A girl who sits next to me in class keeps putting her butt close to my face at least once a week...

A girl who sits next to me in class keeps putting her butt close to my face at least once a week. What does she mean by that? I usually ignore her.

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She's a ho
nut n go

Tell her
>Get the fuck out with your shitty ass, it smells horrible


put tongue into her anus for maximum damage

Bite it next time it comes your way.

I'm not asking what I should do, I want to know what she means

You might be overreading the situation. But usually, when a girl does something like that it means she is trying to get your attention. I advise if you like her, make your move. If not, let her know that you aren't interested whether directly, or indirectly.

It literally means you are just another random NPC to her. She doesnt give a fuck about you my dude. Put tongue into her anus. She wont even notice.

You're gonna have to elaborate on when this happens and the context or no one can guess what she means by that.

She's either standing up or sitting down. You play no part whatever in her thoughts

It means nothing, she's just an attention whore so keep ignoring her. If she were really into you she would other signals than putting her butt near your face.

She gets attention from other guys and doesn't do that.
When she's talking to other guys who already have gf
Sometimes she looks at me and compliments me

So if she compliments you then ask her out and find out if she was doing it to attract you.

I don't wanna play the creepy guy

That sounds weird, are you sure that she's just not talking to people that are sat next to/in front of you?
It's a pretty round about way of showing someone your ass, it might just be a coincidence or circumstantial.

>I don't wanna play the creepy guy

yeah you will be creepy guy and? What does it mean to you? If you wont ask you will never know maybe she likes you.

Her ass's distance is always about 0,5 feet from my face, realy close, she can go elsewhere when she talks to others but she doesn't
>yeah you will be creepy guy and?
I still have to see her every day

She's 1 step remove sitting on your face in public, it's impossible for you be the creepy guy

>I still have to see her every day

Still having ego i see. Young man. We boomers dont give a fuck so my post might seem alien to you.

Probably just compliment her one day.
Doesn't have to be at all sexual, see her response.
If she smiles genuinely then go for it, if she just says "Thanks." then maybe not.

How did you eliminate your ego?

By simply being alive long enought. My advice is actually useless because those things come with age. It's better for him to think he will be creepy and other shit. It's much more fun live that way.

>Still having ego i see. Young man. We boomers dont give a fuck so my post might seem alien to you.
So says the egotistical self-professed boomer.

What's creepy in asking out a girl? There's nothing wrong in saying
>Hey I like you do you want to go (insert place here) on (insert day here and time).
Really, what's the problem user?

If she's not really interested she'll make excuse to call me weird

you dont know what word ego means. Might open dictionary a lil bit.

You're speaking in hypothetical for an outcome that may never happen.
Lets play the 'What If' game, shall we?
>Girl, "user is weird!"
>You, "You're shaking your butt 6" inches from me. And you're calling me weird? You can't blame me for trying to see if you're interested."
Then you move onto another woman.

Finish drink your Monster and mow your lawn.

You said she had complimented you so how can she be not interested in you?

I can't, she's the only woman sitting nearby, and I can't get a bad reputation so I can do group activities with her
She's mysterious and controversial, sometimes seems to be interested sometimes not, so not sure, she knows how to play with the minds of the guys

Yeah she knows how to play with the minds and she's teasing you. She's acting like every woman does. So she is either into you and want you to take the first step or she is laughing at you by doing all this stuff like compliments and butt thing.

>So she is either into you and want you to take the first step or she is laughing at you by doing all this stuff like compliments and butt thing.
So how do you find out which one it is?

you don't figure it out. you just have to guess. women do these things to keep men in fear. if you want sex you must risk humiliation.

Compliment her. Really simple "hey, I love the smell, braphog, sit on my face and let me get it straight from the source."

I don't know anymore if you guys say it ironically or literally do it, I'm starting to believe

Slap that shit niggaaaaaa

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No, those anons are retarded, don't say anything like that. You can figure it out if you ask her user. It's the only way to find out what she wants.

>It's the only way to find out what she wants.
There has to be another way

No there isn't. You can't figure it out by yourself. Either ask her and risk humiliation or still live without knowing what she want.

There is, next time she shows you that ass press your nose against that brapper and take a good two nostrils full of that juice. She'll take the hint.
