Pro-Tips on moving on after a breakup
Pro-Tips on moving on after a breakup
Go no-contact.
Do not avoid things just because they remind you of your ex. Do them intentionally so that you can form new memories and not get reminded of your ex every time you go anywhere or do anything.
The best way to get over a girl is to get on top of another one
Nah get under another one. Find you a bitch that knows how to ride
Fuck off virgins.Cocaine,
No contact for sure if you haven't done that, change things around in your residence, change phone backgrounds app layouts, archive or delete any messages of ex, get involved in your hobbies, workout. Essentially do stuff that gets your mind away from thinking about the other person until you're in a better state of mind where you're not emotionally vulnerable.
Took me about 2 weeks to get the bad feelings out and then about 2-3 months to stop caring about needing closure. (Sometimes even if you get it the answer won't appease that nagging feeling)
whatever you really love doing and are passionate about like hobbies or your dreams, you focus on those and focus on friends and family.
Synapses that fire together, wire together. Avoidance will preserve or even reinforce sensitivity. Make new associations Y
for me rebounds work.