Why did Jow Forums turn on Trump?

Why did Jow Forums turn on Trump?

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It did?

because he didn't send enough money to israel

> All tweet no action.

> Israeli puppet.

Don't hate him just won't vote for him again.

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Because he lied a fuckload of times, implied he would drain the swamp of globalists and then did the exact opposite


Proper Programming Kikes realize if Jow Forums turns Kikes will have the most powerful weapon in history. Jow Forums

Because he lied about his major immigration promises.

When did discord trannies start posting on Jow Forums? Anyone knows? I have a time machine and a single bullet, I'd like to find out who started this and why to have a "talk" with them.

This, Jow Forums just memes the "chaos candidate" because they though he would fuck things all up and shift the Overton Window. Everyone was skeptical of him to say the least because he is a New Yorker who hangs out with a bunch of jews. We would have preferred a Steve King or Patrick Little.

Probably when Jow Forums got bought up by jew shills. Same reason Q isn't allowed real space here. Thanks God for 8 chins