How to cope with the inevitability of climate apocalypse? I don't want to fucking die young, but it is pretty much certain now due to the effects of climate change on the planet. All scientists are now predicting total societal collapse within the next couple of decades.
How to cope with the inevitability of climate apocalypse? I don't want to fucking die young...
Not everyone will die. Be one of the survivors.
Why is everyone so concerned about this? Just live until you die stupid cuck. Dont read the news it will only make you depressed.
I'm too weak. I have no skills that would be useful in a post-apocalypse environment. When the governments collapse, I'm going to get captured and enslaved by some marauding band of barbarians, or just fucking robbed and killed.
Well, I guess that sucks. At least you are aware of it. My best advice is to stockpile guns and make a fortress of sorts far away from cities. Establish a strong friend group that will help you. The weak will perish but intelligence can help you.
Scientists are genuinely retarded.
Invest in your education or learn a trade. If shit really hits the fan big time, people will eventually rebuild (turns out humans are pesky shits) and when that happens, they'll need the knowledge. You could also get into prepping or move to somewhere that you think might not collapse.
Either way, until then, do what you can to make shit suck less hard. Try as we might or we're all hypocrites. Oh, and enjoy all those moments of "told you so" that ensure as infrastructure collapses.
Typical scientist.
>wah I have to use my brain :(
Big-brained posts on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum.
>muh brain
You're right. Nothing is wrong in the world.
Yeah no, build weapons yourself. Otherwise, what do you want to do when you inevitably run out of ammo?
You're right everything is wrong in the world. I'm gonna go kms now.
Ammo is cheap. Buy thousands upon thousands of rounds. One reliable gun, spare parts, and cleaning supplies are all you realistically need and are then limited only by the amount of ammo you have. Most people probably will run out of ammo quickly and so those who prepared will have a luxury item. Yeah, they makes you a juicier target but that's why you establish a genuine friend group so you're not entirely alone while being besieged by hundreds of starving barbarians
Nothing is wrong because I have no brain to determine between "right" and "wrong." We're all just going through the motions and cannot influence destiny.
I guess ur fucked. Start prepping the essentials: a tank of helium and a gas mask. This way you can go out in peace as opposed to getting your holes destroyed by maurauding gangs
You're destined to be my personal onahole. Wanna meet up now and get it over with or u wanna wait foe nature to take its course?
Let's meet. I haven't had butt sex in a while. I'm dripping from my pee hole just thinking about it
Where u live? I'm down for some fanny fun
>I know more about *topic* than people who study *topic* as a profession
>I don't want to fucking die young, but it is pretty much certain now due to the effects of climate change on the planet
First thing I would suggest turning off CNN and blocking Ocasio Cortez on Twitter.
Then you might get around to actually relevant sources like UN climate report, which should make you cheer up, because it's much more optimistic.
But something tells me it won't cheer you. You indulge in this "ya'll can't see the truth oh my god I am a victim of the masses trying to save the entire planet and humanity and waaah" go fuck yourself with that, honestly. Green zealots have produced more failed apocalyptic deadlines than most religions.
Reminds me of a joke I can't find rn:
Wife: What's the weather gona be like?
Husband: We're all going to die in 57 years because of specific seastream and ozone factors.
Wife: No, I mean this weekend.
Husband: Oh, they aren't sure yet.
It's cringey, but I think the point is clear enough.
Sorry for the delay. I live in Pittsburgh
>Study topic as a proffesion
>If my science rejects the idea that the earth is flat i will be expelled as a social phariah and i will loose funding from the church
>If i find "proof" earth is flat i am one with the herd and church will fund me
Of course im just paraphrasing
Yet scientists also seem to claim trannies arent mentally ill these days so i guess im just being slightly sceptic about the muh scientist argument
Fugg. Cali here. Oh well, gotta find some other salad to toss