2D prono/ecchi/etc

Do you find loli/shotacon appropriate or not, and why? What about sexualizing, not exactly children, but not fully-mature 2D people like Asuka here?

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The latter certainly looks 18+ at least by anime standards I guess but there's no mistaking the former for anything else.

People like the "it's only a cartoon so it's not real it doesn't count I'm not a pedo" and I'll buy that at least no real children were harmed it is just a cartoon so you get a gold star for that, but you're still milking your dick to the concept of kids getting fucked so you're definitely a closet pedo.

See, you say that, but I actually was (am?) a bit of a shotacon and certainly am no pedo.
That shit never translated over to real life though because I both know it'd be wrong and didn't interest me. Like I can find a kid cute and attractive /for their age/ in a non-sexual way, but they're not gonna turn me on or make me wanna stick things in their ass. As for the 2D, I don't know how to explain it. Maybe it was the youthfulness being able to be portrayed in a fantasy-tic[?] world/medium, idealized to high hell.
I'll admit though, my mind has on a rare occasion or two jumped to something sexual (what can I say, I'm only human and sometimes sex is all that's on our minds/on our minds first) but then I immediately went "What the fuck?" because I don't wanna shag a child, let alone find a child matured enough to be attractive in a sexual manner. inb4 repressed thoughts, it would've been recurring for years if so, for one, and I know the pain and disgustedness of being a sexually abused child sadly. So TLDR I don't entirely agree there with saying it makes someone a pedo.

Then there's also 2D animu/2D vidya people like pic related that clearly aren't (young?) children but arent adults either could be shota), which I don't know how to take if someone likes or not.

Attached: Black_2_White_2_Nate.png (576x1257, 411K)

If you show anyone a picture of Asuka, their first thought isn't going to be "that's a 15 year old" before "that's an anime character and he jerks off to cartoons."

It's not really appropriate either way because it's jerking off to a cartoon, and I'm someone with a fetish for art and statues. At the end of the day, this isn't something you should share with most people, especially with "lewd" statues like posted in the OP. I have some female comic statues, and I take a bunch of flak for them.

At the end of the day though, it's pretty dumb to consider a sexually mature girl "unattractive" until the moment she turns 18, at which point it all becomes okay. It's clearly not that simple.

Asuka best girl. That's all I have to say.

I was 12 the first time I fapped to asuka only god can judge me

>That shit never translated over to real life though
Does you jerking off to cartoon kids not exist in real life? It takes place in some trans dimensional purgatory that exists outside of time and space?

how old are you now?

I meant that I wouldn't dare, nor want or have any desire to jerk it to a real kid despite that.

It's still the concept of a real kid.

think of the concepts

brb fappin to the concept of a billion naked babies ooh mama

I can and will fap to anything, and will fuck anything that's legal. Nobody can stop me.
Go circlejerk somewhere else

arrest this man

It's better to not poison your mind or hard drive with fantasies of having sex with children, real or not. It's a waste of time and a liability if discovered. Totally inappropriate.

only thing poisoning my mind at the moment is your dumbass 4channel posts
can't fap to this

The same can be said of drugs. Why dont you put down your bong for a minute and fap to some concepts of babies

I feel like a lot of people who do enjoy lolicon like it not for the thought of fucking or hurting a child but rather inserting themselves into that “character”, if you will, feeling innocent, small, and young. In the sense of lolicon, there is no real child so it probably is desensitizing a lot of people to child porn. I think it would be interesting to see a study on that

Almost 13

They're called teens dipshit
Anyone with an ounce of reason will tell you that at some point you need to offer these people an outlet for something they don't necessarily have full control of
It's important for us, as a civilized society, to recognize that part of being civilized means not unceremoniously executing people with whom we do not agree, even if it's a dumb fucking decision in some cases.

I think if we have artistic works that's not really crossing too many lines, and I think even though it's gross, so long as it is purely and strictly an exchange between two adults and doesn't involve actually trading kids... selling/posting/whatever some doujinshi is pretty much par for the course, and will happen regardless of whether we allow it-- the difference is if we normalize and make perfectly acceptable these kinds of behaviors, we might be a step away from demonizing people who genuinely struggle with what likely constitutes a (or multiple) mental illness(es).

tldr I've fapped to Asuka so it's not like I can take a high ground, might as well play the devil's advocate
I don't see why art is bad, also everyone still sucks the church's dick but they fuck little boys so fuggoff with the kerfuffle. even the government fucks children, let these guys fap to loli for fuck's actual sake

I tell my normie friends that loli/shotacon is inappropriate and pedo, yadda yadda.
But I honestly couldn't give two shits about it. It's just cartoon characters. Go fap to a Loli or to Scoobi-Doo if that's what you're into.
