A big dose of realism about immigration

Let's face reality and be adults about it - not even Trump was able to control America's borders, or change its system of mass-immigration. In fact, the immigration crisis has gotten WORSE under Trump. Since border control is impossible, it's time to think about how to successfully implement and manage a more open border system. I know that Jow Forums is going to flip the fuck out at this statement, but think harder - it's absolutely true, and you know it.

So let's start the discussion.

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White includes Northern Africans, Arabs, Mestizos, and Jews according to the US census of which these stats are taken. The European genocide is real.

Easy, use the armed forces to build the border wall, deport the aliens and hang the traitors.

Literally the only way to properly manage a border is to machinegun invaders. If you're not willing to do that, you have no border.

That's not going to happen, and we know it. Since it's not a realistic possibility, it's no better than a fantasy. Not even Trump can reduce these numbers - any other Republican would do even worse.

Border control is like an Immune System.
It isn't impossible to have a strong one, in fact it is really very easy, you just need to not have AIDS

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It's too late, race war is inevitable.

It's not impossible, it's just that the government does not want to reduce immigration. We deported 2m Mexicans in a summer with a skeleton crew in the 50s.

If something is on fire you don't poor gasoline on it. Retard.

Ultimately it doesn't really matter, since the demographic fate of the nation is already sealed, and when whites (aka the only net positive tax payers) become a minority the nation will collapse into a Third World nation on par with Brazil. The Federal reserve can offset the crash to a degree by printing more money, but it's an inevitability unless they dump the concept of currency and move to a new system of recording monetary value.

The West is dead. Accept it and enjoy watching those who fought so voraciously to murder it regret their terrible decisions.

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Well the bigger message to get out of this is that there's nowhere to run. Cascadia is a fucking meme and NE is trying so hard to embrace diversity.

Are you 15?

Ethno-enclaves should declare sovereignty and become city-states. You think a federal government that can't enforce borders is capable of storming that city and killing it's citizens?

They can enforce the border, they choose not to.
If you try to make a white man's enclave you will get Waco'd

foreigners come
spread diseases that kill us all
and they replace us?
sounds familiar

I agree the first one to do it can't be white. But suppose it was a bunch of Hispanics in CA or some blacks in the South. Do you think a President Kamala Harris or Joe Biden would have the political will to send troops in? After the first attempt succeeds everyone else will start doing it, and eventually some rural whites will join the bandwagon.

>Get brick walled by globalist opposition
>Have to slowly work his way to be able to do basic shit
>lol your trump can't do anything

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A few problems
1. Nonwhites want to be around whites, they literally will not leave us alone. It will be hard to convince them to make a city whites aren't allowed in.
2. There are already racial double standards in the US. How do you know they won't just make another one?

Yeah, go outside and get off the internet. No one IRL cares about this garbage. Just get a gun and dont let people fuck with you you’re not gonna die and theres still always going to be whites in various U.S. states (Utah, Montana, Maine, WV) Even if the West does collapse and thats still always a maybe, if you arent stupid you will survive and get to form your new town so just chill.

t. shit skin

Go away spic

>Since border control is impossible
I can manage the border in a week. Start mowing down these faggots crossing it. A few thousand dead and they'll stop right away

Asians are net tax payers.

Fucking look at this picture fag Nowhere is safe. They are just being killed at different paces.

And yet, you actually CAN'T do that. We're talking about realistic outcomes based in the actual facts of the American political situation. Trump can't even stop the flood of LEGAL immigration - immigrants who come in under specific American laws that could easily be changed by executive orders or legislation. And you think Trump or anyone else could militarize the border?

Not gonna happen. You might as well wish for a magical pony that shits gold.

Trump should have bargained universal healthcare for border control.

>yfw gen X comes to power and literally throws them all the fuck out with military actions
>yfw anyone born of illegal aliens is stripped of their citizenship and deported
believe it... we aren't fucking around

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>And yet, you actually CAN'T do that
Why? Why can't invaders be shot?


Because the US government and its leadership is unwilling to do so and will not allow others to do so. That's basic political realism.

Cant? No. Wont.

Trump has been corrupted by jewry.

Then they are derelict of their duties as representatives of the people.
But what else is new?

I imagine it being Sanctuary cities pushed further along ethnic lines. There might be some liberal white/jewish collaborators in the beginning that are later ousted. Also this happened in the 70s en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_Alcatraz

After there are already 20-30 minority enclaves, suppose half a dozen white enclaves popped up in a coordinated effort simultaneously across the country. At that point selectively targeting only the white ones would only inflame the situation.

A multi-racial political system is the only realistic way to go in this context. At the most you can try to push for reversals against policies that undermine European American interests, even push foe favorable policies that'll benefit them for them too. Beyond that there isn't much you can do to make drastic changes to country in the immediate or foreseeable future. Besides that many whites are turning inwards on the individual or communal level and focusing on their own situation which is a sign of decline.

So the longterm strategy needs pioneers, but in the short term there needs to be significant compromise on ideals to get the most out and work the system for European Americans.

Other ways is to intentionally collapse the system as much as possible of which doing so will only accelerate by a small amount, or give up and flee the country. East Euro will likely hold the white ethnostates.

>Since border control is impossible, it's time to think about how to successfully implement and manage a more open border system.

t. Jose Guatamala

Am I factually incorrect, though? Even Trump has given up trying to keep illegals on the Mexican side of the border - he is literally allowing them to be imported en masse and released inside of the US.

>immigration crisis has gotten WORSE under Trump
Everyone here (INCLUDING the Shills) knows that not only are the Invaders are making a panic push to get in here before the possibility of a wall going up,-----and that this is combined with Globalist filth who are funding & encouraging Invasion groups to come here. This was beat to death here in discussions months ago. I didn't save any of the proofs to my computer but when some newfag or shill asks for "Proofs?"----I'm sure some user here can oblige them.
History shows that your proposals are VERY VERY effective.

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>the Invaders are making a panic push to get in here before the possibility of a wall going up

They don't care about walls. They are literally presenting themselves at legal ports of entry and "surrendering" to the Border Patrol, and are then being let into the US and released. This is happening under Trump. This is the political reality of migration in 2019 America.

I would be willing to kill anyone that would try to threathen my liberty. For my rights as a citizen which have never been stripped away from me or directly refuted by any document or constitution of this country, unfortunately for you. Hispanics were citizens of the U.S. ever since the U.S. acquired southwestern territory and gave Mexican residents the freedom to become a citizen. Its nobodys fault but Mexicos that millions more of them had to cross because of Mexico’s incompetency and because of third world hordes migrating into Mexico. The problems with crime did not began until the mass immigrations started and immigration laws became put into place. You victimize yourself hard when your life will likely be better anyhow therefore you should be grateful. No matter what a news station or Vox article says. Just be proud of being white and stop taking the bait that Jewish overlords throw at you. You aren’t as clever as you think are, but you are clever.

Mudslimes need to go too.

>Since it's not a realistic possibility, it's no better than a fantasy.
I'm not advocating anyone do anything that violates local or federal law, but if these refugee centers start going up in flames, and these open borders judges, politicians and media kikes start getting shot and bombed, things would change overnight.

move to states that are predominantly white until things get so bad you have to secede and claim independence from the rest of the USA. probably will result in a civil war

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remember, Jow Forums is a board of peace

And how MANY powerful people are working to subvert America and push for this?

A lot, which is why this stuff won't change. There are only two real political parties in the US - the Democrats support open borders for racial and demographic reasons, while the Republicans support open borders to provide cheaper labor for their biggest donors in sectors like agribusiness and construction. That's just how it is.