Greeks most sexually active nation

Nope, be careful with your money next time, and try not to pretend you are a jew

Why is she so perfect?

Attached: 7169e7049624fe72368f30858066c6a8.jpg (927x1200, 234K)

Based and Milkpilled.

Attached: 1559170785321.jpg (1080x1349, 124K)

>most sexually active nations
surprise me when its not goat fuckers import millions of moslem invaders who, rape goats
of course the levels will increase

Don't they also have the fewest amount of partners? Considering that it's not that degenerate

dorians were indo-europeans
whites are homosexuals

If I could get reincarnated as anything it would be a jewess, just so I could reverse cowgirl my rabbi's impressive build and girthy schlong

Attached: Rabbi-Sholo-Yaffe-277x277.jpg (277x277, 12K)

>poor brown people like to have sex a lot
it checks out

They just took a man's body, added tits, and feminized the face a little bit. You're just a faggot.

>t. low test