It's literally just endless basic bitches as far as the eye can see.
Like the most basic of basic.
What do all the nerdy girls with actual interests use or do I have to keep endlessly sifting through this?
It's literally just endless basic bitches as far as the eye can see
you interact with them like a normal person instead of trying to hunt down a woman that fits into your exaxt ideal through apps as if you're browsing an online store for the perfect product
They're all basic in person too
might come to a shock to you, but the nerdy girls are doing the same thing as most everyone else here; browsing online forums and complaining boys aren't falling in their laps. There really isn't a break in the barrier to find the chicks like this, but I imagine going out to conventions and shit might be a start.
The problem is not that they are basic. The problem is that you think you are not.
>What do all the nerdy girls with actual interests use
It depends, the ones who are social don't need to use dating apps because their hobbies (assuming they actually have 'nerdy' hobbies) are huge sausage-fests, so they'll have an easier time finding a partner.
The ones who aren't social are like what described.
if your looking for a gamer gf then good luck because most if not all will have semi permanent boyfriends by age 19.
I'm in the same boat and I want to fucking end it. I can't stand basic girls, but I couldn't live with myself becoming an orbiter waiting for my turn with an e girl.
sometimes I wish I wasn't so picky with women so I could just nut and be done with it.
I'm gonna kill myself on my 20th anyway so who gives a shit
But they will probably not message you unless they are 36 and have a kid
You are 20?Why do you want to kill yourself?
because I'm doing everything I can to be happy and I'm just not
Then why end it so early? Suicide will always be an option, living won't, so it makes no sense to end it early. There are so many paths and possibilities you have yet to try.
Not him, but most paths are closed if you're an average/ugly guy. It's pure suffering to see all these sexy girls in their shorts and skirts especially in the summer.
Tinder is for trannys
Lol you’ll never know what warm pussy feels like, all you can hope for is a microwaved silicon pussy tube.
Don’t worry, they’re making robot hookers for guys like you.
Is that what haunts you? The sexy girls in summer? 99% of highly functional men won't ever get to know them because they are married with a woman that will lose her sex appeal by the time she hits her 40s. This is retarded.
For me, yeah.
People are different, but that's what I want. I wish I could just hug one of them at least.
It is natural to want to hug girls. Definitely not natural to want to hug specifically the basic sluts that roam beaches at summer. You can grow out of this user, especially if you are 20 or under, because you're being raided by hormones right now. They will die down very soon, and you will lose your sex drive. But don't wait for that to start living your life, it'll be a huge waste of time, live it now.
>You can grow out of this user
I've always wanted it though, so I'm not sure about that. I had a date once with a dancer with a fit body who would've been a perfect gf for me, but I didn't even get to touch her and I was anxious as fuck. After the date, she said how she won't be online for a few days because of some bullshit reason and when I tried to contact her again, I got ghosted. I just want to experience prime pussy for once in my life and then I can die or focus on other things.
Can't you see a prostitute if you want it that much?
Yeah, but that wouldn't be prime pussy that I yearn for.
Only absolute faggots ever /thread their own posts
What you find depends on where you look. People on Tinder are generally not looking for deep meaningful romances. People in bars are generally not. People who are looking for more are someplace else.
What sort of woman are you looking for? Where is that sort of woman likely to hang out? Go there.
>You'll never get what you want but just wait until you die inside and you won't care
Awesome thanks man
Do people just not understand that when a lonely virgin talks about getting pussy, he's talking about a non-coersive relationship with a girl and not purely the literal, physical act of fucking a girl, and why a prostitute doesn't solve that problem
That's like saying
>I wish I had a wealthy lifestyle
>Just rent a Lamborghini for an hour it's the same thing bro
Same problem. I go to uni but I've yet to find a solution to this problem. Every girl who is fun to hang out with, cute, and interested in a serious relationship, is pretty much constantly in a relationship. I know girls who I had crushes on who got a BF in the first couple months of uni and literally NEVER broke up with him. It's disheartening. All the single girls are either unattractive, or they are attractive but they are only interested in casual sex. I don't get what I'm meant to do.
This for 99% of this site
OP completely utterly BTFO
>What do all the nerdy girls with actual interests use or do I have to keep endlessly sifting through this?
Nerdy girls are at sci fi conventions, the library and at church.
Yeah and plenty of scummy, sleezy dudes looking to get laid.
People with interests normally meet people through their interests.
People who don't really have interests just are on the internet whining about how lonely they are, or are dating e-bfs.
The women on Bumble are even more basic than the ones on Tinder
Get good at sex and eventually one of the girls who's only interested in casual sex will catch feelings. Learn how to use your fingers, get a good fucking rhythm, show some dominance in bed (don't choke them ffs tho), and don't be afraid to eat pussy
You'll not find nerdy girls on social apps and dating apps dude. Most of them are introverted and usually keep to themselves, so it's gonna be harder to actually find them and interact with them. Even if you do find one, there's no guarantee that she doesn't already have a boyfriend. Might sound counterintuitive, but if you go into male dominated fields you will find the nerdy and not "basic" girls. I work as a programmer and I met my girlfriend at work, she was one of the few women in our department. Of course all the guys were lining up to ask her out and were interested in her, I just had the dumb luck of being chosen out of all the sausages she had available.
So I guess just get into programming and be your best self? I'm not sure there's a formula to getting interesting girls, it's mostly luck imo.
Jesus, RIP OP
>the dude is turning 20
>20 fucking years old
>he has time to grind his interests and hobbies
>work on not being a total sperg
>get educated and a good job
>get plastic surgery if he's really that ugly
Your life is barely begun at 20. You're like an adult baby.
Is there any appeal process on tinder? I've got almost a month to run on a tinder gold subscription. I opened tinder today to find this. And I've honestly got no idea why my account was banned. I got a fair amount of matches, was never disrespectful to anyone, and didn't have any inappropriate photos of myself up.
Can I appeal this at all, or is it new account with a new phone number time?
if everyone else is at fault but not you, then you're the problem
I should have specified that all the interesting girls are not available
All the single ones are basic
fuck tinder. take up a hobby or class or something that get you outta house and meet like minded people. dancing and yoga are my go to. of course only do shit you actually want to, not to impress normies.