I'm 26, I live with my mom, I'm a highschool drop out, I can't find a job.
How do I unfuck my life?
I'm 26, I live with my mom, I'm a highschool drop out, I can't find a job.
How do I unfuck my life?
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Scratch that you a drop out
I don't know if they'd take a fat guy with horrible vision.
but not active duty, active just fucks it harder
Self-study and take a college-level exam to test out of classes if you want the academic route.
Go to trade school if you want money.
Work at a company that trades out employees often (like fast food or retail) and work your way up for the hardest, seniority approach.
Don't you generally need a product for that? I don't really have any marketable skills besides amateur writing skills and some decent social skills.
I've thought about writing porn for cash if need be what would prefer a more stable career.
>Self-study and take a college-level exam to test out of classes if you want the academic route.
I'm pretty sure I'm not cut out for academia, given that I hated high school. Only academic pursuits that interest me are archeology and anthropology, which aren't STEM and thus not really worth going in for.
>Go to trade school if you want money.
I've thought about that, but not sure what to go in for.
>Work at a company that trades out employees often (like fast food or retail) and work your way up for the hardest, seniority approach.
I live in a very small town. I've had a really hard time getting hired at all.
You're straight fucked, might as well start playing the lottery.
Get a 120k job. This is the best economy in history.
First step, get your GED or AEHD. Without it, you're really fucked. I'd talk to the military recruiters to help you with studying and passing. Also maybe a social worker.
If you can drive, work for some company like Lyft or Uber. Work for food delivery services, and where else you can.
Save money.
Test out of your freshman year of college using CLEP or DSST. modernstates.org is good and free. They give you a free voucher for the tests after completing the classes.
Complete college if you can. If not, learn something technical that isn't too hard. CNC factory assembly line type work is easy to get into and good paying. You can make $20+ an hour easy with very little, if no experience but are trainable, by loading up materials and pressing a button.
Look into vocational training as well.
>First step, get your GED or AEHD
I'm in a weird place with that. In my province(British Columbia) they discontinued the GED program. I'd have to go in for a few years of schooling to get my equivalent, so I've thought of waiting until I move to do my GED.
>If you can drive
I have a learner's, but nothing more than that
>Test out of your freshman year of college using CLEP or DSST.
Thanks, I'll look into that. Is it US-only or can my Canadian ass use it?
Not in my country lel.
im 25 and was same. went to community college. now in electrical union under an apprenticeship and have my first assignment coming in two weeks. the military's also an option, they'll take literally anyone that can walk.
How is being an electrician? Fun work?
GED, take loans, go to community college for easy As and high GPA, switch to university when you find major you like, graduate, profit. Will take time and effort but worth it.
t. engineer that started to get his engineering degree at 26
Work in a market ? Did you try this ?
You could fix your life financially. Socially, no.
Step away from the computer. Go outside and to what passes for "downtown" in your city. Walk into literally EVERY SINGLE store, office, factory, restaurant, bar, gas station and other business and ask if they're hiring.
The law of averages says that at least one of those will have just fired someone or had someone quit. You can have a job before nightfall.
(Then go get your GED so you can start looking for a better job)
>I can't find a job.
Even a damn mexican who can't speak a word of english can find a job.
Get a job, move away from mommy, take the GED test, and grow up.
Hard work shithead!!
Not in rural Canada. We have way more supply of labour then we have demand.
I've tried most of them at different points, but I suppose I can try all 27 businesses in this town again.
Go to academia and study those things that interest you. Do not worry if they are worth it or not. Just complete the education.
Go back to school OP and upgrade your life. Take care of yourself. It sucks but you can get out of it. I'm in the same boat. I have no friends, I'm okay looking and I live with my parents. Going back to school is my only hope.
could get in with a GED and a very high ASVAB score.
OP could always redo highschool online.
All the jobs thay would have previously gone to losers go to illegal immigtants and females. Youre out of luck friend
They have night school. It's not to late to get a GED. After you get a GED, go to trade school and pick up a trade. Your life isn't fucked unless you perceive it that way. Perception is everything.
Welding make a good amount of money from what I hear and I don't see that not being in demand. Maybe that would help?
If you fall off the ladder, don't try and jump back on and skip lots of rungs.
Start at the lower rungs.
Go apply to a liquor store or gas station, maybe a simple warehouse job, and then keep looking. It will make things much easier to handle and less stressful.
It's less demanding mentally to search for a good job when you're already employed.
Welding isn't for everybody. You either love it or you end up hating it.
It can be very stressful at times, the pay is over-rated (I got paid 14$ at my first welding job,) and the market is very saturated. Welding training is super easy so there's a very large group of young men who just completed training and are applying for all the jobs and the boomer welders take their sweet time to retire.