Virgin girl

should i buy into the hook up culture? im in my early 20s and have exerted enormous self control up till now (also i might be partly demisexual so i cant give too much credit to myself) and wanted to save myself for someone special. ive yet to find guys i genuinely clicked with and liked enough to lose it but now i'm kind of tired of waiting and want to have some fun. i'm getting old, with little sexual experience and getting sex will not be too big of an issue. the question is, should i stay virginal or should i let loose a bit?

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Oh you'll fit right in, your head's already so far up your own ass you bring 'into anal' to a whole new level.

im against girls fucking around but ill give you the same advice that i would to guys. do whatever you want. but just know that guys respect these kind of girls less.

Oh you know what I bought the bait, I missed the 'girl' part. Of course it's an early-20s girl who uses ____sexual and doesn't fill the blank with homo, hetero or bi.
Fuckin' serves me right for biting at bait

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You're too weak. Far too weak

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I'm a virgin, it doesn't really matter that much to me, but it would seem to be less embarrassing to be with a virgin girl.
so what are your standards for a date? do you get a lot of men interested in you?

Well, it's your life. It's up to you to make that choice. Twenty might seem old in contrast to the age an average person loses their virginity, but in the grand scheme of things you're still fairly young.

For a long time I thought it was important to only have sex with someone you could see spending the rest of your life with, like your soulmate. Someone who was very important to you. I ended up having sex with someone I'd clicked with over a few weeks and it was honestly great. And then we had sex a ton of times after, and it was great then too. If a random hookup isn't how you want to lose your virginity, you could wait until you find a guy you like, get to know him, start dating if you're into him. Let things occur naturally. Just don't let anyone pressure you into something when the time doesn't feel right. Or shame you into thinking sex is this bad impure thing you shouldn't do.

You could also just cut loose, it felt pretty good to do for once and you might enjoy too.

stay a virgin.

demi-what? bitch youre mentally ill and brainwashed thats what you are

Fuck your fingers. Super hard. Until your hands answer the question for you

Sex is a very enjoyable activity.
I encourage you to try it when you feel safe and comfortable (and aroused) doing so.
But not having sex isn't such if a big deal that it's worth having bad sex, just to do it.

I'm in the same situation as you, just male. Had a girlfriend I would have been willing to lose virginity with but things fell apart before we did, and ever since I've been trying to get that strong romantic connection back with no success, even though I know there are girls that would be willing to just have a cheap bang. It sucks and idk why I'm like this, or why the rest of society has gone off to flimsy hookup culture

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Stay virgin. I want to marry a virign woman one day since I dont belwive in premarital sex.

>hookup culture
Wut. Young men and women have less casual sex than previous generations.

You've adopted a black and white outlook on sex.
This outlook is fine during middle/highschool, nobody wants a dumb pregnant teen or any of that shit. Better to focus on actual relationship building skills and shit like that.

As you're older now, the truth is that sex is more of a dessert to the meal known as a relationship.
You CAN just skip the meal and go for dessert sometimes, but you should really try actually dating people.
Don't give it up front and be honest about being inexperienced, they will understand. Everyone was at one point.

I also want my first time to be with someone special. I'm now in a LDR so its going to be a while before I lose it but until then I got toys. Get a dildo, vibrators are nice. I have a lot of fun.

No don't do it. You will just regret it. Being a roastie is etern suffering. And you being a virgin is actually good and that way you can actually get high quality and rich men that aren't ducks. So I say save it. I am a virgin woman probably older than you and I can already tell the difference, I have better quality men at my disposal than my non virgin friend

If you have quality men at your disposal how come you are not dating any of them?

I am dating someone though

For how long? And how come you haven't had sex yet?

For a month now almost, well, we're not official yet and I have to marry him to have sex

No quality man is going to put up with waiting until marriage to have sex.

Keep telling yourself that

You're not making any sense. Just think, what kind of guy would be okay with a relationship in which she does not care about him and will not do the slightest effort to make him happy.

Keep coping, roastie
And no, I care about him but he values my personality more, I have principles unlike you roastie

you millenials and your madeup bullshit

anyway, you should be aware that women who have more sexual partners are less likely to be happy in life and less likely to have a successful marriage.
I'm not telling you to be celibate, but don't be binge cockhopping.

The best option would be finding a partner with whom you can have spiritual, mental and physical unity, you have many children, your family strong, your nation strong etc.
The worst thing is being a piece of meat.

Determine where your comfort zone is between those two and go for it.

>still believing in meme graphs made before he was born

>it is the current year

Go for it OP. You’re missing a lot in life by being a virgin. Forget having a family from now on. Focus on your career and party hard during weekends. Losing your v card during a party is one of the best things in life. You know what, are you attractive in a sense? Make use of it and become an IG model. Everyone is making big bucks with it. Men will also pay you big time for it. Nothing wrong with it, you’re just being independent and making use of your god given talent.

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If you are attractive you could try to sell your virginity online for a good price.


Start the bidding at $1000

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I'll bid $2000. Provided she is reasonably attractive.

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Don't waste your life chasing your idea of your first love. I know someone who dated a 16 year old girl when they were 19. He thought they were going to get married someday. She changed as she graduated and wanted to move on. 20 years later, in a stable and happy relationship, he still wishes that he could have the kind of relationship he had when was a delusional 19 year old.
You can never recapture the past.
Go capture the future.

It won't make you feel better. The guy you'll settle with will probably hate your past experiences and resent you and possibly leave you. Virgin girls are incredibly high value in this society.

>The guy you'll settle with will probably hate your past experiences and resent you and possibly leave you. Virgin girls are incredibly high value in this society
What society was this?

>Virgin girls are incredible high value in this society.
Which society? The online community of basement-dwelling bitter virgins?

To be fair, he could also live on an island with an angry volcano god.

>i'm kind of tired of waiting and want to have some fun
You can ''have some fun'' but do not do it on a casual basis. DO NOT have casual sex with random dudes because it will ruin you psychologically and emotionally.

If you're horny, find a decent guy with whom you can have a MONOGAMOUS sexual relationship with. as long as the sex you're having is restricted to monogamous and committed relationships you will continue associating sex with monogamy and this will leave you in a much healthier state for relationships for the rest of your life.

Please do not sacrifice your long-term mate value as a woman for the sake of some instant gratification.

Roasties are universally despised, unless you believe feminist lefty roasties who are desperately screaming that everyone should be a roastie like them. Do you honestly think guys are in any way attracted to girls who have sex with quite a few men?
One night stands dont make you feel better about yourself
why do you think that having sex is the answer?

lmao virgin girls have always been highest value
are you a girl?
you have to be, because every single male would rather fuck a virgin than any sort of girl who's had sex.
You know in Islam, females are also considered at their highest value if they're virgin. Same goes with Christianity, Hinduism, or any other major religion. You can pretend this is some alt right cringe bullshit, but both in terms of world history and in terms of today, the vast VAST majority of men prefer virgin over non-virgins.

You are so obviously underaged. You are projecting your virgin fantasies on all adult males. What you said is very wrong and dumb. Actual adult men do not place value on or care about a girl's virginity.

I-i..I'm 21 user...I've had multiple girls ask me to take their virginity, what the fuck are you saying...
Seriously, most adult males would prefer a virgin to a non-virgin. It's only in current Post-Modern Western society that being a 'non-virgin' is accepted and even celebrated..
>Actual adult men do not place value on or care about a girl's virginity.
Go and ask a hundred 'actual adult men' whether they'd rather have a girlfriend who is a virgin or had a few partners or had lots of partners. Seriously, you go do that and then tell me actual adult men don't care about virginity.

>most adult males would prefer a virgin to a non-virgin
This is simply not true. Where do you get such dumb ideas from?

>If a girl isn't a virgin she is a whore who has taken 9000 cocks
Incels, never change.

Where d'you get yours?

Not that guy but why would the opposite to what he's said be true?

If we were both virgins and she wanted sex after marriage id respect it and put a ring on her in a year if things went peachy. Securing a pure girl for yourself is more important than fucking and potentially ruining her purity if things went to shit and broke up

What he said is dumb and wrong but that doesn't mean the opposite is true. What is true is that for the majority of males it is a non-issue.

There's that word again. Do you even know what this means?

If your hole hasnt been ravaged by some other dude cock that you plan on birthing your child from

>Do you honestly think guys are in any way attracted to girls who have sex with quite a few men?
Some are. I prefer a woman who has had a little experience, but I'm not turned off my a lot of experience or none.

>One night stands dont make you feel better about yourself
You are equating "having sex" with "having sex with quite a few partners" and "one night stands".
I don't recommend either of those.

>why do you think that having sex is the answer?
Sex is an enjoyable activity. I recommend it when the people involved are safe and comfortable.
Holding up virginity with idolatry as if it were a cherished prize has no basis in reason. Self-respect is more valuable.
Virginity and abstinence are the best method to avoid pregenency and disease, that's it. And practicing monogamous safe sex is a close second to that.


>Do you honestly think guys are in any way attracted to girls who have sex with quite a few men?

I've had sex with virgins and non-virgins and god damn dude I'll take an experienced girl any time over a girl who is bad at sex or downright scared of it.

You sound like the kind of guy who would refuse a blow job from his wife because she kisses his children with that mouth.

I only half implied that for the contrast, but explicitly denounced that mental image
>Go and ask a hundred 'actual adult men' whether they'd rather have a girlfriend who is a virgin or had a few partners or had lots of partners.
Youre the only one making that distinction.

it's not an issue
it's a preference. Most guys prefer virgins, and that's been the case for eons for a dozen of reasons.

I don't know what kind of dirty tainted dick you have that rots any pussy it comes into contact with, but that is definitely not normal.

If you're asking if women prefer men who are or aren't virgins, the answer is that, many times, women prefer a man who knows what he is doing. Most virgins, especially young virgins, are clueless as to what they're doing.
But women want what they want, like anybody else.

And you like a massive roastie who cannot comprehend that men prefer virgin girls.

Depends on what you want. Do you want expirience and to relieve the itch or do you want respect?

>Most guys prefer virgins
Repeating this falsehood over and over again will not make it true. You are only projecting your massive insecurities on other men.

Just let loose a little, have fun.

Your could get hit by a car tomorrow, then when your paralyzed from the neck down.
Will you be happy that your a virgin forever?

>doesn't give location
>doesn't give timestamp pic of herself
>doesn't give her phone or email
>doesn't give profile link to her social/dating service
>no kik, whatsapp or anything

This is bait. Sage

Why are these threads allowed?

I get that this is advice not soc, but my advice is to do what i said above first.
If that fails to get her laid then i want proof that it failed.

Sex is enjoyable, but it's not the same type of recreation as playing video games is. Sex comes with a prize. Not just the risk of STD's and unwanted pregnancies, but also things you can't wear a condom against.

In particular to women, non-monogamous sex ALWAYS leads to hurt feelings, damaged ability to pairbond effectively and it puts you at greater risk of other mental diseases like depression, loss of self respect etc.

No this isn't a meme. I'm a guy and i've had plenty of casual sex over the past couple of years. While i do not condone my own hypocrisy on this topic, i've seen what casual sex does to women and how it affects them. I guarantee you, it ruins them. Women almost always develop feelings towards a man they're having sex with and they always end up getting shattered emotionally when the guy in question grows tired of her and dumps her. Women are fundamentally unable to have casual sex and no feminist or white knight can convince me otherwise. A woman only has to be pumped and dumped a few times over the course of her life in order for her to be damaged goods forever.

Are you saying the entire Christian and Islamic worlds do not prefer virgins over men? How do you know you're right?
Culturally, historically, and socio-evolutionary, men desiring virgins have fared better than those taking any women available.

>Most guys prefer virgins, and that's been the case for eons for a dozen of reasons.

>men prefer virgin girls
That is OBVIOUSLY not a universal truth. Otherwise society wouldn't be sexually liberated, sex ed in classes woud just be "save yourself until marriage" and sexuality wouldn't be so prevalent in everything from pop music to video games and sex itself wouldn't be a billion dollar industry in everything from sex toys and lubes and novelty condoms to cam girls and porn sites.

We're talking about the western world here, I'm sure that in Botswana and Saudi Arabia and India sure virgins are still numero uno.


>it's not an issue
>it's a preference. Most guys prefer virgins
Okay, let's pretend that's a fact for a second.
A slight preference does not equate to a "Highest Valie" worth screeching about on the internet.

Many guys would value a non-virgin that will exclusively fuck only them over a virgin that might someday maybe fuck them.

>The world is a cesspool of degenerates who are constantly hooking up and having gross sex with peepee touching their lips there's all these apps like Tinder and Myspace that normies use to have sex, men and women are having sex all over the place and it's disgusting this is why I'm holding off for a virgin girl that I haven't found yet
>all men prefer virgin girls it's a universal human trait actually, if you prefer non-virgins you're actually going against your culture and history and religion and

Schroedinger's incel. Where society is both sexually liberated and entirely focused on chastity at the same time.

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Well put.

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Ability to pairbond IS a meme.

Still funny answer though

Source: your ass. Now you are just outright making shit up.
>men desiring virgins have fared better than those taking any women available
You're going to need to provide a source for such an outlandish claim. Surely you have studies and facts about this readily available? You wouldn't be making shit up would you?

don't fall for the hookup meme you'll regret it in the long run femanon

>all women whores and promiscuous sluts
>why won't women have sex with me
Believing in incelism means living with nothing but contradictory ideas in your head.

It's not.

Having sex with someone releases bonding chemicals designed to make you stick together. If you engage in casual sex early and often, you become increasingly numb to these emotions which will make it more and more difficult to stay monogamous.

There a very strong correlation between women with high sexual partners and their divorce rates. The more sexual partners a woman has had, the more likely she either has been divorced in the past, or will in the future.

>Having sex with someone releases bonding chemicals designed to make you stick together. If you engage in casual sex early and often, you become increasingly numb to these emotions which will make it more and more difficult to stay monogamous.
[citation required]

>[citation required] probably

wikipedia-addled tard

it really just stands to reason that the more times you experience the sequence of infatuation->complacency->breakup, the more naturally that process becomes. people who have lots and lots of relationships are infatuation addicts. they expect to keep going through new people until they find 'the one' who will give them a permanent feeling of puppylove for the rest of their lives, but that will never happen.
so they get married at 32, and divorce at 40, because they just can't get over their taste for new love.

the wise men of the past understood this, which is why they instilled the principle of monogamy. the hunger for infatuation and lust is insatiable and leaves destruction in its wake.

He's going to post I just know it.

>it really just stands to reason that
This is synonymous with "I'm making shit up that sounds good to me"

Still waiting for that citation.

Nowhere in that lame pile of armchair psychiatry you just typed out did I see a link or source of information that verifies the scientific claim you made.

as if you provide citations for every opinion you express on 4channel/adv

>hurr google it I'm not going to do it for you
When everything else fails and you've been caught red handed making shit up.

So you admit now that everything was just your opinion, and not actual facts?

There is a strong correlation between people who brush their teeth everyday and people who live over 10 years longer than everyone else. That doesn't mean that it was the brushing teeth that made them live longer. Correlation is not causation.
You have no facts.

But is penetration by fingers hurts, I can't even get "really" inside? It's so tight I doubt it's even meant for a dick

Making a scientific claim is not an opinion. "I think casual sex is bad" is an opinion. "Casual sex causes a physiological decrease in crucial hormones that stabilize monogamous relationship" is a scientific claim. In the world of functioning adults if you make a scientific claim the burden of proof is on you.

again, you express your own dumbass opinions constantly with little regard for distinguishing personal analysis from scientific research, but when somebody who disagrees does the same, you whip out the wikipedia brackets

>"Casual sex causes a physiological decrease in crucial hormones that stabilize monogamous relationship"
didn't say this. made it pretty obvious with my posting style that I'm not the one who said that.
regardless, 'crucial hormones that stabilize monogamous relationships' is also not a factual scientific claim, but rather more a scientific opinion, which is basically unprovable and unfalsifiable. I don't know how you would do any type of reliable research to prove this hypothesis.

BUT IT STANDS TO REASON that the more you fuck people, the less significance you place on any given person you fuck. I love my mom in large part because she's the only mom I have. How could you expect to maintain a feeling that your partner is specifically significant when you've had 1000 partners?
if you think that's bullshit because I can't prove it scientifically, fine, but you can't disprove it either, or prove any other dumbass idea you think up.
difference is that I don't demand you cite the shit you claim.

>didn't say this. made it pretty obvious with my posting style that I'm not the one who said that.
I never said you did. It was merely the second part of my example highlighting the difference between a scientific claim and an opinion

Either you have a source of information to back up your claim or you don't. "It makes sense if you think about it" is not a citation.

>if you think that's bullshit because I can't prove it scientifically, fine
Yes, that's exactly how science works.

>but you can't disprove it either
This isn't how science works. Your theories don't gain validity if others can't prove it wrong. I'm more than willing to entertain the possibility that you are correct. It doesn't seem entirely implausible. The only issue is that you made something up that made sense to you personally but you have absolutely zero evidence to back it up.

>difference is that I don't demand you cite the shit you claim.
I haven't made a scientific claim. The second I make one the burden of proof is on my to verify that the information I've said is correct.

It stands to reason that virgin girls are much more likely to cheat.

>you express your own dumbass opinions constantly with little regard for distinguishing personal analysis from scientific research

opinions =/= scientific claims

It stands to reason that virgin girls have prettier feet than non-virgin girls

It stands to reason that virgin girls have hairier pussies than non-virgin girls

you're a dipshit who blathers about science in a casual anonymous advice board. I'm not obliged to prove anything to you in the first place, nor would I gain anything by doing so, nor do I care whether you believe me or not. my opinion is derived from my own analysis of psychology, sociology, logic, and history. take it or leave it, it makes no difference to me.
>I haven't made a scientific claim.
yeah I'm sure you've never claimed anything, anywhere, at any point, without evidence to back it up.

people who demand 'citations' for claims made in Jow Forums posts are fucking retarded. citation: all your posts

>my opinion is derived from my own analysis of psychology, sociology, logic, and history
>my opinion
At least now you admit it's nothing but your opinion.

Are you seriously saying you have actually read and studied psychology, sociology, logic, and history extensively? I kind of doubt this given how your knowledge of science is pretty much zero.

>my opinion is derived from my own analysis of psychology, sociology, logic, and history
So you have no proof that what you're saying is legit because you made all of it up? Got it. You could of just told us this from the beginning and saved us the trouble of having to deduce that you were full of shit.

>people who demand 'citations' for claims made in Jow Forums posts are fucking retarded
People who make shit up then get butthurt when they get called on it may be slightly more retarded.

You know nothing about my knowledge of anything.

Yes. I 'made it up'. Hence why I said 'it stands to reason'. That means 'this is my opinion derived from my understanding of reason'.
In 'the real world of sciency scientific adults', it isn't necessary to say 'in my opinion' before expressing an opinion. People who aren't morons understand that when somebody expresses an opinion, it is not an expression of fact.

But on internet forums full of uneducated retards like you, people get pissy and offended when you say something without clarifying that your opinion is an opinion.

Look at this butthurt, he got caught making shit up and instead of admitting he has no idea what he's talking about, he doubles on the stupid.

What you said is false. Wrong. Lies.

An opinion is not a falsehood.