Should weed be legalised?

I mean your just calling for government control bootlicking and I can't agree with that.

You're a fagget.
Also it's 21, not 18.

>Nope, I'm pretty sure Trump is purely against the legalization of weed.
Hes waffled on the issue over the years, but I think he would be willing to pay lip service to it in an election if takes some wind out of the democrats sails. As a private citizen, he fully supported legalization and using the tax revenue to finance rehab centers and has mentioned that he supports medical marijuana in the last couple years. He also hasnt gone after the states that have legalized in any meaningful matter which shows that while he's at least indifferent to it politically.
>I support the law because I firmly believe marketing marijuana as a recreational activity for anyone is a recipe for disaster
I'll fully agree with the fact that the 420BLAZEITFATDABZBRAH culture that currently surrounds weed is cancerous and degenerate. I view those people with the same level of disdain that I do alcoholics. I think legalizing would help to "mature" the recreational culture from DUDEWEEDFATDABZ to people who just want to smoke a joint to relax at the end of a long day.
>I just have lots of hatred for anykind of drug
Do you feel this hatred for people who drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes? What about people who drink coffee or take preworkout before going to the gym? Where exactly does this hatred come from?

I thought the legal age to buy marijuana was the same as cigarettes. Jeez

What kind of bootlicking faggot are you?

>You can't smoke a blunt at work because you have anxiety
Watch me cunt!

I smoke and I say no it’s no good

We get it youre an edgy Australian

Nah, at least in my state, they handle it pretty much like alcohol.
AKA 21 and carded to buy, can't drive after smoking it and you probably can't have the weed equivalent to an "open container"
Also no public smoking, much like no public drinking

I really don't know where the hatred comes from. Maybe I have a bias for marijuana because of my childhood. Maybe like you said the 420BLAZEIT culture just annoys the living daylights out of me.
Let's just say ANYONE who tells me they smoke weed occasionally, I'll automatically lose interest on keeping the friendship going or try to slowly purseude them to give up on it.
I don't have any hatred for people who smoke cigarettes. Those who are the stereotypical beer belly, unemployed alcoholic I do despise. Although unlike marijuana which one smoke can make me furious, I'm alright with people drinking to get a buzz. Their is a stigma that follows marijuana unlike alcohol.

That's fine. But then never, ever bring up anything related to personal freedom. Ever. Anything could be argued in a way that touches on the "for and against of societal degeneration", and if we value it more than personal freedom, then just don't bother anymore.