So how do I get a gf if I'm shy AND awkward?

so how do I get a gf if I'm shy AND awkward?
please help, I'm so lonely

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One, prepare for your shyness and socially awkward behaviour to be interpreted as creepy.

Act. Or go to gym

You won't.
Those are the two absolute main factors to eradicate to be in a relationship.

I mean, I've learnt it the hard way. But hey, it's never too late to change.
I got to live my first true relationship at age 24.
I suffered rather severe social anxiety when I was little, plus I looked like a mess through my teens and when I fixed that I was too socially retarded to pick up the hints when I was still 20.

Most of the introversion, I've also learnt, is daughter of the lack of self-esteem, which I'd guess happens to you. Does it?

Do things you don't like in order to achieve something greater that you do like.

Fucking dumbass.

What do you mean act? I can't really just pretend to not be an awkward loner. Also I do go to the gym, at least I used to, but I'll start back up again soon, so there's that.
this is really sad to read, I don't wanna be lonely I'm not gonna make it much longer. and yes I have horrible self-esteem, not sure what came first though.
huh, do what? and why call me a dumbass?


It is, and it's tough. I mean, take it as a positive message: it took me forever to fix myself, I did it almost completely on my own, through introspection and rejection. If I could, so can you!

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", they say. Essentially, if you can't be around men of any background without suffering in the inside because you feel awkward, it's going to be very hard (unless you meet her online first - not that crazy nowadays).
But if you want to do it personally with some chick you've seen somewhere (uni, work, wherever you like to go) being able to keep a fluent conversation and not be nervous all the time is an absolute must.

Do you have someone you like, or you'd want to be together to feel life is better because you have someone beside you?

Begg them/tell them how pretty they are on social media


can you be more specific how you fixed yourself?
I just want someone that will make me happy and not so lonely and sad all the time.