What's the best method apart from guns (I can't get them in my country)?
I was thinking jumping in front of a train, or off a building. Pic related, they have high success rates and low pain rates. Although I don't know why the train would take 17.92 minutes to kill you? If it's going fast enough to kill you, death would be pretty quick, right?
Hey OP, jumping in front of a train is fucking grim, no one should go like that.
Also, jumping off a building require steel balls.
Have you though of the infamous helium mask?
Joseph Young
>Hey OP, jumping in front of a train is fucking grim, no one should go like that. You haven't provided any reasons why not. My favourite method would be a gun to the head, because it's quick and effective and probably pretty painless (at least the pain won't last), but like I say, I can't get one in my country. Jumping in front of a train is surely the most similar thing I can get: it's basically instant (if the train's going fast enough) and effective.
I think the main problem with the building is getting roof access. These places will have security.
Helium mask sounds fucking lame, and also if you're caught in the middle of it then you'll be a brain damaged vegetable right?
Connor Gray
>Although I don't know why the train would take 17.92 minutes to kill you?
I'd guess it's because no one is laying down on the train tracks ahead of time for a neat little decapitation cause they'll see you on the tracks. People walk onto the tracks at the last second, and at the last half second they go OH SHIT WHAT AM I DOING FUCK and try to get off the track and either get hit by the train or stumble and get their legs crushed and either way just bleed out.
If you were really suicidal too you would just go out and drink gas & eat fire or cartwheel into a wood chipper or something. You wouldn't be sitting there hemming and hawwing and stroking your chin about which method is most effective vs which is the most painless like you're thinking of buying a new couch and comparing prices of IKEA vs Costco or something.
Dylan Russell
How does this agony metric work? Like what's the scale and how is it measured?
Jayden King
Whatever kind of pain or suffering you are in right now. If it's not permanent, dont take the easy way out. Days will get better. Don't give up brother
Jaxson Torres
You should be thankful for what you have..
Nathan Gomez
>People walk onto the tracks at the last second, and at the last half second they go OH SHIT WHAT AM I DOING FUCK and try to get off the track and either get hit by the train or stumble and get their legs crushed and either way just bleed out. If that was true then wouldn't the agony be higher? And wouldn't the success rate be lower (because many would maim themselves instead of killing themselves)? Also how come a gunshot to the head takes 2.5 minutes to kill you? When I've watched videos it looks pretty instant to me.
>If you were really suicidal If you think people don't plan these things then you're an absolute idiot. Here's a Dutch woman who planned her death via euthanasia (a doctor helped her die). She was 29: bbc.co.uk/news/stories-45117163
Fucking idiot.
Yeah I dunno, no idea. I think a fire probably would hurt way more than a gunshot to the head, but I don't know how they assign a value. And the times just baffle me - how can it take 2.5 minutes to die after a gunshot to the head, which should mean instant death.
I'm just wondering about methods in this thread really.
Brandon Campbell
>Have you though of the infamous helium mask? Not OP, but this won't work. Commercially available helium is low concentration to stop exactly that scenario.
Jonathan Anderson
Old age is the most painful suicicde method and thus the most edgy so you should do it that way
Asher Gutierrez
>jumping in front of a train, Don't traumatise a train driver (and everyone on board). It takes a while to die of your injuries too, very few trains go fast enough it's an instant death, and the ones that do are easily derailed by something on the tracks. The agony scores on that list are not very accurate if you're judging by those btw: cyanide should be up with drowning or suffocating or higher, literally one of the worst ways to go. >off a building Most of the high ones will have people around them, and you'll involve them in your death. You also can't stop if someone happens to walk under you at the wrong moment and can kill other people.
Samuel Price
>tfw my biggest fear in life is that I'll live to be 80+ years old and realise that my life was a waste and I should have just killed myself at 20
Joseph Walker
You prob have 50+ years to prevent that.
Jaxson Perry
Maybe, but I just don't see it. I feel like I've already made enough mistakes and missed out on enough opportunities that I can never make up for them or catch up. Add a bunch of shortcomings I have and it just seems like I have no business being alive. Not OP btw.
Oliver Cook
Nah bro. You can carve yourself into the person you want to be, you're just trying to come up with reasons not to because you don't want to be wrong. Fuck that, you know how that ends. Instead of trying to rework the past, rework your future. You can actually change that, it only involves diligence.
Kevin Butler
You're probably right.
Jason Adams
Seriously, start becoming someone you're proud of and like. It only gets harder and shorter the more you delay. You're the only person you're guaranteed to spend the rest of your life with, so make yourself someone who can live or die happy with their choices.
Hudson Ortiz
the chart clearly shows that explosives are the way to go also top of the chart for cool factor
Luis Brooks
>>If you were really suicidal >If you think people don't plan these things then you're an absolute idiot. Here's a Dutch woman who planned her death via euthanasia (a doctor helped her die). She was 29: bbc.co.uk/news/stories-45117163 >Fucking idiot.
Yeah well obviously if euthanasia is an option you go with that and plan it out instead of jumping on a saw blade and crossing your fingers
But like you said >I'm just wondering about the methods You're just bored and looked at wikipedia and thought it was a cool topic.
Aaron Rodriguez
>Don't traumatise a train driver (and everyone on board). If society doesn't want this to happen then why don't they put money into providing an option for euthanasia instead of putting their money into locking people up against their will and drugging them until they agree with you that they won't kill themselves? Not hard is it?
>It takes a while to die of your injuries too, very few trains go fast enough it's an instant death, and the ones that do are easily derailed by something on the tracks. Source? From what I've seen it should be effective as long as it isn't slowing down to enter a station, or just accelerating from a standstill when leaving.
>Most of the high ones will have people around them Which methods do you think are best then, out of interest?
Levi Thompson
>Yeah well obviously if euthanasia is an option But it isn't in my country. If it was I would look into it.
>You're just bored If only that were true! All I'm asking about is methods mate, if you're not interested that's fine but that's all I'm asking about for fuck's sake.
Brandon Wood
>Another /diy/ suicide thread Here ya go dumbass. Go to a welding supply store and get welding helium or Nitrogen. Don't use balloon helium bc it's mixed with oxygen
Actually yeah I hadn't really though about it because where do I get explosives from... but it could work. If Islamists can make homemade bombs then I should be able to as well. Best way to do it, I'm thinking, is probably to put explosives around your neck so that your head comes clean off. Would be better than blowing up your torso and dying in agony for a few minutes because it didn't instantly kill you.
Mason Ortiz
Gotta use welding helium. Its used as a shielding gas so it has to be pure. Nitrogen works as well
Ryder Edwards
Depending on where he lives, couldn't that be a problem to obtain? I've heard that in some parts of the world they won't just sell it to anybody who walks in off the street.
Matthew Reyes
Helium maybe but Nitrogen is literally everywhere.
Joshua Young
>If Islamists can make homemade bombs then I should be able to as well. You have a lot of confidence and motivation for someone who's allegedly suicidal
Austin Lewis
Why don't you do assisted suicide? It's painless and free
William King
>If society doesn't want this to happen then why don't they put money into providing an option for euthanasia instead of putting their money into locking people up against their will and drugging them until they agree with you that they won't kill themselves? Not hard is it? You sound like a selfish idiot. Buy a plane ticket to the countries where it's allowed and call dignitas. Only you don't want the bother of doing that so fuck up other people's lives. Good show. >Source? From what I've seen it should be effective as long as it isn't slowing down to enter a station, or just accelerating from a standstill when leaving. Those last two are so slow that your chances of dying are near drowning. Most trains have an average speed around 40mph. People can survive car crashes into trucks at that speed with minor injuries. >Which methods do you think are best then, out of interest Unfortunately for you, gun is best. You might have to shoot yourself a few times though. (David Miscavige's wife's mom did this, and the conspiracy nuts have been all over it, but people who really want to die find a way). You can move to any of the countries where it's legal to get a doctor to make sure you're dead dead dead if you really want to make sure that 3% chance of failure doesn't hit you like that, but otherwise just move to a country where guns are legal. (Which is most of them)
Colton Sanders
So the Dutch girl who killed herself by euthanasia wasn't motivated to do so? Tony Scott, the film director who jumped off a bridge in LA, wasn't motivated to do so?
I'm pretty sure it's not available in my country. Even in the Netherlands they will only do it in some cases, if they think you have a health condition that can't get better.
Evan Diaz
Nathan Russell
>Even in the Netherlands they will only do it in some cases, if they think you have a health condition that can't get better. Nederlands will do it for borderlines who want it. You'll be fine.
Adam Powell
No, plenty of suicidal people are not selfish idiots who make other people directly complicit in their death. You're not a dick because you're suicidal, you're a selfish dick because you don't give a shit about burdening someone and blame society for it instead of accepting responsibility for your actions.
Dylan Anderson
The people you preach this to atrophy and die away slowly on the inside.
Jason Ramirez
Nah, plenty of them manage to top themselves without traumatising someone who is just doing their job.
Oliver Brown
How poetic, climbing the mountain. It's a slow, shameful experience pulling yourself out of suicide. Often times with no help. The train conductor with a happy life is a victim, but at least he has his head on straight.
Joshua Jones
I wasn't saying they pull themselves out of suicide. I'm saying they commit suicide without traumatising people and blaming society for that trauma which they inflicted. People who throw themselves in front of trains and cars with no thought for the people in them or their mental health or safety are dicks, like people who commit murder suicides. People who want to kill themselves without traumatising/hurting random strangers I don't mind at all. People who wait for their parents to die naturally first are fucking saints. OP's a dick tho.
Caleb Williams
For foreign nationals too? Maybe I should look into it.
Go fuck yourself mate. Is it good for train drivers, no. Should society provide euthanasia, yes. That's the solution. People only use trains because they don't have another option. In the US trains are very rarely used because people can get guns extremely easily.
David Thompson
They have plenty of other options, look at your fucking OPpic. They just don't want to do any of them and don't give a fuck about other people, same as murder suicides not wanting to go alone. That makes them selfish dicks, same as murder suicides. They could use any of the options that don't fuck other people's lives up, but they think their desires trump other people's wellbeing, which is exactly the same principle at work in those who want euthanasia to be illegal. You're a hypocrite and selfish to boot. And yes, the Dutch programme doesn't exclude foreigners. I hope you go there instead of selfishly fucking someone else's life up.
Luis Clark
Don't do it, dumbass. And why would you care if it hurts or not? You'll be dead shortly afterwards anyway, unless you try something really dumb like inducing liver failure by OD'ing on tons of Acetaminophen and booze.
Joshua Sullivan
Fun fact though I don't condone suicide because that's pussy and selfish af.
Your brain can't process things fast enough for real time so everything you perceive is a prediction slightly into the future. If you jump off a tall building and reach terminal velocity, you'll hit the ground and die while your brain is still telling you you're like 15' up. It's beyond instant death. Not even your nerves can report the pain.
Robert Clark
I'd heard that nitrogen was even harder to get ahold of in some places than helium. People needing to show some proof that they're going to use it for weliding, etc.
Kevin Allen
>carbon monoxide >18 agony
How? Don't you just pass out randomly and never wake up?
Kayden White
The human body has an involuntary reflex when there's too much CO2 in its bloodstream. Causes waves of panic and suffocation spasms similar to drowning
Brayden Hughes
If you're serious then do as other anons have said and go the helium/inert gas route. When I commit suicide that's the way I'll be going. Good luck!
Jeremiah Martinez
Killing myself sounds about 10 times easier than that shit. Genuinely, I think I'll just wallow in self pity until I work up the nerve. Thanks though.
Dylan Kelly
Yeah shit is harsh. There are whole OSHA things to protect people from it.
Just huff pure nitrogen or helium.
OP don't be a fuckin loser and kill yourself. Go volunteer at a soup kitchen or some shit, be more useful than fertiliser.
Colton Price
I have guns but I'd never kill myself. If I were dying already and facing pain yet somehow couldn't use a gun I'd either go with drowning or freezing. The panic of drowning is offset by how painless it is and freezing would be miserable for a bit but ultimately is just going to sleep.
Those times are all wrong though. A shotgun blast to the head is instant. You wouldn't even hear the blast. And a train hit would likely be pretty instant.
Anyway why would location matter? If you were set on dying just go borrow from a bank or loan shark or club a drug dealer with a frying pan. Use the money to rent a boat or fly to wherever and go out the way you want. It's not like you need to be frugal or worry about getting in trouble.
Nolan Allen
My dad hung himself and I still pity the poor fucks who found him in the hotel. My uncle ODed on sleeping pills and his parents (my grand parents) found him and watched him die an agonizing death two days later.
Don't do it mate. Like someone said above, volunteer, play with dogs and cats at a shelter or get a small turtle or something and keep it alive. Stay alive out of spite of you need to. Do you have an emergency number you can call or sms in your location?
What horrendous thing have you done that you wanna kill yourself over? I'm sure there are fucks who did worse roaming around looking to hurt more people.
Austin Ward
All train and bus companies have psychiatrists under contract to deal with drivers who were made accomplices in someone else'd suicide and were mentally scarred by it.
Do what you want, but don't involve someone else who will have to go on living
Jace Howard
'Resume' Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp; Guns aren't lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live.
Dorothy Parker
Gavin Cruz
>jumping in front of a train is the same thing as a murder suicide You're the biggest fucking moron on the planet and you've come into this thread for no other reason than to be a cunt, so fuck off.
Joshua Powell
Charcoal burning suicide I’ve read up on. It’s apparently very popular in Asian countries and virtually pain free. Thoughts?
Colton Russell
>why would you care if it hurts or not? You'll be dead shortly afterwards anyway Assuming no one interrupts you halfway through, thus meaning all you achieve is maiming yourself and living the rest of your life in pain.
Maybe the train is the best idea for the moment.
Not sure how suicide is selfish exactly. If you do it in a way that harms other people then THAT would be selfish, but if it doesn't then I don't see how it's selfish. In any case, in some situations, it's probably just for the best; e.g. if someone has been out of work for years.
>If you jump off a tall building and reach terminal velocity, you'll hit the ground and die while your brain is still telling you you're like 15' up. It's beyond instant death. Not even your nerves can report the pain. That would be great if true. Dunno if it is though. The pic in the OP says jumping takes 4.56 minutes to kill you... I guess a lot of people must have been jumping off quite short buildings and then waiting in agony before a few minutes before death?
Not good. See Same thing happens with carbon monoxide
Jaxon Hall
The chart has carbon monoxide at a low agony pain threshold.
Jackson Reed
why would a cyanide pill cause so much agony?
Brody Hill
The chart also says that cyanide (which causes your blood to literally change color as it suffocates you from the inside out) is less painful than drowning or slitting your wrists.
Jayden Anderson
>Those last two are so slow that your chances of dying are near drowning. Most trains have an average speed around 40mph. People can survive car crashes into trucks at that speed with minor injuries.
I've seen a two train suicide crime scenes and one that looked like an accidental death. All the heads and bodies were cleaning broken off and more/less cauterized. One head was moved around a little bit underneath the train before the train came to a complete stop. The accidental death looked like a transient slipped on a gravel incline and hit his head on the second track, then slid down when trying to get up, and got caught by the outside track with his backpack.
When the train sees you at 40mph, it needs lots of track to stop; at least 3/4th or more of a mile to stop depending how many cars the train is pulling. All three incidents, the conductor didn't see the person committing suicide until it was way less than 1/4th mile. They laid their neck on the outside track, held still, and were no more. Aside from the investigation and the mandatory check from train safety inspectors, it didn't really do anything to the train or track.
The term, "blowing your brains out" can have a literal meaning. Seen some suicides with people using shotguns. When they put their mouths over the barrel of a shotgun and pull the trigger, it creates so much pressure the brain comes out almost intact due to the pressure. If there is a bed headboard or wall close to their head when they do it, it's not uncommon for their brain to be sitting right next to their head as if someone moved it. Looks almost like some alien autopsy cause it's so clean.
I can tell you that all the ones who committed suicide that had families, their family members were devastated. Train operators, hotel staff, postal workers, and lots of other people discover the body of someone committing suicide get shaken up, but no joke they usually train for it.
Source: former copfag
Samuel Sanchez
Disgusting hypocrite. Everyone makes daily choices without giving a fuck about other people. Don't blame anheroes for this on top of their problems. They are infinitely braver than your sorry ass. Mother Theresa fucker "oh think about the children"
Thomas Phillips
Imagine having some mental fuck up that makes you unable to enjoy anything Every day is a miserable drag without a sliver of hope or just a small window of happiness. Cost-benefit isn't worth it.
Jaxson Bailey
I think that's dumb because if you're found half way through then you'll just be a vegetable. Plus it seems like such a gash way to go, I want something effective and instant. Hitting a train or jumping off a building are probably my top two methods I'm thinking.
Drowning would be one of the worst fucking ways to go in my view, freezing also would be very shit. They're slow, long, drawn out, incredibly painful and uncomfortable. So why the fuck would you do that? Personally I'd rather something instant and effective - jumping in front of a fast train, or jumping off a building, etc.
Apparently in the study, "291 lay persons and 10 forensic pathologists rated the lethality, time, and agony for 28 methods of suicide". So maybe those "lay persons" just wildly misjudged how long a shotgun to the head would take to kill someone.
>It's not like you need to be frugal or worry about getting in trouble. Yes you do, especially the second part. If you get locked up then you can't kill yourself, can you? At least not on your own terms. You'd have to hang yourself with your shirt in a prison cell or something.
Robert Howard
>If that was true then wouldn't the agony be higher? You'd most likely pass out and then bleed out