Just an idea

So I've been wondering where women usually hang out. Quality women. I'm assuming quality woman are usually outgoing and always doing something, so I've compiled a list of places or things that I would like doing that I might find quality women at

1.) Public lectures (academic or similar)
2.) Book clubs
3.) Societies or clubs of any kind
4.) Churches (I'm not religious but what the hell)
5.) Random events related to subjects I enjoy

Can anyone confirm this? Where do quality women hang out anyways? I'm kind of worried that I'll go to a public lecture or a book club and even though I'd be interested in the event itself, most of the other people there would probably be old as fuck. I'm 22 btw.

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>quality women
You're gonna have to elaborate on that before we go any further

Okay. Women that would be wife material. I like intellectuals to which is why most of my ideas are related to shit like public lectures or book clubs.

Are you one of those "she has to be conservative and also a virgin and also paradoxically hungry for my dick" kind of guys or

No lmao. It would be great if she wasn't a full on sjw though.

>if she wasn't a full on sjw
Anyone who's to the left of you is a SJW. SJW became an empty buzzword.

Get out of this thread, you bitter harpy. OP isn't your strawman.

Love the irony of you calling me a woman while accusing me of making strawmen.

Kids got raised on the internet and now they're in their 20s and been buying into the SJW/alt-right division for years now. Those who care that much about identity politics will never be happy.

thanks. I guess my major question would be if women who are intellectuals can also be wife material and family oriented and where such a woman would be.
Same goes for Nazi. I'm not looking for a politically centered person though. I'd rather they be (like me) more family oriented than political.

Lots of people tell me to go to upscale bars and uni bars but I never was a fan of bars so I can't confirm

Libraries, cinemas with bars, art galleries and exhibitions are a good start.

Always be ready for a hoe, though.

you sound like the lamest person ever

sounds like you have a very narrow view of what intellectualism is. youre not gonna find any young people doing any kf that shit.

if youre looking for young intelligent people. intelligent guys are usually asocial aspies who sit around the house all day. intellugent girls are going out to basement shows and shit like that, smoking weed and doing graffiti and shit. many of them are sjws to some degree but youre just gonna have to learn not to let that bother you.

Oh come on! There's got to be someone out there in that description!

Even if I forget about the intellectual part I'm still not sure where wife family starting material would be. Guess I just have to be outgoing and doing things because they interest me and eventually find someone like that.
Jee thanks. In your defense I've almost always been a hermit who doesn't do anything or take interest in anything that involves going outside, but that's way behind me.

>wife material and family oriented
>more family oriented
>wife material

If that's your only real concern, become Amish.

>So I've been wondering where women usually hang out. Quality women.
>Wife material
On there phones.
I'll bet 90% of women would choose a thousand likes on a photo over a loving relationship.

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Is it really this hard to find a nice girl who is smart, funny, outgoing, cute, fit, apolitical and looking to start a family?

Is the dating world really just full of trash?
Very blackpilling desu

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Can confirm book clubs. Also try hiking meetups, which are full of women who like being active

>Is the dating world really just full of trash?
I honestly have no idea I've barely tried in years. And it's probably not just women but just people in general seemed to be disinterested in each other.
I mean I know I'm human trash so dating is not something a care to participate in. But I know dudes that seem like stand up not bad looking guys that swear they can get girls. I don't know, I don't get it, don't trust anything I say.

* Can't get girls

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I've met one that I know of in my entire life.

Really? I was told book clubs were for boomers and women over 60.

>intellugent girls are going out to basement shows and shit like that, smoking weed and doing graffiti and shit
none of that sounds very intelligent to me.
>Is it really this hard to find a nice girl who is smart, funny, outgoing, cute, fit, apolitical and looking to start a family?
A single one? Yes. Ive met several girls like that over the past few years, but they're all in long term relationships. They get snached up quick!
>Is the dating world really just full of trash?
Yes. Single people tend to be single for a reason, it seems. We're trying to date the rejects.

This is so fucking stupid lol quality women are everywhere. So many things wrong w this dont know where to start