This why liberal climate change is a joke.
This why liberal climate change is a joke
>liberal spouts off idiotic shit
>people call her an idiot
>says she was just joking and if you didn't catch that you're the idiot
Try goofy shit to deceive people and when it backfires project it all on the other side and gaslight them into oblivion. Liberal politics, ladies and germs.
>meme flag Jew thread
Why do we keep getting btfo by her? Don’t we have any smart people in the alt right?
man-made global warming is real
fucking idiots lol
She was never cute and now she's hitting the wall and becoming even more irrelevant. Discord trannies find something better. Sage
i'd still fuck her tho, probably better than her milquetoast pasty ginger boy she's currently nesting with
Kek problem is her base truly believes that and she just shit all over them. What a dumbass
How can I get her to take a shit on my chest?
Just ask any climate hoaxer to give you their target CO2 ppm levels and why. Then you will see how they have no idea what they are talking about and resort back to "muh 97%" and "muh local climate"
>I was only pretending to be retarded.
That aside, this woman knows what she's doing. She's copying Trump perfectly.
>say inflammatory statement
>get all media attention and suck the oxygen out of the room so you're the only name in the news
>walk it back later if pressed on the facts
She's still rough around the edges, but with some experience, she could easily win the presidency in 2024. People need to stop feeding the troll.
So she just threw how many of her most die-hard supporters under the bus?
Not the same. Trump has never said “lol, you think I meant a literal wall? You’d have to be a dumb nigger-lover and also gay to think that”.
so what about Bill Nye supporting this claim?
Bill Nye has a degree in engineering. He knows nothing about anything except being a shill. Notice how he disappeared for over a decade until the fact that this generation grew up on him became politically useful?
>I was just pretending
god i voted for hillary but i hate this bitch so much
if the trump presidency hadn't shortcircuited the brains of libs everywhere this dumbass would've never even gotten close to congress
he has a BA
... in engineering.
Ironic shitposting still counts as shitposting.
Wear a copy of US Constitution as a vest
>you're an idiot if you believed me
Pretty much what people have been saying about this roastie beaner since she got elected.
In Mechanical Engineering.
What the fuck are the democrats doing?
Why would their party even allow this much of a... a... traitor to intelligence to even be part of their party?
Idk why this wasn't the first post, so many newfag
yeah but, the narrative is saying people on the right took her seriously. But actually it was people on the left, believed her So MUCH they even made a netflix episode to support her claims. And then one day after she admits it was pulled from her ass and in 10 years we will all actually be just fine.
Remember those little children acosted Feinstein. Is she calling those little, young impressionable girls stupid? Someone should tell her that many young people look up to her and she shouldn't be using her platform to joke about such a serious issue.
To be fair, they are trying to get rid of her.
that's sort of ableist against people with autism, don't you think?
It just feels like they're jobbing at this point.
Everything they try fails miserably.
I have an ms in mechanical engineering and can assure you that they hand out bs's to some complete retards.
>i was joking about...
so how much of what a liberal says is just a joke?
were they joking that Trump is literally Hitler?
that a baby fetus is just a clump of cells?
that muslims aren't pedophiles?
that diversity is our strength?
i used to be a liberal, but after this i can't take them seriously anymore, they're just a party of jokers and clowns now.
So she's basically all of nu/pol/, pretending to be retarded, huh.
Guess that's one way to spin why so many smoothbrained faggots unironically like her.
I don't get it. You shills claim Trump will definitely lose in 2020 but then think 2024 is her real swear-in date. If you want to do it properly at least say 2028.
>so how much of what a liberal says is just a joke?
A lot of it. Asking them to be sincere and unreasonable is literal bigotry. Actually if this becomes a thing I wonder if theyll say calling everyone a nazi was a joke too.
>Guess that's one way to spin why so many smoothbrained faggots unironically like her.
It's the boobs. For some it's feet.