AUS/POL/ Aftermath

>what'd you sick cunts do to piss everyone off this time?
gonna have to be more specific

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Sounds about right. Leftists collectively screeching just because a politician who is vaguely classified as "right wing" in any way won.

yeah they will xenophone is a wog with 12 investment properties

yeah they will ON will do anything to piss the left off

lambie will need to be bribed somehow

I think it was rigged. There was definitely a groundswell of support for smaller parties when I talked to people pre election

all seems so contrived, who the fuck packs their shit up and leaves the country based on an election between parties that have been around for 100 odd years?


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And the irony is that they were supporting a rapist who married his way into Sydney high society and has kids named Rupert, Gi-Gi and Clementine.

just because they're under one roof doesn't make them family.
Nationals voters do not have the same interests of Liberal voters.

Ohhh Billy Boi

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how many cunts?
everyone i know is a disgusting normie faggot
i don't know many people atm tho