Meet girl

>meet girl
>end up getting really close together and doing all this sappy shit
>all over me when we see eachother in real life
>always asking for pics of us together to show her mom and sister
>she is a modest girl but shows me herself in revealing skimpy clothes
>actually man up and ask her out
>says shes lesbian
Im not mad or anything just disappointed, this has been the only girl ive had a connection with in a long while so how can I just erase any romantic feelings for her? Its a weird feel man

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Nothing you can do, just give it time bro.

>always asking for pics of us together to show her mom and sister

She was using you to fool her family into thinking she was straight. You where a beard. Evacuate her presence immediately she is straight fucking garbage.

what the fuck
i have no advice to give. if she was straight is say cut contact, but if shes a lesbian... its a weird spot. if you like spending time with her and believe your feelings will fade because shes not an option at all, then keep hanging out with her. otherwise, cut her from your life but explain it to her first.

This is most likely but really weird since she said her sister knows she gay
She wants to hangout with me and see me still. Its really weird she kept suggesting we hangout and see eachother and do all these things together. I feel like I can handle the lesbian stuff since it makes her not an option but it would sure make me feel like a cuck fgt for some reason

>This is most likely but really weird since she said her sister knows she gay

yeah sure mang whatever you say get the fuck out there. Your putting a emotional investment in a broker that has no plan on giving it back to you. Its a long painful drain and not worth the headache. Once again I advise you to ghost her.

No women are actually lesbians

Use your dick to convert her

Also Griffith did nothing wrong

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I was planning on doing that since I saw no point in pursuing her anymore. Just worried about finding other chicks to talk to


Apparently not

>No women are actually lesbians
Explain also griffith did a lot wrong, he is a man baby that can’t accept things not going his way