Well the bigger message to get out of this is that there's nowhere to run. Cascadia is a fucking meme and NE is trying so hard to embrace diversity.
A big dose of realism about immigration
Are you 15?
Ethno-enclaves should declare sovereignty and become city-states. You think a federal government that can't enforce borders is capable of storming that city and killing it's citizens?
They can enforce the border, they choose not to.
If you try to make a white man's enclave you will get Waco'd
foreigners come
spread diseases that kill us all
and they replace us?
sounds familiar
I agree the first one to do it can't be white. But suppose it was a bunch of Hispanics in CA or some blacks in the South. Do you think a President Kamala Harris or Joe Biden would have the political will to send troops in? After the first attempt succeeds everyone else will start doing it, and eventually some rural whites will join the bandwagon.
>Get brick walled by globalist opposition
>Have to slowly work his way to be able to do basic shit
>lol your trump can't do anything
A few problems
1. Nonwhites want to be around whites, they literally will not leave us alone. It will be hard to convince them to make a city whites aren't allowed in.
2. There are already racial double standards in the US. How do you know they won't just make another one?
Yeah, go outside and get off the internet. No one IRL cares about this garbage. Just get a gun and dont let people fuck with you you’re not gonna die and theres still always going to be whites in various U.S. states (Utah, Montana, Maine, WV) Even if the West does collapse and thats still always a maybe, if you arent stupid you will survive and get to form your new town so just chill.
t. shit skin