Thread for general discussion of university and related topics. Hoping it can be used for sharing information between current students, past students and people who may be in the future.
Are you currently studying, or have you already completed your study? What did you study? Have you found your path of study to be useful or interesting? Be it for a particular carrer path, or in day-to-day life. If you haven't been before, or are thinking about going, what do you think you would like to study? People who have studied a particular subject, what can you tell potential future students about those courses? If you have been, would you have rathered that you'd studied something else? What other things might you have done differently? How did you cope with student debt? Were you able to pay it off quickly? Did it take a long time? Are you still struggling with it now? Do you have any advice you'd offer to people regarding student debt? Do you have any advice or wisdom you could impart to people who might be in a position where you once were or might be soon? Do you have any other general remarks you'd make about your time at university?
You have absolutely nothing of value yet you post this shit?
What is wrong with you?
Brayden Sanders
Says the guy who literally only came to shitpost. I'm trying to find out what people think about university in general. Jeeze, get mad.
Logan Bennett
Use google to answer your questions you fucking retard.
You sound completely clueless, incompetent, and not cut out for academia.
Camden Perry
How the fuck do people even stomach going to college at all You literally have no free time or will or even hobbies for an entire year at a time, and you pay $90,000 for the privilege. Good fucking god.
Tyler Russell
I bet you want to get a history degree. Let’s hear about your work experiences over the last three years. I bet you worked in retail and maybe a coffee shoo.
Aiden Jenkins
You won’t ever make it through a 4 year college.
Adam Davis
How fucking clueless are you?
Levi Hughes
>7 replies >3 posters >having to samefag >being this mad over a thread