Femanon here. I just got a job offer at a very large tech company. The problem is... it's too good

oh right, then there's one thing which is sure, I don't know why you are being an hardass about this matter, screaming around "I am tough if you aren't you are a shit and you need to die"

who hurt you user?
Daddy was rough, mommy didn't hug you enough?

Childhood neglect and bullying makes you believe that mistreating others and "beating them into shape" is the right way to interact with people, it is not, it just propagates the damage.

Take the job. If he's a beta bitch you'll part, but if he's a man he'll either deal with it or advance and find a better job. Relationship should be about pushing each other forward. Explain that you're not willing to stop improving in life because he feels insecure.

Hm. I honestly can't see why he'd feel so bad about that.

Fuck every dumb bitch in the thread telling you to leave him, though. It's ultimately your choice, but I would say take the job. If HE leaves you just because he feels bad that you make more money than him, then that's not love. He chose a low paying job to stay with his friends and do what he likes, there is nothing to be ashamed of about that. Not like he's any less of a man because his paycheck is smaller than yours. Good luck to both of you.

>your boyfriend is insecure, leave him
Retarded mindset.
Everyone is insecure, being with a partner means having trust to reveal those insecurities so you can work on them together.
Leaving them just makes those insecurities ten times worse and I don't know how you could do that to someone you supposedly love.
Following your advice I would have broken up with my gf around 20 times already, because she was insecure about her weight, the way she looked in a dress, her future at her job, her family relations, fights with her friends just to name a few things.
Notice she WAS insecure about those things, because we worked through them together and our relationship came out stronger afterwards.
She knows she can always approach me about anything and the same goes for me, she will never make me feel weak or inadequate.

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>you didn't address the point.
are you mentally retarded? He did address your point with a perfectly plausible answer. OP's bf suffers from low self esteem and seeing his gf outearn him by this much makes him feel worse. I think it's correct because it's exactly how I would feel in this situation, I might even break up with a girl over something like that.

I think this sounds unreasonable as fuck. Why be mad if my gf makes more than me? It won't do me any bad if we have more money, especially when we live together. But this is apparently an issue to a lot of men and to me they are all faggots.
>muh gf makes me money than me woe is me
Just seems bizarre to me. Honestly who gives a shit

>Some people get hired due to affirmative action
>So that means every non-white male on the planet does!!!!
Dumb incelposter. It's all about nepotism now. She probably just knows one of the people there. Jobs stopped diversity hiring for quite a while

I'd be pumped because I work in the tech industry and get paid a lot and together we'd rake in huge $$$
OPs bf is emasculated because it is emasculating to not try very hard and then have your gf do better than you. If they get married and have kids, I guess naturally he'd be the one to stay home and raise them? Wouldn't make any sense otherwise. And that will surely end well.

He should be trying harder and you just slapped him in the face with it. OP should do what's best for her, but it will fuck the relationship. No matter how liberated and woke both parties are, you cannot fight nature.

>not all people get hired due to affirmative action
>So that means that this girl didn't!!!

are you too retarded to see your argument is generic and applicable to both sides?

Absolutely seething