I jerk off to girls feet on Omegle. Could I get in trouble?

I always check if the girl is 18 plus and then if they are I jerk off to their feet. I show my face when I do this and generally it's a group of three or so girls giggling at the absurdity of the situation as they wiggle their toes. Is their any risk involved in doing this? And should I quit? I've tried but it's really hard to stop. I'm also too awkward to gets girls in real life.

I also do this with a VPN if that matters

Attached: im145attmj721.png (1426x1966, 1.95M)

I'll never understand foot people but yeah, you should stop.

Stop showing your face, that is. Whether or not you actually stop the practice is up to you, but don't reveal yourself.

Alternative: Just wear a mask.

You're playing with fire, especially showing your face.

I used to fap on those types of sites but stopped. You never know when they might decide to make an example out of you.

It’s addicting as fuck though isn’t it?

Your probably right. I need to stop. What do you think realistically the worst case scenario is?

True, it is hard to stop though though, there's nothing quite like it - aside from the real thing of course. But yeah, I think I am addicted. Any idea on the best way to quit? Right now I am in the post nut phase so it's easier to stop, but after some time I'm worried I'll just give in to desires again.

Someone posts the face. You get identified. A lifetime of mockery and your family disowning you. Your friends leaving you.

Stop, censor yourself, or get a mask.

This is what I need to hear. Thank you. If that happened to me I'd be tempted to off myself.

I’m doing no fap, no porn completely right now. It’s been about a week since I jerked off for someone and it’s hard at first but it gets easier. Try to stay busy with other stuff because when I get bored I just start imagining some girl watching me and biting her lip and and oof...

Nofap is a meme and will literally harm you.

Keep doing the noporn and start fapping the right way - with your mind, for optimal results.

How will it hurt me? Because the longer I go the better I feel in a lot of ways.

Two ways.

First, the feelings you get from nofap are forced. You're essentially depraving your body from release. It'll make you feel more confident and more willing to do things, but this isn't the same as actually becoming someone with those traits, it's an induced state of mind. Actually trying self-improvement is better. Furthermore this state of mind has negative sides too: you can get angry easier, you will be less rational and more impulsive, and more unstable. It's just like any other unnatural state.

Second, it can actually fuck you up health-wise after enough time. Though this depends on the person, with some experiencing the effects extremely soon and others being lucky. Some common side effects include increased chance of blue balls and PE and a boost in hair loss. Erection size can also decrease though fapping again restores is. You may also find yourself getting random boners like a kid again.

Honestly those things don't sound bad in comparison to being a porn addict who watches fucked up shit and who jerks off on Omegle. I mean sure nofap has its disidvantages but porn is a slippery slope into more and more fucked up shit.

But user, doing noporn instead of nofap can completely cure your addiction without the side effects.

I get what you are saying but for me personally I find when I am jerking off I get tempted to watch porn. However, noporn is probably the most balanced approach, I'll admit that. That's probably what I am gonna try and do, but if I end up jerking it to Omegle, I am going full nofap. My days of degeneracy are over.

>I jerk off to girls feet on Omegle. Could I get in trouble?
There are chicks on omegle?

Yes, maybe 1-2 every 5-10 mins

No, he's gay but shy about it.

Nofap is almost akin to edging if you think about it
>There is no data collected on the success rate of it
>The challenge is to not masturbate, is often touted for its benefits
>Users have claimed it's improved themselves, with an onus on the change in lifestyle
>To the extent that there is an exaggeration on the change
>But most users will comment that they failed within a week
>NoNutNov gets hashtags and promotion, is basically the same
Drop the porn, or at least reduce yourself. Going cold turkey doesn't help. Try to cut down to twice a day, then twice a couple days, twice a week, while picking up better habits. You'll not notice it, you'll feel better too

How is any of that relevant to edging?

Because nofap is portrayed as a life changing transformation, yet it's suggested to severely pork addicted users, who will fail. It's not edging in the sense of whacking off for 45 minutes, but in a sense of depriving them for the porn for a week, then them binging on it

Right, but none of what you greentexted is related to edging at all. Learn to greentext newfig.

Are you a fucking idiot? I detailed the method and why there isn't any data collection and how it's similar to chasing a high. Just because you struggle to comprehend a word when it's not written in the sentence you normally read it as online doesn't mean its lost its meaning.
Newfag* you intellectually bankrupt phone poster

>There is no data collected on the success rate of it
How is this related to edging retard
>The challenge is to not masturbate, is often touted for its benefits
BARELY related to edging, ultimately is not the same thing at all
>Users have claimed it's improved themselves, with an onus on the change in lifestyle
>To the extent that there is an exaggeration on the change
completely unrelated to edging
>But most users will comment that they failed within a week
Still unrelated unless you really want to stretch it.
>NoNutNov gets hashtags and promotion, is basically the same
Completely unrelated to edging
Fig as fuck, brah
Lurk just a bit more and then, just maybe, you can join in on the wacky conversations on 4channel.org!

>I'll never understand foot people

same here, feet can be cute but jerking off to feet only is fucking some effort

Figlet btfo

just fap once per week or once every 2 weeks bro

Which VPN do you use to get on omegle? None of the ones I use work, wtf?

Attached: 8CF5470F-2E54-4D91-BC2F-46299DBFF129.jpg (320x348, 18K)

You need a VPN with a dedicated IP. I use Torguard and I pay extra for the dedicated IP.