I want to know what you're point of view is

Please help me. Do you think she's skinny, healthy, curvy, pudgy, chubby, fat or obese?

Attached: Screenshot_20190827-092735_Gallery.jpg (691x1158, 616K)

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She is not thing, she has no curves, but she isn't that fat either.

who drinks red bull in this day and age?
shes not very attractive, totally average. a little on the thicc side but in no place where it adds to her attractiveness. poor distribution of fat.

She's fat but I'd still smash that shit all day. The girl I'm currently fucking is fatter than that, wish I was good enough to trade up to a girl like OP (or better) but hey I take what I can get.

What's wrong with drinking red bull?

Fat. She is many kilos overweight

No. Just ugly

Curvy-pudgy range.

Ha! These tards do not realize that she is yee. I would lick your face. It is only your lack of confidence that is a deflection.

She's obviously overweight. The kind of woman who doesn't care about her own body- despite it being your only true possession in this world. She eats a lot and stores it as fat; her lifestyle is also detrimental to her health. I would avoid at all costs.