different angles to hit the back. I'm at around 20-21 CM and even I won't hit the sweet spot unless I'm positioned right.

Though jesus, a big dick makes sex so much easier. Sometimes I just pin the girl down, go balls deep, reach round to play with their clit, and just hold them there until they orgasm. No thrusting, nothing. Only movement comes from them squirming.

Your girlfriend is a cunt for saying that. Next time tell her that her tits are too small

cock sheath or strap on