This why liberal climate change is a joke

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Just ask any climate hoaxer to give you their target CO2 ppm levels and why. Then you will see how they have no idea what they are talking about and resort back to "muh 97%" and "muh local climate"

Attached: liberal_ignorance_is_death.png (1854x1246, 62K)

>I was only pretending to be retarded.
That aside, this woman knows what she's doing. She's copying Trump perfectly.
>say inflammatory statement
>get all media attention and suck the oxygen out of the room so you're the only name in the news
>walk it back later if pressed on the facts
She's still rough around the edges, but with some experience, she could easily win the presidency in 2024. People need to stop feeding the troll.

So she just threw how many of her most die-hard supporters under the bus?

Not the same. Trump has never said “lol, you think I meant a literal wall? You’d have to be a dumb nigger-lover and also gay to think that”.

so what about Bill Nye supporting this claim?

Bill Nye has a degree in engineering. He knows nothing about anything except being a shill. Notice how he disappeared for over a decade until the fact that this generation grew up on him became politically useful?

>I was just pretending

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god i voted for hillary but i hate this bitch so much

if the trump presidency hadn't shortcircuited the brains of libs everywhere this dumbass would've never even gotten close to congress

he has a BA