Just be yourself, bro

>Just be yourself, bro.

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What do you mean by that? I am myself already.

Apparently, people think the main problem with not having a girlfriend and having a sad life is that you're trying to be something you're not. Otherwise, why would they keep repeating "just be yourself"?

On the other side, they also know you have glaring flaws that you should change. But it's rude to critique without being asked, so khv's friends also repeat this in hopes that they get a clue as to why they are shitheads.

>just become, bro.

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People like you take the advice literally and out of context.

it doesn't mean "make no effort to improve yourself as a person or to understand & empathize with other people, just sit there posting pepes and wojaks on Jow Forums and you'll get a girlfriend"

It means "look for a girl who is compatible with you, instead of chasing the hottest piece of ass* around who has nothing in common with you. Being fake only leads to fake friendships and fake relationship". I know that first-hand as someone who was faking it for basically all of their teen and adult lives until a few years ago.

*the hot new memes with Jow Forums kids isn't to chase hot pieces of ass necessarily, but it's now "I want a girlfriend who is an inexperienced virgin because I am insecure with other people's sexuality" - chasing that unicorn ideal girlfriend is also just going to make you single for longer than you've already been.

>be myself
>girls dont like me
>be someone that girls want
>girls still dont like me, just the person I'm pretending to be


It is, girls like boys with self esteem. Theres all kinds of girls in the world, they all have different taste.
It's hard to explain what i actually want to say so i try it with an example
>Autism kid dreams of becoming a hero
>World is cruel to autism kid
>Autism kid starts making up shit to not show hes actually hurt and scared
>Autism girl ignores autism kid because she thinks hes a douche, she actually prefers nice man and loves heros
>Autism boy wonders "why cant i find a gf that loves me for who i am" (completely denying that the reason is pretending to be something hes not) and becomes more and more jaded

What about you just admit that you're afraid autism kid, theres nothing wrong with it. Be yourself doesnt mean you have to act as the jaded neet you are. Instead it means you should muster up the courage to be the person you really wanted to be and stop drowning yourself in pity.
I'm sure autism girl is ranting about not being able to find a cute boy aswell, since she actually hates assholes.
If you're wondering why autism girl cant be the one trying to do the first step, its because shes the girl and you`re the man and thats how the world works.

This is a boomer advice aimed at average guys who have friends, passions and hobbies but can get very nervous around girls. It won't help modern spergs who were raised on vidya, are completely friendless and have no social skills whatsoever.

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This. Back in the day, it was exceptionally rare to be as socially fucked up as you idiots are.

Close but not quite right. The problem is people think they have to be someone else and don't even bother trying because they are not that person. Who you are now is fine. In fact who you are now is perfect for someone out there. Problem is that you are not looking for that person.

>they also know you have glaring flaws that you should change
Those glaring flaws are still essentially yourself, warts and all. Changing them, even in the name of improvement, would not be being yourself.

It's also aimed at people who are completely functioning human beings, and can act like normal and acceptable individuals without the slightest amount of effort. Or, at worst, have eccentricities that are otherwise socially acceptable. It does not work for abnormals, aneurotypicals, those with mental illness, those with some kind of disability, those in certain socioeconomic classes that their culture looks down upon, and much more.

Being yourself is prime advice for someone like Chris Hemsworth, but quite the opposite for, example, people on the autistic or schizophrenic spectrum. Hell, I can't imagine advising "be yourself" to a paedophile and the likes.

So, what you are saying is that autism kid should show that he is hurt and scared?

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I have hebephrenic shizophrenia and it works for me.
My second sentence on a dating site was literally
>Since you allready read about my illness, please excuse me if i say something dumb, i usually dont mean it that way, im also a little nervous so just ask me

>I have hebephrenic shizophrenia and it works for me.
Count yourself lucky. Even in SJW circles, people with mental illness or some kind of eccentricity are still tacitly discriminated against.

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>Since you allready read about my illness, please excuse me if i say something dumb, i usually dont mean it that way, im also a little nervous so just ask me
this just makes you sound generally quirky with mild social awkwardness. which has been trendy since the late 2000s.

>Count yourself lucky. Even in SJW circles
Girls can be outsiders with mental illness aswell, user. Theres also casual girls that accept the mentally ill (Implying you learn to deal with them instead of spouting cia shit)

It doesnt matter however it "sounds", a honest reply isnt meant to sound "cool". It's meant to be honest.

SJWism is a broad term for a lot egalitarian-based ideologies, and "equal" rights activism. It's not relegated to anything related to feminism or gender (even BLM is under the SJW umbrella). And even those movements show a coarse amount of ablism and prejudice towards the ill and disabled. Whether or not there are exceptions to the rule, and a very individuals who are otherwise "accepting" means absolutely fucking nothing. This is a still a portion of the population that gets deprecated and stigmatised for what they are.

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jesus christ, you're retarded. your description makes you sound like you have a mild case of mental illness, and one that sounds quirky at best. it's also that stereotypical quirky trope you see a lot in movies and tv shows for over ten years now. so whatever date you manage to grab probably see you as that, and not at all like a schizophrenic. if you were upfront with your schizophrenia, you would be kicked to the curb like a trash bag. not just figuratively, but possibly in the literal sense.

It was my message to her, user. Not whats on my profile picture.
Guess why she asked me about my shizophrenia?
So hard in denial that cant even use simple logic anymore?

Meant profile description.

only Jow Forums brainlets actually take this literally.
It just means be the best version of yourself. Normalfags leave that part out because it's self explainatory, for them positivity is self explained the best of life. It just means improve into a direction you're comfortable with, but also get to your goals. But it also serves as an advice to tell you to concentrate on what YOU want and are. Why be anything but that?

that's not the fucking point. how did you even reach that conclusion? you still gave an underhanded and generally stereotypical description of mental illness. and that stereotype has been a common trope in a lot of western media this past decade. one that puts you in the same light as someone like tom hansen, joel barish, amelie poulain, lars lindstrom, adam raki, every jeff goldblum performance. that eccentric misfit who's only quirky at best. not at all like a schizophrenic, who are often typed as psychos detached from reality and will go off on a killing spree any moment (even the medical community still buys into this trope). your dating pool would shrivel like a cold day in the locker room if you were more upfront with it.

>not at all like a schizophrenic, who are often typed as psychos detached from reality and will go off on a killing spree any moment
Stop watching hollywood movies, user.

>be yourself
what self?
be your competitive self?
be your gentle self?
be your let's get this shit over with self?

It's an empty advice.

not really.
I'm certified mentally fucked and owning it has helped me in life more than pretending not to be.
You're all way too scared of social justice, but the point is exactly to not be that, hang out with people that respect you or at least accept you and don't try to change to fit in with the fags who'd bully you otherwise. If you're so fucked that you can't get friends well then fuck everyone. Why waste your time appealing to the world?

that's a legit stereotype for schizophrenics, idiot. it's one of the most common social conceptions people have for schizophrenics, even if it's entirely inaccurate. it's due to a lot of pre-existing stigma around mental health, and various high profile crimes where the perpetrator was diagnosed as schizophrenic (david berkowitz, ed gein, jeffrey dahmer, jared lee loughner, even people like ivan the terrible and caligula were thought to have schizophrenia).

I'm a black man who's never faced any discrimination in my life and has a high-paying job and a masters degree. But for me to say discrimination doesn't exist or isn't that because I don't personally suffer from it would be just as wrong.

isn't that bad* -_-

Nobody fucking cares about social conceptions and fucking steoreotypes.
She asked me about MY illnes and how I get along with it. Not about what society percieves of it.
>If she knew she would NEVER!
ye, sure. In all the 3 years we lived together she absolutely didnt notice my shizophrenia and my symptoms.
Why are you so in denial? cant acccept that
>be yourselve
is right, and the issue is not your illness but your shitty personality?

When did i say discrimination doesnt exist?`
I said that acceptance exists, not that discrimination doesnt. Retard.

>Nobody fucking cares about social conceptions and fucking steoreotypes.
except those who are regularly discriminated for them, you bigoted piece of shit.
>She asked me about MY illnes and how I get along with it. Not about what society percieves of it.
well congratulations for being the exception to the rule. but that's only a minority case. most people, even with mild conditions, get dropped and outed for their illnesses and disabilities. it's still quite common for people to be disowned by their friends and family for it.
>ye, sure. In all the 3 years we lived together she absolutely didnt notice my shizophrenia and my symptoms.
if it's that mild, you likely have a misdiagnosis. schizophrenic conditions are very distinct and noticeable.
>Why are you so in denial?
because you're not reflective of what actually happens to non-ableds. which is regular prejudice and discrimination from even those who profess equality for all.
>is right
only in socially acceptable circumstances. mental illness in general, just having it, is not a socially acceptable thing.
>and the issue is not your illness but your shitty personality?
a). not a thing; b). mental illness and disabilities can influence one's personality to the point they're practically synonymous; c). even ostracisation based on personality can still be discrimination and bigotry.

>Ad hominem
>Putting words into my mouth
>Changing the topic and straight out talking about something else
>Not in Denial
Oh commo, who are you kidding?

You're essentially inferring that it doesn't exist because your experiences have said otherwise. Even the phrase 'acceptance exists' is alone saying that discrimination doesn't and that rejection or lack of acceptances isn't a thing. Which sadly is not true as a lot of people in both mine and your position go through way worse things than we do. Your experiences says nothing about the experiences of others.

at this point you've fallen of the logic train, and approaching dangerously close to nonsequiturs.

>You're essentially inferring that it doesn't exist because your experiences have said otherwise
It never did.
>Even the phrase 'acceptance exists' is alone saying that discrimination doesn't
This is propably the most stupid thing ive read today.
Look, there are multiple people on this planet, right? Lets just say 2 girls. 1 Will bully the fuck out of you. The second one will accept you as you are.
Now i want you to explain me why both cant exist?

>Even the phrase 'acceptance exists' is alone saying that discrimination doesn't
This is why formal logic should be taught in fucking grade school.
Love exists, user. Did I just deny all hate crimes ever happened?

It does because your general axiom is based on a personal experience of yours have convinced you of something that isn't reflective of everyone else. I'm sure you intend to mean acceptance exists and that's that. But unfortunately that's not what it's saying and not true for a lot other marginalized people. In my field you would be called a 'statistical outlier.' I'm an outlier too (black guy who never faced racism). But for me to underplay that issue because I'm having different experiences is still wrong and being detached from the rest of the world.

>Look, there are multiple people on this planet, right? Lets just say 2 girls. 1 Will bully the fuck out of you. The second one will accept you as you are. Now i want you to explain me why both cant exist?
... That has nothing to do with what we're talking about. Tf?

>Love exists, user. Did I just deny all hate crimes ever happened?
You kind of are given the context right now. As well as trying to use a strawman to make that point. Plus the overly simplistic nature of 'love exists' can communicate that hate doesn't or of a lesser effect.

>>Love exists, user. Did I just deny all hate crimes ever happened?
>You kind of are given the context right now.

In other words:
>when you take it round and round and round and look at this and this but not that and that, you could see where I'm coming from
bullshit. you're confusing impressions for expressions.
what you feel statements mean is your thing. formal logic speaks clearly and you are wrong.
go practice sophistry in an article about Trump, you might get him re-elected lol

>.. That has nothing to do with what we're talking about. Tf?
It has. You said that my post about acceptance exists says discrimination doesnt exists, and i gave you an example of a situation in which both exists.
Im not underplaying any issues. The issue exists, i just added a possible solution that atleast worked in my case.
Sure it doesnt have to work in your case, you gotta try to find it out.
You wont know until you actually really try. (one of the lives most true principles)

If you're a nice guy like me then you should do anything but be yourself. Girls absolutely hate me and prefer asshole Chads.

>and i gave you an example of a situation in which both exists
You gave an example that wasn't related nor coherent.

>Im not underplaying any issues.
You are. You may not be intending to underplay it but it's still underplaying issue because you've had different experiences. Which is a common mistake people make.

>The issue exists, i just added a possible solution that atleast worked in my case.
Sentence contradicts itself in the middle, and goes back to making a counterpoint (in this case 'possible solution') based on experiences others don't have.

>Sure it doesnt have to work in your case, you gotta try to find it out.
>You wont know until you actually really try. (one of the lives most true principles)
Going off on a tangent again.

Schrödingers shizzo?

>no no no no no the example that disproves me is not supposed to be there!
Jesus watching you argue with user is like watching a child argue that it doesn't need to eat vegetables.
You're an irrational incoherent twat. Go copypaste 'black lives matter' seven times into a tweet or something.

>>There is an issue
>>it is not an insolvable issue

>>[Example that directly proves you wrong]

>>In my experience...

Fuck you lol

Attached: anon pls.gif (498x280, 1.53M)

>no no no no no the example that disproves me is not supposed to be there!
If your example or argument or whatever really disproved the other person, it would be able to do so without having to explicitly state it.

>Jesus watching you argue with user is like watching a child argue that it doesn't need to eat vegetables.
Huh, didn't think we'd actually reach full non-sequiturs. But there it is.

>You're an irrational incoherent twat.
Said by the user becoming presumably huffy.

>Go copypaste 'black lives matter' seven times into a tweet or something.
Probably the rare (if not only) moment I've stereotyped based on race. I'd say to do the same, but I'm pretty sure Twitter comes down hard on 'hate speech' these days.

>In my experience
not him, but the "in my experience" arguments are some of the worst ones you can make. there's a reason why a lot of scientists and researchers hate anecdotal evidence. even lawyers and police know not to rely testimonies all the time.

>If your example or argument or whatever really disproved the other person, it would be able to do so without having to explicitly state it.
a/ not my argument
b/ it did. that's the funny part. lmao. you're just in denial

>Huh, didn't think we'd actually reach full non-sequiturs
Again, you confuse impressions for expressions.
Arguments can be non-sequitur. What you quoted is an insult lol. Such as this one: you're an emotional cunt. This a non sequitur to you? The conclusion doesn't follow the premise? lmao

> "in my experience" arguments are some of the worst ones you can make
if they're the best ones on the table, tough luck

Ok user, since my portrait of schrödingers shizo didnt work.
Lets give you a more fitting one: You are black, there are people hating and discriminating you, does that mean people that like and accept you doesnt exist?
Sure, you (black person one) had luck and didnt get discriminated through sheer luck.
Does it make it impossible for (black person2) to find someone that accepts him, even though he actually got discriminated?
What if (black person 2) trys to proof himself like will smith? can he be generally liked despite the existence of blacks discrimation?

It means that just because I and a few others had lucky experiences it doesn't suddenly mean that the issue is any less of that or the severity isn't as bad as presented. And any focus on a few different examples would be not only treating it like an exception to the rule but also arguing that the issue is relatively non-existent or less of an issue than it really is.

their never the best ones you idiot. even if their the only arguments you have their still the worst ones. experiences are not basis for arguments. neither are non-sequiturs or whatever schizo crap you're trying to push.

>experiences are not basis for arguments
retard, do you know what 'empirical' even means?
anecdotal experiences aren't basis for good arguments. but if there is literally nothing else on the table, that's what you're going to use.

>dad, there's someone in our garage and he has a knife
>sorry, kid, anecdotal evidence doesn't cut it

No, it doesnt make the issue less, nothing makes the issue less.
The world is a cruel place, user, not a safespace.
There will allways be people hating you for whatever reasons, no matter what you do and who you are. Maybee you`re shizo etc. and instead of 50%, 90% will hate you despite not even knowing who you are.
The point is, instead of getting stuck up on discrimination exists, you should improve on yourself, search for options, figure out who you really are, what you want etc (do you really want those trashcans anyway even if you had the chance). Who gives a shit about how much people hate you, just try to reach the 10% left, and theres only one way to do it
It only takes ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain

>No, it doesnt make the issue less, nothing makes the issue less.
If you're focusing on exceptions to the rule as a counterpoint to the a serious and pervasive issue, it IS making less of one.

>The world is a cruel place, user, not a safespace.
For some people. For others, they're lucky enough to not go through any of that. But for either to approach the other based on personal experiences alone is still just as wrong.

>There will allways be people hating you for whatever reasons, no matter what you do and who you are.
Again, for some people. There are still lucky ones, but they don't necessarily make the rule.

>The point is, instead of getting stuck up on discrimination exists, you should improve on yourself, search for options, figure out who you really are, what you want etc (do you really want those trashcans anyway even if you had the chance). Who gives a shit about how much people hate you, just try to reach the 10% left, and theres only one way to do it
An irrelevant and off-topic discussion suited for something (somewhere) else. An applying absolutes on something that isn't.

i promise you empirical doesn't mean what you think it means. and if anecdotals are all you have, then you literally have no argument to make.

>Everything you say doesnt count cause i say so!
>An irrelevant and off-topic discussion suited for something (somewhere) else. An applying absolutes on something that isn't.
The literally thread topic is
>be yourself
And i said what be yourselve actually means and entails. How is it off topic discussion?

>The literally thread topic is
Completely different from what you're arguing.

I was arguing about how you can get yourself acceptance by being yourself.
Other user were saying it doesnt work for everyone.
I said acceptance is something you can earn yourself despite discrimation and both exist.
user denied it.
I actually made multiple examples of how both exists and you can influence it.
Now how is it offtopic?
Do you even still know what the whole argumentation was about?

Sadly, user was right for this one. This isn't a one-size-fits-all, and any advice you have to give (acceptances, discrimination, whatever) is not going to work for everyone. And it's disingenuous to push it on someone who it's not working for.

>Now how is it offtopic?
Because you guys are bitching about equality and discrimination, not self-improvement. Whatever debate you had has long delved into Tumblr circle-jerking. Any mentions of improvement is backtracking at best.

Hmm, you might be right in this one.
Well, guess i made my point, whetever people accept it is up to them.
>Being yourself and self improvement can lead to acceptance aslong you put effort and hard work into it

This. What would I be if I acted myself? I'd swear fealty to the Queen of England, wear Greek robes, walk around barefoot, burn factory farms, and countless other things that would get me shot or further isolated. It's much better to not even try and enjoy the bones fate throughs my way.


I'm okay with myself, however "myself" is someone that never tries to chat with anyone for any reason because he's perfectly satisfied being alone with basic subsistence. Something's gotta change about that guy since he wants a wife and kids.

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You have the option to get yourself friends and develop social skills.
If you find yourself another social misfits you can even work together on it
Start here:

Same. But someone like me doesn't deserve kids. It's actually better that I don't have kids. Not saying you're like me, though.

Doesn't sound like you're a sociopath, I think anyone that isn't has the potential to be a good spouse and parent if they consistently apply effort over the years.

>carefully avoids anything practical
lol okay, hide in the fog man

It really is useless advice for you right now, but if you actually make it, you will look back and see that it was all true.

I feel like I'd be a great dad insofar as fathering goes. I spend a bunch of time with my young siblings (2 and 5) and we all like each other. It's just that I cannot handle women, cannot handle working, and cannot handle the general meaningless stresses society/civilization places on me. I would be a terrible provider even if I somehow managed to land a mother-worthy woman (which in itself seems to be a monumental task).
I will resign myself to isolation at worst and being a part of my siblings' and their childrens' lives at best.

When normies say "be yourself" they mean carry yourself with confidence, and they are pretty much right when you translate it.

No. They mean, "become our preconceived notion of what a self should look like," which indeed does include a high degree of confidence. Their error is assuming that each self is the same and further that each self has the latent potential to become the one they are advocating for.