What is it with incels and chad? Besides memes I don't get it - even on a larger cultural level. Is it an American highschool thing? Is it about closet homosexuality? Because Chad is more like a male power fantasy. Most women don't actually find him that attractive. Maybe someone can enlighten me on this one.
Incels and their obsession with Chad
>Is it about closet homosexuality?
It is just the modern day "jocks vs. nerds" trope. Chad as an archetype definitely seems like some weird homoerotic fixation that is based more on male ideals rather than what real flesh and blood women want in real life.
Chad is both feared and worshipped. He can act as a tool for inspiration or an easy excuse for why you should never try to improve.
male power fantasy is hitting it pretty close. The typical chad is what most incels want to be like without any of the work.
Who's Chad? A person who gets girls without effort, naturally looks attractive and fit, and feels great about themselves.
Who are incels? People who don't put in any effort into getting girls, don't look attractive or fit, and feel like shit about themselves.
it's the ultimate polar opposite. That girls don't actually want chad is just the universe having a sense of humor.
>tfw no Virgin and Chad anime
Is there any anime about similar character tropes interacting?
>Is it an American highschool thing?
This is where the dimorphism between males is first most strongly felt. E.g. ; the geek and the jock, the beatnik and the delinquent, the athlete and the scholar.
>Because Chad is more like a male power fantasy.
It is about power, but it is no fantasy. It is all about biology and instinct.
>>Most women don't actually find him that attractive.
1. This is where you oust yourself as a homosexual male, a homosexual female, or a heterosexual female, and NOT a heterosexual male.
2. What defines Chad as Chad is the fact that most women (if not all women) DO find him attractive. Duh, retard.
>Maybe someone can enlighten me on this one.
I just did, but you won't accept it.
Nah, there is no way these threads get posted multiple times a day without someone being hidden gay crouching loser.
Yeah, but why would you aspire to be somthing you can't be and most women don't even find that attractive? Or let you hinder by it, even destroy your confidence?
Thanks for the input. That sounds reasonable to me.
It's true, what defines chad is that women are attracted to him, but the visage and traits of chad are also not at all what attracts most women. This is exactly what makes chad ridiculous.
It's the ultimate incel goal - looking and behaving like a cheesy "alpha male" and STILL getting the women.
>This is where the dimorphism between males is first most strongly felt. E.g. ; the geek and the jock, the beatnik and the delinquent, the athlete and the scholar.
Ok. Let's say there is this sort dimorphism. Wouldn't it be plausible that it exists on the female side too and therefore doesn't matter little. At my high school the artsy girls dated indie boys and the jocks dated disco girls. No harm done.
>It is about power, but it is no fantasy. It is all about biology and instinct.
If women prefer the George Clooney or Orlando bloom type over the Tom Brady type how is this linked to power?
>2. What defines Chad as Chad is the fact that most women (if not all women) DO find him attractive. Duh, retard.
But they don't. Take media as an example. Typical chads are featured in formats aimed at a mostly male population. e.g. action movies or sports.
Chad, in the loosest and most general sense, is any straight male who can have sex with many women with little to no effort. “Attractive” may be used to sum it up, so that “Chad is attractive,” but subjectivists will start screeching “lel wat iz ‘atwactive’ lololol not every gurl lyks da same ting” so it’s best to avoid that word.
The Chad cartoon is obviously a caricature but it also carries a somewhat hidden message; you can look ridiculous and still be attractive. By necessity this means ‘attractiveness’ is not determined solely by physical traits. There is a great deal of emphasis on the man’s social intelligence as well as other mental faculty. But all of these are present if a man can swing girls with minimum effort.
Of course, some of my more radical incel colleagues will disagree with me and place Chad’s ability to lay girls freely into one of several characteristics, which usually are height, face, body type, penis size, charm/charisma, manipulation, etc.
I told you that you wouldn't get it. How could a whore understand this problem?
>It's true, what defines chad is that women are attracted to him, but the visage and traits of chad are also not at all what attracts most women
You're a retard. You just admitted that Chad is universally attractive to women and yet cannot reason that it is his traits that make him universally attractive to women. His traits make up his personage, which make up his attractiveness to women. They are inseparable. I'm literally telling you what this is about and you refuse to consider it. It's all about biology and instincts.
>Ok. Let's say there is this sort dimorphism. Wouldn't it be plausible that it exists on the female side
It does, but these days it does not matter because females carry the buying power.
>At my high school the artsy girls dated indie boys and the jocks dated disco girls. No harm done.
This is irrelevant because 1: high school is not the final proving ground and 2: these relationships result from common interest/value and not biological instinct.
>If women prefer the George Clooney or Orlando bloom type over the Tom Brady type how is this linked to power?
I don't understand this question.
>But they don't. Take media as an example. Typical chads are featured in formats aimed at a mostly male population. e.g. action movies or sports.
1. Reread the definition of Chad I posted earlier.
2. Even if what you just wrote here was true -- ( it isn't ) -- look at movies like Twilight, like 50 Shades of Grey, etc. Those are examples of media with Chad aimed PRIMARILY at women. And they were wildly successful. So, you can sit here and say to yourself that women don't universally want Chad, but you'd be wrong, and you would be lying to yourself.
Like I said, it is about power. It's about biology and instinct. You need to think a little harder.
So every sexually highly attractive man is chad (given that social intelligence and a sense of dress play into attractiveness)? Why that almost exclusive focus on the jocky-hypermasculine type? Only a minority of women is really into this.
And isn't there much of projection in play? Women on average aren't that interested in effortless sex like men.
>You're a retard. You just admitted that Chad is universally attractive to women and yet cannot reason that it is his traits that make him universally attractive to women. His traits make up his personage, which make up his attractiveness to women. They are inseparable. I'm literally telling you what this is about and you refuse to consider it. It's all about biology and instincts.
user, just because you say it doesn't make it true. The musclebound, overconfident and arrogant type isn't particularly liked by women at all. The fact that Chad is somehow also getting the girls comes from incel logic saying "Man, if i was like Chad, I'd definitely get all the girls".
This logic isn't correct. If you turned an incel into chad (or just summoned chad for that matter) most women wouldn't be into him at all.
Like I said, that's why chad is ridiculous.
>but muh instincs/generics/biology/etc
This has very little effect on finding a partner unless you're incredibly ugly. People who claim that it has an effect are outright delusional, and acting upon those beliefs tends to put them in prison.
Most incels are overweight and/or unfit and socially inept, NOT ugly. Furthermore, plastic surgery exists, so not even that is an excuse.
TLDR Chad is everything that incels want to be but they also act as if Chad is everything that women want, despite this not being the case at all.
I wouldn’t say “every” but yeah; if a guy gets lots of easy sex, he’s Chad. If he is all around good (bro-tier personality but dominant, wealthy, intelligent, healthy, good family, independent, etc.), he’s probably also Chad, but I put primacy on sexual success.
As I already said, the original meme cartoon was a caricature. It synthesized several already existing but disorganized stereotypes about sexually successful men and made it funny too.
The basic assumption is, I think, that jockey-type males are healthy and display good genes which is generally attractive.
>Only a minority of women is really into this.
I am willing to admit that not every females finds the same thing attractive, but I think saying “minority” is going too far. Anyhow, all other things being exactly the same between two men, which would most women find more attractive: hyper-masculine “jock” or average dude? Remember, all other things being the same.
>And isn't there much of projection in play? Women on average aren't that interested in effortless sex like men.
Projection on whose part? Chad is defined from the incel perspective. He is everything we’re not. Women don’t mind having sex with him because he’s attractive. Women by default have an easier time acquiring sex. So, if Chad is actually hard to get because he’s in high demand, that might make him even more attractive.
>It does, but these days it does not matter because females carry the buying power.
How so? Men might be more interested in effortless sex while women aren't. If you want to buy apples but everyone is offering pears what does it matter to you how many people offer pears? It would only be a buyers market if you are willing to buy. And strange thing to think of dating as a market btw. People are no commodities.
> these relationships result from common interest/value and not biological instinct.
Isn't sane relationship about mutual attraction, physical and otherwise? A cutesy girl into arts has little incentive to date a muscular jock only into partying.
>Even if what you just wrote here was true -- ( it isn't ) -- look at movies like Twilight, like 50 Shades of Grey, etc. Those are examples of media with Chad aimed PRIMARILY at women
So Chad is generally every highly attractive male? But why link him to the jock stereotype then? Twilight or Pirates of the Caribean doesn't feature exactlly manly men as leads.
>Like I said, it is about power. It's about biology and instinct. You need to think a little harder.
Maybe you need to be a little bit more concrete.I still don't get the picture how these three are supposed to be interrelated.
>I wouldn’t say “every” but yeah; if a guy gets lots of easy sex, he’s Chad. If he is all around good >(bro-tier personality but dominant, wealthy, intelligent, healthy, good family, independent, etc.)
This doesn't end up. You have a lot of men who are lacking in one or more of these departments and who are attractive to many women. Think of the famous club 27 in rock music. Neither Kurt Cobain nor Jim Morrison had what could be called a happy childhood or a healthy lifestyle. And they weren't exactly bros either.
>The basic assumption is, I think, that jockey-type males are healthy and display good genes which is generally attractive.
But there must still be reason why incels did choose a trope that reflects male fantasies but not what women find attractive. This just seems odd to me.
>I am willing to admit that not every females finds the same thing attractive, but I think saying “minority” is going too far.
It is a miniority. Otherwise media aimed at women would be full of hypermasculine men. Hollywood is serious money and very professional in this regard. Given your example: Most women would prefer and average dude over an jock as most women are average and not hyperfeminine cheerleaders.
>Projection on whose part?
On part of incels. Women aren't that much in Chad nor are they that much into casual sex. They are in this romantic all flowery thing. Take Don Juan DeMarco as an example. Chad is more what incels asüire to be in their fantasies but it doesn't semm to reflect reality at all.
Because Chads are full of confidence and someone to aspire to.
Chad is typically a naturally good looking guy that is very confident with women, and is able to get laid whenever he wants
Yes, I place emphasis on sexual success before those random traits. Jim Morrison was definitely a Chad but certainly had issues.
>But there must still be reason why incels did choose a trope that reflects male fantasies but not what women find attractive. This just seems odd to me
Do you understand how memes work? Typically it’s a single person who contributes an original piece to a culture and if other members of the community like it, they absorb it into their culture. I am pretty sure I was around when the first Chad v Incel cartoon debuted and at the very least was there when it really caught on. It’s not like every “incel” on the internet formed a consensus about what Chad should look like; a single person from the community came up with it. It caught on because of timing, originality, humor, and plenty of other things. Even after all this time, there is still no great consensus about what Chad really is. The cartoon and jockey imagery is perhaps akin to Ronald McDonald. Does McDonald’s make people laugh? Not usually. But it’s a symbol. Something memorable that can get people talking, especially because it doesn’t necessarily match up with “reality.”
And I did say yeah, the sexual prowess is central to Chad’s identity almost universally, and this is a trait incels ascribe to him because incels are the one defining him.
I’m off to bed. Hopefully this helps you in whatever you’re trying to do.
I understand how memes work. And given that I was wondering why chose a jock as a character when this is more a thing how incels want to see themselves than what women find attractive in men. And it's not only about the picture but about how incels in general spend very much time on chad and his conquests.
I just wanted to understand this as it doesn't seem very sound to me. Anyway good night!
>Chad is more like a male power fantasy.
I wouldn't say it exactly like that, but I'd say Chad is an amazing thing.
it's the ideal male being, and a lot of people striving to be that.. I think that's a good thing
>Most women don't actually find him that attractive.
not true, I have talked with one of my best female friends about this, women want a "good chad".
however even she knows that a true good chad is like a unicorn (her words)
It came from Jow Forums and bodybuilding dot com
Imagine devoting your life to years of introspection and self-improvement, striving to be the best person you can be, only for women to continue to ignore you. Then chad comes along and scoops up all the putang
Chad is nothing more than the man most men want to be and most women want to be impregnate by. You do realise the picture of "chad" that you posted was literally nothing more than than incels taking typical incel traits and drawing a picture of their polar opposite? It was a joke picture not what chad actually looks like.
Fortunately that sort of thing just does not happen.
Incels are quite serious about thinking he embodies what women like
I'm living proof it does
The absolute retard
Its weird seeing this "art" because the Chad's flexing pose was traced off of one of my art pieces i posted on tumblr yrs ago lol small world
You're living proof it doesn't. You haven't done jack shit to self improve. You have zero sense of introspection. You are a hollow shell, a nobody, who has never once in his life tried. You have never even asked a girl out.
Chads have life insanely easy, even easier than women, which is irksome
chad cannot suffer
>Random 4channer thinks he knows me
>things that conflict with my headcanon can’t and don’t exist
>Who are incels? People who don't put in any effort into getting girls
Not true
What about that is not true?
How is it not true? Virtually every time you ask one of them how many women they ask out the answer is "none".
>"The more a man cultivates the arts, the less randy he becomes.... Only the brute is good at coupling, and copulation is the lyricism of the masses. To copulate is to enter into another—and the artist never emerges from himself." -Charles Baudelaire
>"There is an invincible taste for prostitution in the heart of man, from which comes his horror of solitude. He wants to be 'two'. The man of genius wants to be 'one'.... It is this horror of solitude, the need to lose oneself in the external flesh, that man nobly calls 'the need to love'." -Charles Baudelaire
OG Incel
This is the one time I will probably ever agree with you.
>b-but poring over male models for hours at a time and having pics of them saved to my pc isn't gay
Yes it is queer
Not only this, but its relatively inexpensive and advanced in this day and age. We are at a technological crossroads where you cam pick and choose from internationally renowned surgeons in the u.s. like youre shopping on Amazon.
If ugliness is your sole limiting factor, literally no excuse.
10 -15k will get you pretty much an entirely new face
Hes still on Jow Forums complaining, getting off of Jow Forums is the FIRST step to any self improvement
>incel is a 3/10
>female incel is a 6.5/10
OP's picture makes little sense
An ugly guy asking out a girl is ALWAYS considered creepy
There are tons of ugly guys with girlfriends and offspring. How do they do it?
Many edgy poets and philosophers - think Nietzsche - from these times would be incels in contempory times.
None would be incels. Incels are low intellect neets who never produce anything of value.
The little cult of theirs still needs cult leaders. Nowadays they would in this field as mainstream demand for edgy philosophy and poetry is declining. Doubt they would join Fox News.
Nietzsche would have hated the incel cult. He would have told them to finish high school and get a job.
People are jealous, chad is this super combination everyone pretends they know. It's chads fault because they are suffering and need someone to blame.
For this he started himself a pretty large cult. Many of his followers of dubious character.
A thing which is pretty much antithetical to you if you were born on the autism spectrum.
It’s an excuse. “Why try cuz chad”. It’s a fucking coward move, and son I am disappoint
You seem right
People itt seem to misunderstand what chad is. He isn't just a musclebound jock. There are a variety of chads, but the single defining trait among them is that they ooze confidence and the power to back it up. If a normal guy says something arrogant, then when chad says it it's just confident because he can actually do it. Keep in mind power comes in many forms - money, influence, looks, athleticism.
Etc... Also should add that having just one of these power traits doesn't make someone a chad, having multiple or a complimentary combination of them is necessary to be chad.
Incels need to be hanged from their balls from the nearest trees until their urethra pretty much sustains the body or is ripped out there are more important things in life than women and sex.