Daily reminder that while you're working your fingers through the bone, Andreas is out getting loaded on ouzo and banging cheap Aegean hookers on your bailout money.
Fun's over, pay debts now, Andreas.
Daily reminder that while you're working your fingers through the bone, Andreas is out getting loaded on ouzo and banging cheap Aegean hookers on your bailout money.
Fun's over, pay debts now, Andreas.
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Thats bad though promiscuity is a sign of a dying nation.
but I read somewhere that greeks work the most hours in EU
meanwhile ancient greeks fucked ass on the daily and created western civilization
They were degenerates also thats why they never united up until illyrians advanced.
Did you ever think that maybe the Greeks existence in their current form might have something to do with such rampant degeneracy?
Seriously name ONE time they’ve been relevant in the world stage since ancient times
so? they still have to be disgusting greeks when done.
Greeks also have fewer partners on average than most European countries. Show flag
they have the highest unemployment rate
It’s because the euro is worth more in Greece than so they can justify lower wages but the value doesn’t transcend every market so they end up being poor and overworked
>Fun's over, pay debts now, Andreas.
heh, no. Seethe.
When greeks united, they destroyed the Persian advance in greek land and with the League of Corinth(willingly and less willingly) they conquered the whole Persian empire.
Greek women are too fucking degenerate and they are infatuated with niggers. Its sad but its the fucking truth. The worst is not that, its that the men are also infatuated with nigger culture.
>ONE time
Did you forget about the Eastern Roman Empire or something?
Who's this handsome Turkish man?
You consider Alexander Macedon uniting everything via military force as a unity? Also his empire imploded less than 10 years after his death and since then you were only conquered by tribes and romans.
It's true. They get fucked by the EU on a daily basis.
makes sense
arfui mou eshi chero na evro kypreo dame
What are thracians,lydian,carian?
arfe m eshei jero na mpw j go damesa gamw ta shills
underrated post, even though highly ironical considering the flag
your friends have a green flag with the moon and a star on it.go to a doctor.
oulloi tutoi i meme flag malakes sioura evraikis katagois kamnun ta oulla damesa. Exalasen telia re to pol eparetisa nakko, san to 2016 en ishen
Then why are they so poor and moved to western/northern europe and America?
tribes we conquered and hellenized
Makes sense, the Greeks invented sex after-all (and the Romans invented sex with women)
when ahmet wants to get in the closet and joy doesn`t leave him.
There was that week the bulk shipping stocks all got pumped thousands of percents for no reason. That was a fun week to trade. Lot of suicides I think when it normalized and greedy traders lost everything.
Not to be a perv or anything but I fucking love women's legs
>be me
>Start dating a married woman.
>Husband finds out, has meltdown and kills himself.
>She ends up getting a huge life insurance settlement. (Millions)
>Invites me to move to Greece with her.
>Said no.
Damn it. I regret that choice often.
I know where my next vacation will be.
Define hellenized because they became independent after the macedonian died.
Very interesting. It would be fun to see similar ranking for heterosexual activity.
Now they make yogurt!
your country`s name comes from the name of the capital of another country.
ne r empika proxtes na dw ti eginetoun j eishe 1000 threads gia interracial bmwf
Can confirm, my girlfriend is Greek and I've never been with a woman whose sexual appetite matches that of my own. Sore dick 24/7.
Which I am against if I had the power I would restore the old kingdom of TR.
Okay but where's the statistic without the men fucking little boys?
their cultures and language completely died off and replaced with greek,along with greek intermarriages up until the ottoman conquest or bulgar/slavic for thracians and albanian incursions for the balkans.lycians lydians carrians cappadocians paphlagonians phrygians(who were very close to greeks even before)and others i cant think off now were completely hellenized
The debt crisis is pretty relevant
southern thacians too*
qifsha rop we wuz Socrates an sheit
another slide shill thread done by a memeflag.
the japannese flag is white and red,not yellow.
also illyria*
this was a vlach kingdom,not all romanians are vlach.
When I was a NEET sex and vidya was how I spent most of my days. I had to stop fapping just to make it through the day.
Don't worry you will be the same in a decade
this was a vlach kingdom.not all romanians are vlach.
U mad white boy?
we speak about greece,not turkey.
I hope you catch something rare and incurable
imagine being this jewish
I dont care about r*manians they are not my people, mine are vlachs but accepted to become mutts instead.
That explains a lot about the stereotypical idea of bald-coping pedo flashers: greasy greeks.
That's because they're married more. Guess what niggers, married people in a year have more sex than losers who have sex 5 times tops with a single person and then have to find another one.
Q predicted this
>greeks work the most hours in EU
Oh so you found some erotic pottery and so now the greeks are officially homos? You know the ancient greeks were against homosex?
It's doesn't make you a pervert to appreciate a nice pair of female legs. It just means that you are not a massive faggot.
Memeflaggots deserve the noose.
It was his father Philip that made the League of Corinth first not Alexander and secondly yes, unity by force is a thing. Also his empire might have imploded but several other empires spawned from that that lasted centuries. You are historically illiterate and dumb af.
It was the Dorians that introduced homosexuality to Greece when they invaded Peloponnese. Before that it was unheard of anywhere in ancient Greece and Mycenaean culture
>Dorians are also attributed to the spread of homosexuality in ancient Greece. Some researchers argue that this occurred during their original migration, and some claim that the time was much later, around 630 BC, first in Crete, and then in Sparta and other Greek cities of the state.
τράβα γαμήσου μπασταρδάkι
Δεν θα kαταλάβω ποτέ την διάλεkτό σας, ω αδερφοί εξ αίματος
>being lazy on the workplace
>statistically being counted as working hours
>dorians from ouside of greece
18th ce we wuz.
to the trash can
>same time with BAC
psss check tis retard out
There are a lot of (((interests))) in putting the Greeks into debt. You should think twice about these debts and the (((cause))) of the need for the debts in the first place.
Well, you certainly don't have anything to do with any of them, Turkish rapebaby.
Όπου βλέπεις sh είναι το χ, όπου j k kαι όπου βλέπεις ε μπροστά από τη λέξη απλά αφέρα το. π.χ. eshei jero na evrw - έχει kαιρό να βρω
Wrong. This ist how average Greek woman looks like. the Greek countryside tho....
Έχω φίλους kύπριους στην αληθινή ζωή kαι σιγά σιγά το συνηθίζω, αkούγεστε σαν μεθυσμένοι βλάχοι που προσπαθούν να μιλήσουν ελληνιkά (χωρίς παρεξήγηση)
Ισχύει, kάποτε αkουγόμαστε πολύ kαθυστερημένοι.
He said Greeks were the most sexually active. He didn't say with what.
μαλαkίες λέει ο φίλος.η kυπριαkή είναι εύρυθμη kαι η μελωδιkότερη απ'τις ελληνιkές διαλέkτους
>britain is already filled with greeks and turks though
did you know england is rightful greek clay?
>η kυπριαkή είναι εύρυθμη kαι η μελωδιkότερη απ'τις ελληνιkές διαλέkτους
γι'αυτό αkριβώς το λόγο μεριkές φόρες αkούγετε σαν να μιλάει ένας kαμένος από το χόρτο
they helped win ww2 by cutting off the german-italian trade routes of vital war materials
>hairy greasy brown people having sex with other hairy greasy brown people
me: no thanks
Laugh all you want at the Greeks, your nation will be just as browned as you think we are soon.
A qualified argument. While Greeks have the most sex, Israelis have the longest, most satisfying intercourse.
Weren't you aware that Jewish men (especially Haredim) have the largest, girthiest penises. Why do you think they dress so smartly?
It is also why Jewish women tend to have sizable milkers. Apart from being nourishing to nurse on they also provide cushioning for the Jewish man's massive (sometimes up to 15inches) schlong. A must have for pleasurable intercourse.
This is why we must present our most generously endowed chesty women to Jewish men and Israel. The ones that are accepted will be an honour for the wretched gentile family they came from for all eternity. The rejected ones will be treated like a piece of meat.
Nope, be careful with your money next time, and try not to pretend you are a jew
Why is she so perfect?
Based and Milkpilled.
>most sexually active nations
surprise me when its not goat fuckers import millions of moslem invaders who, rape goats
of course the levels will increase
Don't they also have the fewest amount of partners? Considering that it's not that degenerate
dorians were indo-europeans
whites are homosexuals
If I could get reincarnated as anything it would be a jewess, just so I could reverse cowgirl my rabbi's impressive build and girthy schlong
>poor brown people like to have sex a lot
it checks out
They just took a man's body, added tits, and feminized the face a little bit. You're just a faggot.
>t. low test