>Getting my watch fixed >The assistant was super cute, debating if I should say something >She was too far away soo I ignored it >Walking to class, see a REALLY attractive girl having lunch by herself... Keep walking. Kinda tempted to just straight up go for it, but I might be reported as a creep. >Go to desk to get papers, DANG the desk woman was really attractive. Get help, avoid asking her out on the spot
Alright, guys does this approach ever work? Or does it have to be at a social or party setting? All the girls I find attractive I see briefly but we never reconnect again.
If you are not handsome then girls will think you are a creep.
Hudson Sullivan
The most you will do is boost a random girl’s ego. They will not go on a date with you on the spot like that. You would have to have charisma at 100 to pull this off, but regardless if it is what you instinctively want to do just fucking do it, just don’t expect much out of it.
Christian Lewis
If you're approaching women who are minding their own business you're going to come off as a creep. Approach women in social situations to avoid being labelled a creep.
Camden Bailey
So far the worst I've gotten is a smile and a no. Sometimes you can tell they're flattered but not in the mood.
I actually think women miss it.
Christopher Cooper
I agree user, be polite, if something odd is going on in the room be witty. But for the LOVE of God don't stalk or be socially unaware. If someone did that to you, you'd hate it. There's your answer.
Carter Barnes
>I actually think women miss it. That's understandable, but if guys repeatedly get shot down and they pretty much know for certain that their attempts will be a waste of time then why should they bother? If you're attractive enough that you get some success here and there then yeah, fine, I can see that. But if your track record is bad enough then giving up at some stage seems like the logical, sensible and inevitable thing to do.
Justin Cruz
Lol my track record is trash dude, I just dream the dream and keep going.
Jackson Gonzalez
My record is trash, too. Even though quitting approaching and all of that shit makes me feel like a part of me has died and at times has made me wish that I really was dead, at the same time I also get the same results as when I did make an effort. Only this seems to save a lot of unnecessary steps.
Bentley Lewis
Meant for
Jackson Campbell
Yeah, you don't have to. Only problem is you might get into a bad habit with porn if you give up on getting that release person to person.
Josiah Foster
>Only problem is you might get into a bad habit with porn if you give up on getting that release person to person To be honest with you that happened before I stopped approaching. I'm slowly weening myself off porn and fapping, but I have had some setbacks. Although I don't see this yielding positive results in the long term, anyway. Quitting porn and doing some amount of nofap isn't going to suddenly stop me from being a worthless turd.
Tyler Nelson
it's definitely possible to pull this off but it requires a great deal of wisdom. you need to be good enough at conversation that you can say something thatll interest them, confident enough to not make it weird, have good enough energy that they feel comfortable talking to someone they dont know. if you have even one bit of negativity or insecurity in your personality they probably wont want to talk to you.
in a social or party setting you can get away with being a little awkward and people will give you the benefit of the doubt, but people almost never want to deal with an interaction with someone they dont know, so you'd have to be a really fucking cool guy enough so that they genuinely enjoy talking to you from the beginning, anything less and they probably wont be interested. but it is possible.
Xavier Wilson
Yeah, it'll do it gradually instead.
Also, stop complaining. That'll help too.
Oliver Jones
This can work. But in order for it to work you have to have zero intentions for it to go smoothly. Not >”Ooga booga I need to talk to that girl she’s fine” it’s a mental space of “this is a human being” not “holy shit this is a girl” you will crash and burn because all sorts of thoughts in your head will permit you to >what if she rejects me >what if i make a fool of myself etc Go out into the world and do fucking whatever. I was walking through my city on Sunday and i got to talking with this homeless guy. we talked for a good hour about life and I bought him breakfast. Some girl saw us talking on the street corner and joined our conversation. The homeless guy left and she invited me to go to her church. I went and met other women at said church. >I had a meaningful conversation with a dude >I had a meaningful time with this girl at her church >I had a meaningful conversation with other members of said church All in the span of three hours because I went to go on a walk for no reason at all. I had no intentions of buying sandwiches for homeless dudes or attending church that morning but when said opportunities arised i took advantage of them. When you see an opportunity to talk to a girl or whatever, take it. Who cares.
Luke Robinson
>Kinda tempted to just straight up go for it, but I might be reported as a creep. Who they gonna report you to? Conversing while creepy isnt a crime and as long as you dont approach them repeatedly when they arent interested, it isn't harassment either. In order to be creepy, you'd have to do something super autistic. If you are, just avoid talking about sex or violence, which probably shouldn't come up in public, anyway. >avoid asking her out on the spot You cant just ask girls out immediately. You should at least talk for a few minutes beforehand. This will allow both of you to get to know each other and, more importantly for you, youll be able to tell how into you she is. If shes looking away, giving vague answers, and doesnt seem to be having fun, she's probably not interested. If she's engaged, smiling, and talkative, you could give it a shot. >Alright, guys does this approach ever work? I just got back to college this week and got 2 girl's numbers so far, but they havent seemed that interested in texting with me. I've never gotten this far with strangers before, so idk how this is supposed to work. I'm pretty sure that the success rate on "cold approaches" actually turning into dates is far lower than asking out girls you know well already, but it's a good way to socialize and iron out some of your social awkwardness. >Or does it have to be at a social or party setting Girls tend to be open to talking as long as they arent busy (browsing their phone doesnt count as busy), doesnt have to be a social event.
Nathan Carter
How to become a creep in three steps - the thread
Josiah Gomez
Femanon here. The difference between being flattering or being a creep is how you handle yourself.
It's all in what you say and how you say it. "I just wanted to say that I think you're very pretty" or "That's a nice top" will basically always be taken well. "I love your tits" or "I want to eat your ass" is going to get you labeled a creep immediately. And yes, I've had a stranger say they wanted to eat my ass, that's not hyperbole.
My first suggestion is to not sexualize as the first thing out of your mouth. While this isn't true for everyone, most every single woman I know is very put off by the implication that a stranger is thinking about them like that.
My second suggestion is to not press for personal information (again, stranger), and not to initiate physical contact. If they go for a hug, awesome, but don't assume, and definitely don't if you haven't even had a conversation yet.
You'll have much more luck asking women out if you have a conversation with them first. The more conversation, the better, because then you're familiar and more comfortable. Just read her and read the room and don't move too fast. If she's at work, it's especially important because customer service jobs require you to be polite even if you're incredibly uncomfortable.
Also consider giving her your number instead of pressing for hers. I can't think of a single woman who wouldn't appreciate this.
Gavin Phillips
Addendum: Also recognize polite attempts to turn you down, and be gracious when that happens. Nothing turns the creep label on faster than getting pushy in the face of a no, even a subtle one. "Go away you're creeping me out" is not really a socially acceptable thing to say and can and has invited extreme behavior such as yelling and occasionally violence, so "I'm pretty busy..." is a typical method of turning someone down subtly. If you can recognize this when it happens and see if someone is uncomfortable and politely exit, then you'll dodge the creep label.
I remember the people who are creeps, but I also remember the people who were genuinely nice and considerate. It leaves a good impression.
Aiden Robinson
>consider giving her your number instead of pressing for hers. I can't think of a single woman who wouldn't appreciate this I was told to not do this because girls dont like making the first move, even if theyre texting a guy they know. How many guys have given you their number and how many of them have you texted first? Also, I always thought that giving my number would come across as desperate, since it's way easier to give someone your number than ask for theirs.
Luke Morris
Outside of a work context, no guy has ever given me their number and I really wish that would happen. Instead I've had every single guy ask me for mine, and many of them be very off-putting and invasive doing so. One even followed me home. I would remember it if a guy did, and I would be very grateful. That's the kind of thing I'd remember. I have no problem making the first move, and am in fact more comfortable doing so.
Jaxon Gomez
Cool, so no one does it and you have zero examples of it working. Opinion discarded.
Leo King
Did you smash one of them ?
Bentley Harris
Just because it hasn't happened to me personally doesn't mean other people haven't had it happen. It also doesn't mean that myself and many others wouldn't still prefer it.
I'm sure a lot of people on here haven't had it happen but would prefer if a girl asked them out rather than having to do so themselves. Or would like it if someone gave them $500. Or if they got a promotion. It is absolutely fair to want something even if you haven't gotten it yet.
Andrew Thomas
but women never know what they want. Women asks their men to be more in touch with their feminine side, and once you start calling every night and buying gifts they all start cheating because you're a pathetic beta male.
Jeremiah Hughes
Y'know, I actually did give a girl my number once... never heard from her. We live in a society and there are billions of people interacting with each other every day. You'd think that if giving numbers instead of asking for them was more effective, at least some people would know to do it, yet no one does. Girls barely ever ask out guys, but it happens. It actually happened to me once. Youre saying youve never even heard of it happening, let alone working.
Jose Bennett
When has this happened to you or someone you personally know? How often does this happen proportionally compared to how many relationships there are in existence?
Yeah, women can cheat. but men can and do cheat, as well. There are shitty people everywhere, and women are no exception. But you can't go and say all women are like this without turning into an asshole yourself. How would you take it if a woman came along and said the same thing about all men? If a woman said men never know what they want? Saying "but it's true this time" doesn't make it true or better.
You find people who aren't shit, and you date them. If a person cheats, that sucks and it hurts. So you leave, and you find someone who doesn't. This is true regardless. Anybody can be shit, but anybody can also be a good person. You can't judge before you even meet someone without also inviting judgement yourself.
Nathaniel Morales
>"I just wanted to say that I think you're very pretty" This sounds pretty retarded and gay
Ryder Morales
I never said I hadn't heard of it happening, only that it hadn't happened to me personally. I have heard of it happening for other women, and have heard said women say they greatly preferred it.
Samuel Jenkins
Im the other guy, but the reason I want some sort of proof that it works instead of just taking your word is because people in general dont know what they want. A study was done asking people what kind of coffee they like and most people said they like dark roasts, but they usually bought milky, light coffees instead. People say they want things that sound nice, not stuff they actually want irl. >I have heard of it happening for other women, and have heard said women say they greatly preferred it How many times did they actually go out with the guy? I bet they like it because it's easier to throw out someone's number than to ignore their texts.
Xavier Carter
I don't know off the top of my head, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that I've never heard of a woman going out with a guy who was pushy when trying to get a number, myself included. I still continue to get harassed by guys who don't take no for an answer and it has never ever made me want to reconsider.
I can also say with certainty that the only cold approach I have ever legitimately thought about accepting was a fellow who was very sweet and genuine and kind. I remember him because he was different, he was the one guy who put the ball in my court immediately. I had to turn him down because I'm married, but I still remember him almost a year later as an example of how I like being approached.
Landon Green
> watch girl Ask her if there is a good place for coffee nearby. The point at this moment is to gauge her reaction to you. Does she smile a lot once she sees you? She might be excited that you are talking to her.. If so you can basically talk about anything for a few sentences, then introduce yourself.. Again, judge reaction.. You can get to the point where you know what her answer is going to be when you ask her out, which saves everyone embarrassment
> Eating girl Ask her where a building is.. notice the fact that this is a white lie because you know the campus. If she is excited to be interupted by you, again, start a bigger conversation. You're just starting conversations here so you can get them to look at you and judge their reaction.. Every normal person does this.. tiny lies with stupid questions are totally acceptable. You can tell her you made it up after the first few dates because you just had to talk to her, she'll usually be flattered
>Third girl Same shit. It really only takes a few seconds to do these things. You blew it three times by not trying it. It's easy, zero risk, and normal
Jaxon Reed
>I don't know off the top of my head So you don't remember a single time it worked... >I've never heard of a woman going out with a guy who was pushy when trying to get a number, myself included. I still continue to get harassed by guys who don't take no for an answer and it has never ever made me want to reconsider. Exactly, you'd like it if guys gave you their number because it's easier to REJECT them.
Charles Ortiz
>once you start calling every night and buying gifts they all start cheating because you're a pathetic beta male. Not if you get in huge fights every week, call each other horrible things, and fuck them like you hate them. You see? Passion. You redpill cucks will never understand the passionpill
Julian Bell
>absolute certainty that I've never heard of a woman going out with a guy who was pushy when trying to get a number,
Kek, okay so you're white as fuck I guess. Down on the street the first no is a shit test to keep away guys who are fake. What you do is act like you know she is testing you, then you're in. Honestly, the redpill tards are more correct here, though it depends on culture and social class
Colton Robinson
More like it's easier to protect myself from guys who I have already rejected and who continue to harass me. I have had people follow me home. I want to protect myself from violence.
Brayden Anderson
why would you want to be with a girl who says no when they mean yes? you don't tolerate that bullshit from anyone
Julian Jones
Like the other user said, you could ask them a general question, like "what time is it? My phone just died."
Then say you don't really care about the time, you just wanted an excuse to talk to them because you think they're cute. Then just chitchat and grab their number.
Tried this once and it got me laid. I can assure you, the simplest method usually works it best.
Either you're baiting or you got no balls, son
Evan Jones
>Approach women in social situations to avoid being labelled a creep
not OP but i wat i kinda did with this 1 girl outside of class today, the only reason why i cant talk to her is cause she from across the room but i had a chance to talk to her she was impatience waiting for the elevator.
Bentley Sanchez
>why would you want to be with a girl who says no when they mean yes?
??? Because they're hot. Because I can handle a woman without breaking down in tears and going to Jow Forums for dating tips. LMAO bruh