I fucking hate being a manlet

how do you accept that you're a fucking midget? im 511 and i haven't grown a single inch since i was 16

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You need to accept that you're a retard.


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5'8 here, I don't care and it never made any difference in my life.
Nobody I know really cares enough to bring it up to me.
Even if it was such a big deal it's outside of your control, so you either cry like a bitch about it all your life or you live it, it's not that hard user.

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same here I was 5'11 when I was 12 and since then not a fucking inch.

>be me, 5'6
>every time i fuck my gf she just fantasizes about tall guys

as much as i wish i were taller, don't compare yourself so much to tall people as if you are inferior and redeem yourself in value with being skillful and having a good personality. reality is that 5'11 is a pretty damn good deal and is just slightly taller than the national average (US wise)
if it bothers you so much just wear boots with a slight heel or get some height boosting insoles for your shoes.

Apparently there's a big gap between 5'11'' and 6'
But you wouldn't be worried about that if the USA used metrical system
5'11'' = 180 cm
6' = 183 cm
There's just a 3 cm (1,18 inch) gap, not a big deal

Weak bait. Back to Jow Forums with you.

I'm Chinese and I'm 6'1.

I feel 6'4 with all the attention you short white people give me, like I stole money from you or something.

Like even at the grocery stores and shit.

Oh boy.
I imagine being 5'6" and having a gf that's 5'10".

Though I am thinking of dumping her, I already fucked her and kinda bored of her slizz.

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tfw just a 5'12" viscount of the manlets

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>a one inch gap is ecual to 1.18 inches

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This meme is so stupid. 5'9 is the average height, and realistically anyone who's 5'7 isn't that short. Try being 5'4

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>im 511

kek faggot , just wear Nike air max and you're 6' , christ.

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Stop blaming your downfall on your height and look at your actual failures.

I'm a manlet, I get laid and I have a 7.5" dick so I could care less about being short.

What’s the deal with short skinny white guys having huge Johnson’s?

The universe's way of apologizing.

>I sexually identify as an attack helicopter
If we wanna have this special gender we should use metrical system

i am 4 ft 10
i am 20

Did you hit puberty when you were 8?

I'm 6'2
Listen, I know loads of 5'6 and 5'7 dudes who aren't that attractive and get pussy. Of course, you get some minus points, but still. You can do it senpai.
Never have I looked upon a person shorter than me and thought "wow this dude is a manlet". You're getting memed by Jow Forums

I would trade being brown and 6'4'' for being white and 5'11''. I don't believe any race is superior but society treats people differently because of it

Just become the leader of an authoritarian country and you'll be fine.

5'5 here.

Moving in with my girlfriend next week, have three different music projects, work two jobs and thinking about investing in a liquor company but I need to do more research first.

You may be 5'5 but you can at least act like your not a fucking retard.

lol youre fucking retarded.