Do women like men with long hair?
If not is it a good idea to that I'll just get the sides and back cut short and have a like an undercut
Do women like men with long hair?
If not is it a good idea to that I'll just get the sides and back cut short and have a like an undercut
If picrel is you then shave it off please user, it looks bad.
I want to know what the ladies think of it. And I don't want to go bald. Not unless I gain like 20+ pounds of muscle. I will look like an auscwhitz survivor
Fuck you're hot
And I'm a guy
If it's the right style, sure. Personally, I had crap success with women when I had long hair. I only ever got laid with short/medium hair. I think it's just a coincidence though.
user if OP pic is you, then you look like a trap. You could probably attract some fujoshi with this so if that's your goal the keep it this way.
Plus when it's like this it sticks to the top of your head too much and makes it look weird
I am great at spotting traps, and I swear I wouldn't have been able to spot you are a man, at least not from that picture.
Long hair is a fad, everyone is trying to rock it and failing hard. The only circumstance you can wear it is if you have muscles AND wear social attire, like a nice button shirt. Preferably suit and tie, but not many workplaces will hire someone with long hair, I know my law firm would tell me to shave it.
Long hair on guys is either sexy as or creepy as fuck and the difference is in how cool you are and if you can pull off the rugged look
OP if pic related is you then cut that shit off straight away and don't even think about growing it out again until you can at least grow some decent facial hair to go with it
What does that mean?
>If it's the right style, sure.
What do you mean by style?
I have long hair that goes down to my lower back. I get compliments from women kinda often. The last girl I was with liked grabbing it while I ate her out and would tell me to never cut it. So it depends on the girl and how you look with it
I do.
You have nice hair so it looks good long.
It means you look feminine
I love hair like pic related on a guy. Very good for head pats
I do if they don't wear a skirt
Well some people say I look androgynous and I don't know if its a good thing.
I work in a field that doesn't require short hair
Well are you attractive? Some people here say it would only look good if you look decent. And yeah I admit I look subpar and I'm an incel as well. My last gf cheated on me December last year and I haven't found another woman yet.
I second this
I have hair that goes down to the middle of my chest. Combine it with my muscle and facial hair, women really love it.
If OP pic is you, as others have stated, go with a high and tight or until you can grow facial hair and muscle.
i thought you were a girl until i read your post
>Do women like men with long hair?
Well, the good news is that women universally like one single style of hair. I mean it's not like they're individual people with different tastes and preferences which could include long and short hair. They're women! They are a homogeneous hivemind that only like one thing in any subject.
The bad news is that the only hair that women like is a Mullet.
Is it bad if I I'm working out for 3 years now and still look like a basedboi incel?
Manlet as well and yes my facial hair is virtually non existent. Isn't it creepy to have long hair+facial hair?
Can you elaborate more? Are you females?
The bad news is that women nowadays look more masculine than OP.
Is it because of the water?
Shit you already look like a girl would make a good trap for someone
>Shit you already look like a girl would make a good trap for someone
But I don't want to look like a girl and I like women. I don't like boys
So cut your damn hair dude you look like a chick
You have a decent looking face OP,no homo.Get a 1 on the sides and scissors on top,but not too long,like a crewcut.
What style though? I'm looking for undercut or so. I mean short hair doesn't look good on me.
Neither does this lesbian hippie thing
>Is it bad if I I'm working out for 3 years now and still look like a basedboi incel?
Yes, but not unsurprising. Your job probably doesn't require the physical labor you need to get extra muscle. Your diet is probably also junk.
>Manlet as well and yes my facial hair is virtually non existent. Isn't it creepy to have long hair+facial hair?
No. Cause it makes you appear as a woman at a distance, or close up in your case.
Besides women seriously don't give a fuck after 20,then it's where do you study,what do you study,do you have a job etc
Is it bad I'm only doing bodyweight work? I'm afraid to go to a gym and someone might bully me or so.
>No. Cause it makes you appear as a woman at a distance, or close up in your case.
I can probably have a goatee or sort but it's not that thick.
It's too short I think and it might highlight my weak chin and jawline. Making me more incel looking
>Is it bad I'm only doing bodyweight work?
Hahaha. Don't fool anyone here. You're not doing any work.
I'm afraid to go to a gym and someone might bully me or so.
So you come on Jow Forums instead? kek
Don't listen to them op, you're androginous but you don't look like a woman
I personally like guys with long hair, not sure if my opinion has some value though
I wouldn't say that I'm attractive
Well in a way yes. I still feel I have like zero sexual value.
I think it looks beautiful. you can wear it tied up or dropped too. let it grow even more
Some don't, but because men with short hair are less common, the ones that do like them, like them A LOT and overcompensate.
This basically applies to any style (clothes, beard etc.).
OP here can I get female opinion on this as well?
I’m a female and these are my posts.
I think you are cute and attractive with your hair long but that is just because I've always liked men with medium to long hair. If you don't want to cut your hair don't there will always be a woman that finds it attractive and this applies to most looks. (F btw)
Yeah bro, chicks dig the High Elf look
I legit thought it was a woman in OP.
Fuck doing it in order to get a woman. I have had both short and very long hair and got women with both. Do what feels good, there is chick out there that digs it.
ok. Should I keep it this way or should I get it styled?
>I think you are cute and attractive with your hair long but that is just because I've always liked men with medium to long hair.
Thanks. as above should I have it styled?
Had women liked you till now? Fucking retard
Some do some don’t. I think more do not as it can look femme
In reality I hate how I look. Would I develop more facial hair and look more manly as I age?
>Had women liked you till now?
Barely. Only had two women in the past. First ex dumped me to get back to her ex. I broke up with my most recent gf because I saw her with another man. I'm pretty much incel tier
You're cute
Cut that hair dude you will be more good with that trust me
But the women here say I look better with it
No man just cut it if you cut that long hair you will be handsome bro just trust me
Same, so I'm gonna say no.
The women here ha! You do know where you are right?
Grow a beard you fag, that's your problem.
Idk it looks fine to me the way it is
I can;t grow a beard. Only a mustache and some goatee. I swear it looks really creepy.
>swear it looks really creepy
not if you do it right, I can't grow a full beard either but I rock a mustache
if you want to look more masculine I suggest you pull your hair back so you don't look like a schoolgirl and grow some facial hair so you look like a dude in thumbnails.
Don’t grow one...
How can I do it right? Do you have a pic?
You look fine and you have amazing skin. I'm jealous.
I had long wavy hair and a boyish face and slight frame like yours. It was terrible. It's much better now short and more curly. Long hair works if you can achieve a Conan the Barbarian sort of aesthetic. You can't.
that's a hollywood actor with makeup and photoshop
No, I meant the first image at the top, I think I replied to the wrong post.
I'm not that. That's Michael Cera.
Well that's what I want except I'm...
I remembered this guy in high school who had really long hair but it wasn't as well kept as yours. One day he cut his hair in the style of pic related just maybe a bit shorter at the top and it suited him very well. Sorry for the late reply I was a bit busy.
I'm a little jelly how well he pulls it off.
Agian, if your thumbnail looks like a women you're doing it wrong.
Only if they looked like this
Damn white Michael Jackson
doesnt matter bro you got nice skin... my advice, part it in the middle since you seem to have very thin hair and your hairline is kinda bad
user i-