After the LNP coalition win on Saturday leftists are reeing, they want to feel as if they are oppressed when in reality scomo is just as cucked as other politicians. Now the leftists are moving to new Zealand and Iceland hahaha good now we will become even more rightwing in future elections.
AUS/POL/ Aftermath
Other urls found in this thread:
I've been replying to every tweet about moving to NZ "fuck off we're full"
bumped to avoid archiving.
Congrats Aus/pol/, you've made the normie news again.
We did it reddittt
user made the news!
I've just looked up the original thread on 4plebs, link:
Currently going through a spreadsheet of all seats that Anning's party contested and going to cross-reference rate of informal votes with non-contested seats to see if this is 100% bullshit or not.
Stand by for bombshells if proven.
For those interested, list of seats are:
Wide Bay
I was part of the count in boothby, can assure you nothing dodgy happened there
Can I get a run down on this election from the ausbros? I don't really have enough background info to know what happened beyond the fact that the left is triggered. Is the guy who won /ourguy/ or just the lesser of two evils, what are his policies, what was his opponent like, etc.
Icelanders here, we will make her leave.
FACNP didn't contest Boothby according to the AEC. So I will add that to the 'informal vote count' control group. Thanks.
Basically two globalist scumbags competing to see whether it would be Big Business or Big Immigration fucking the working and middle classes. Big Business won.
Waitaminnit, doesn't Iceland have a pretty strict immigration policy? As in stricter than Australia's?
Also, bet this bitch is out there criticising the grinda too.
>People actually still buy the left/right liberal/labor meme
Lefties crying are about as retarded as righties gloating. Australia is a glorified one party state and has been for decades now.
Good, bout time the bushrangers made a comeback.
I saw based eggman lost his seat, is that true? Very sad!
how did he vote?
Same goes for every Anglosphere “country”
>FACNP didn't contest Boothby according to the AEC. So I will add that to the 'informal vote count' control group. Thanks.
yes he did, check again
Lol get fucked aussie dickheads dont come here
I dont get it. Is he banned from flying or something.
Did Jow Forums and infinity just go down for a couple minutes on your end?
Just got back from overseas.
I'm amazed at the Australian electorate's total unwillingness to try a chance on any other party outside the big 2. The liberals aren't even fucking conservative for fucks sake. They'll just sell out the country (or rather, keep selling it out).
Vote One Nation at least you know they're less likely to cuck out. Or similar parties.
I wouldn't have minded if Shorten finally taxed the shit out of the mining companies and put money into schools and hospitals. He can leave the poz shit out though.
>drinking VB
He's an inner city leftie larping as an honest blue collar (as they always are)
Ah, filtered the data wrong, thanks.
Aren't there more of you cunts living here than there?
Shorten would put that money into importing a new generation of Labor supporters and you know it (massively increasing parental visa).
The senate is pretty varied - what you don't want is a lower house made up of 5 different parties all with 15-20%. That's what has messed up so many European countries like Italy, Germany and France. Alliances of many different parties all with slightly different policies is a bad system.
Currently it works well because one government can stay in government, and anything they want to do is filtered through the senate which isn't bound to always favour larger populated electorates.
To say that aussie parliament is a 2 horse race is erroneous
Just gonna leave this here.
>I've been replying to every tweet about moving to NZ "fuck off we're full"
Based sheep fucker
He is the lesser of two weevils
>Young Australians bidding for their first home circa 2019
Damn I miss /balt/+/ausnz/ threads. Fuck jannies.
Threadly reminder to buy a gun.
Join a conservation group, today we're already hunting invasive species, soon that will be expanded to 3rd world immigrants
Every day I pray for nuclear war.
Can i join?
>We did it reddittt
Both Labor and Liberal support high levels of immigration. Only Labor wanted to reduce the number of temporary work visas which businesses use to lower wages
You fags still don't have guns though.
Says the guy from the"country" that only allows them to vote for state sanctioned Party A, or state sanctioned Party B. Good goys.
Even if they had guns they wouldn't do so good
Yet we can buy emu meat at the supermarket.
We sure lost.
Where all the [1] money is going.
Based kiwi
I feel strong Tarrant energy radiating from you
Look at Tassie. Anning ran in one electorate - Braddon. Braddon has more than twice the number of informal votes as any other electorate in the state.
>Now the leftists are moving to new Zealand
except they never follow through
lol, quit it you salty eggs
I wonder what sort of faggotry 9 million bucks will get us?
you do realise that any political party is allowed to send scrutineers to watch the vote count and question decisions on informality? anning can have someone go watch the counts if he wants
Fuck off Sarah, stop sending yourself them letter.
gonna funnel it into peeling Nationals off of Liberal
>when people take your shitposts too seriously
Seems like a process that is inherently biased towards the major parties. Beet the Labor and Greens lads were just telling the counters to throw out votes for Anning's party, the fucking dogs.
>People thought ON's resurgence would be short-lived
the scrutineers don't get to make any final decisions. any questioned ballots are reviewed by the officer in charge or someone higher
That image is proof again of the prolonged immaturity that infects the modern adult mind these days.
Heard some uni lads on the train today talking about how they were working as counters for the AEC on the weekend, and they changed all the votes for right-wing parties to left-wing ones.
Remember to use pen next time, lads. Harder to tamper with than pencil. In the cities, uni students will be trying to change your votes.
If Centre Alliance doesn't outright collapse with the loss of 95% of their funds, I'll be surprised
Also why isn't Fraser up on that board? Got more votes than half of them
Why? It is a lefty paradise?
Tarrant is Australian idiot
If this is not a larp you should have gotten their pics and reported them.
Doing nothing is as good as being an accomplice.
Interesting fact. In the 70's we had 'Emu War II' in which Air Force helicopter gunships were sent to NT and WA to deal with emu plagues (and to burn off much of the surplus ammo left after Vietnam).
The aerial cull was quite successful but not well publicised to avoid civilian outrage. My father, a combat helicopter pilot, told me all about it a few years ago.
>The eternal boomer thinks it is over
>thread was made at 1:23 pm
we /neetposter/ now
>Got more votes than half of them
must be more votes total, the thresholds are applied by state/electorate.
we're full
What the fuck is with liberals and saying they'll move if they don't get their way all the time. No one gives a shit fucking move no one wants you or your retarded ideas anymore.
>believing some faggot larpers
it would be very hard to mass change any votes without someone noticing, we have one of the most secure electoral systems in the world
btw is any party going to support the coalition in the senate apart from cory goynardi?
(neo)liberals have been told that borders don't exist... they think it applies to them even though it only applies to capital.
He didn't get 4% of the vote in any division. He is a minnow.
Shut up, maplenigger.
Source? First I heard of them making this a plank.
Interesting, I'm in Bass and voted Anning. We'll have a look once releases tally room results and go from there.
ON and goyter alliance
Hanson and Lambi.
>officer in charge instructs volunteers to mark most Fraser/ One Nation votes as informal
>officer in charge reviews them
Fool proof. Could never be tampered with
i mean the party that has been governing for 6 years got reelected, why is it so different now? its not like an australian trump got elected or anything
>I'm in Bass and voted Anning
In the senate. He didn't run in the HoR for Bass.
Just got autobannned for doing that
I never participate in non-American politics, what'd you sick cunts do to piss everyone off this time?
none of them will be supporting the tax cunts lmao. fuck knows whats gonna happen
Was just thinking that. This election is literally a nothingburger
this whole generation is a bunch of faggots. every little thing triggers them to no end.
Tarrant is a legend you shitskin loving faggot
QLD have literally formed them into one party already. You cannot stop the merger.
Not possible. Most parties send people to watch the counting.
CA arent gonna vote with the government.
This is a good thing. These poofy inner city libs who run as nats need to gtfo.
Also, dont reply to triangle fag
>why is it so different now?
they have a mandate to be tones 2 i'd say
before this turnbull had to be more temperate because they were governing by the polls
Nah. The new generation are better. Millennials are the soft cocks. Zoomers are more conservative (empirically proven) and less sensitive (assumption) on average although I think they will be much more polarising with a lot of far left SJW and far right based nationalists rather than centred.
>what'd you sick cunts do to piss everyone off this time?
gonna have to be more specific
Sounds about right. Leftists collectively screeching just because a politician who is vaguely classified as "right wing" in any way won.
yeah they will xenophone is a wog with 12 investment properties
yeah they will ON will do anything to piss the left off
lambie will need to be bribed somehow
I think it was rigged. There was definitely a groundswell of support for smaller parties when I talked to people pre election
all seems so contrived, who the fuck packs their shit up and leaves the country based on an election between parties that have been around for 100 odd years?
And the irony is that they were supporting a rapist who married his way into Sydney high society and has kids named Rupert, Gi-Gi and Clementine.
just because they're under one roof doesn't make them family.
Nationals voters do not have the same interests of Liberal voters.
Ohhh Billy Boi
how many cunts?
everyone i know is a disgusting normie faggot
i don't know many people atm tho