Friend is a whore

So I'm 18 and I have a friend who's younger than me (16), and she admitted that she sucks dicks in her highschool bathroom for 10 bucks. She's unemployed and claims to help pay rent with the money. Should I tell her parents/school? I don't want her to end up like my biological sister (crackhead)

>Tfw you find a replacement sister but she starts going down the drain

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Suckin dick for case at 16. Good hussle. Don't rat on your friends dude.

In concerned for her. She's turning into a roastie whore, it's only a matter of time befores shes pregnant and on the street. She isn't close to her brother so I have taken on the brother role model figure in her life..

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And where might this bathroom be, exactly? Knowing the room, address, and time she usually operates would be helpful to me giving you advice.

Look man I'm seriously concerned for her, you can meme all you want but she's a real person who is going down a bad path

You rat on her I promise you it will backfire and she'll end up hating you and resenting her parents. She will stick to her convictions that it is her body and her sexuality of which she is in command of and not you or anyone can stop her. Then she will definitely start popping her pussy for pills.

Just talk to her direct and say what you need to say. If you feel strongly enough than you can warn her how you'll be forced to walk away from your friendship because her actions go against your core beliefs.

Should I cut off our friendship? Just be done with it?

Damn, 10 bucks for a 16 yo giving blowjobs? I guess she's far and beyond minimum wage already but she could still be charging a lot more doing a lot less. Being a whore is also somewhat less bad if she's putting money away for an education. Don't be judgemental just say that she might want to look into long term plans because youth and prostitution are a temporary thing. Maybe ask about what she wants to do later in life. Rent money is one thing but sucking dick just to get by until men no longer want her is a terrible move.

If you tell her parents she will turn to less savoury characters to confide in. What you could do is ask a mental health professional for help and advice. They are generally more strictly bound by confidentiality and privacy laws.

This. Voice your concerns to her and be direct.

Give her 10 bucks.


I mean, if you want to try to help her, you can tell her why she shouldn't be doing what she's doing and how concerned you are about her future... That being said, "future" isn't something most young people care about that much...
Wish the best of luck for you user

ask her to suck your dick too

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Only if you feel strongly enough to put it on the table. You are coming to her, heart in hand, to plead against her own judgment. This is a war of moral code. Where you see her going is probably far different than what she thinks. This can be an on going discussion you both have for a while. At the end of it all it will always be her choice to act this way, and your choice to accept it or leave. I applaud you for caring enough about your friend to try to figure out what best to do. I personally advise against ratting her out but that is still a viable option.

It's really hard to see her do this, my sister started whoring herself out at 14, did drugs at 17, left home at 18 and now, at 23, has been arrested twice for assault, drug dealing, burglary, sex crimes (prostitution) and DWI. she punched a cop in highschool, too. This girl I'm friends with is almost an angel, I don't want her to become something else. The slippery slope is real.

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Tell her she needs to raise her prices. Offer to teach her microeconomics in exchange for a bj.

Just give her ten bucks fren

Your sisters choices were fucked up and extreme and she sounds unhinged. No offense. Your friend is not your sister so at least you have some room for discussion. I emphasize the word discussion but preaching and lecturing is not going to work worth a damn. If I were in this situation I'd want to know why she came up with this particular method to make money. There are tons of ways to make $10 so why do it the sleezy way? Where did she devise this plan, and what made her not just do it, but continue to and why is she not afraid of very real consequences? Prod her brain a little and get some responses. Even if all you get are I dunno and whatevers, you've at least planted a seed of doubt without judgment.

Really, the important thing is how she chose this price. Think of the fame you could get as the economist who revolutionized the high school bathroom prostitution market!

A good friend talks you out of suckin toilet dick for a tenspot. A great friend helps you merchandise.

It sounds like the internet is rotting your brain man, it's her life. You ain't here to save her to satisfy your hero fantasy you egotistical fuck. I just wish you'd admit you're jealous and want to get your little dick sucked. Fuck are you doing hanging out with her in the first place instead of people your own age?

10 bud a pop is a good price because she's in highschool. If she charged 16 year olds 40 a pop she would get maybe 40 in a week but charging 10 means she can get repeat biz through the week. When highschool boys aren't her clientele she can charge 40+ a pop. Anyway op have you considered that she just really likes sucking dick? Do not doubt this girl's intelligence.

Does she swallow?

If the answer is yes, than you must enslave her. Tell her that you'll be her saviour. She'll like it, really.

>Really, the important thing is how she chose this price. Think of the fame you could get as the economist who revolutionized the high school bathroom prostitution market!

Yeah, $10? For a 16yo she could charge more money for older men. If she's jailbait she could blackmail and extort men for more money without even sucking dick.

My guess, she's real ugly, dumb, and probably black.

Wow are you me OP?

I (28) made a Japanese girl friend (25) and she told me she worked as a delivery health girl for 10 days and she can't remember the number of guys who came in her mouth. Then she got defensive and angry when I got angry and demanded me to buy her an expensive camera.

eh, only choice you have is to one, figure out why she really needs the money and then become her sugar daddy

>10 bucks
Tell her she can charge more, she just needs some new management. Hand her a business card and buy a purple hat with a feather in it.

I’d definitely spend 100 a week if it got me 10 blowjobs