What's Cultural Marxism?

What's Cultural Marxism?

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a meme

Neoliberalism was a CIA project used to destroy pro-Worker Socialism and replace it with Anti-Worker, Pro-Homo SJWism of the "New Left"

>Frankfurt School
>New Left

>members of the Frankfurt School--Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse, and Otto Kirchheimer--worked for the CIA

>Worked on domestic and foreign propaganda agency

>received a Rockefeller Foundation grant (Rockefeller Foundation was closely tied to CIA) to deconstruct Soviet Marxism

>CIA funded french eurocoms

>CIA/Rockefeller pursue to destroy pro-Worker Socialism and replace it with anti-Worker imposter """Socialism"""





Same thing as what Marxists call capitalist cultural hegemony

A conspiracy that Jow Forums made popular and somehow made its was into a prestigious Canadian university.

The best way described, is forced egalitarianism without merit.

shit the fuck up CIA shill. Let the real communists discuss,

Marcuse is the Father of the New Left and worked for the CIA.

The New Left was created by Rockefeller, CIA and spread around the various faggot Ivy League academic centers in Columbia, Berkeley, Yale in the 1970s

the New Left was exclusive to the elite institutions of America.


the idea that shitting in a toilet is the same as shitting in a street and that being a slut is the same as being a virgin

Frankfurt School Critical Theory. Culture of Critique has a really good chapter about the goals and motives of the Frankfurt School if anyone is interested.

have sex

>that being a slut is the same as being a virgin
Does that mean I'm a slut?

Moral and cultural relativism practiced on a grand scale through multiple institutions. It’s not something hidden, and you would either have to be blind or willingly ignorant to not see it.

That's the beauty. It's anything you want it to be.

Read Gramsci.

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it's rightwing paranoia boogiemen like usual


it's what it is.

The application of Marxist theories of oppression to identity categories such as gender, race and sexuality

The New Left gained traction in the 70s and was based on Anti-Union, Anti-Worker, Pro-Homo, Pro-White Genocide politics.

the New Left was started by Frankfurt School who moved to the US and worked with the CIA to popularize an anti-Worker """"socialist"""" movement against Marxism, Stalinism

The working class was the focus of Marxists this, but the Frankfurt School rejected the working class.

Marcuse, Kirchheimer, and the Frankfurt School, worked with CIA, to popularize anti-Worker """"socialism"""".

They subverted socialism in the West and reorientated the battle over production, to a contest of endless consumption, immigration, degeneracy, which preoccupied the New Left.
Unlike the earlier Socialists (Old Left) focus on union activism, the "New Left" in the US since 1960s, instead focused on protesting class-based oppression to include issues such as gender, race and faggotry

A conspiracy theory perpetuated by jazz-lovers who blame the Frankfurt school for nearly all modern ills despite never having read anything from the Frankfurt school.

When people who seriously refer to Cultural Marxism talk about it, they generally mean what this user is referring to.Traditional leftism focused on class group identity. They framed the world as a power struggle between different groups and inherent in that system was the assumption that the powerful oppressed the less powerful, the rich got rich and stayed rich by oppressing the poor.

Cultural Marxism keeps the group identity analysis and the assumption of power struggle with the powerful oppressing the less powerful, but changed the groups from class, (the prolelitariat and the bourgeiosie) to new groups, like race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity blah blah, only this time it is white over non-white, men over women, straight over homo, normal over tranny.

Both of these frameworks are contrasted by Western Enlightenment Liberalism which avoided groups and focused more so on the individual, individual rights, individual responsibilities etc.

Cultural Marxism is a fake term
USSR called it capitalist degeneracy. Cultural marxism is a term these despicable sniveling rat-faced weasels throw around to fool and hoodwink their right-winged peons to distract them from the wool that's been pulled over their eyes.

Zizek pointed out that what are commonly referred to as cultural Marxists could actually be called cultural Capitalism. I realize that this is amusingly accurate.

What this board calls ''cultural marxism'' the rest of the world calls ''American degeneracy''. For real. Under socialism we were socially conservative. Now everybody does recreational drugs and girls are sluts. None of this under actual marxism. Explain yourselves.

We became (((democracies))). Now we're all in the same cesspool as the burgers.

the USSR called it "Meлкoбypжyaзнaя мopaль".

So-called "Cultural Marxism" (another oxymoron) represents capitalist subversion of Marxism. "marxist social issues" is an oxymoron. The Frankfurt School was literally financed by the CIA and its predecessors. Elite institutions like the CIA will do whatever it takes -- whether "undermining traditional values" or the opposite -- to ensure that the global ruling class is protected from populist awakening and revolt.

Why do you think the CIA and global elites tried to undermine Marxism by introducing divisive and alienating cultural baggage? The more repellent you make a movement to ordinary people, the more you weaken it as a political force. That's why it represents a "capitalist subversion". A successful one, too, unfortunately. The Left has nothing to do with SJWs or cultural issues. It's all CIA

Frankfurt School scholars were financed by Western intelligence agencies. Ever ask yourself why the CIA would want people bitching about cultural appropriation? Or why America is the faggot central?

>What this board calls ''cultural marxism'' the rest of the world calls ''American degeneracy''. For real. Under socialism we were socially conservative. Now everybody does recreational drugs and girls are sluts

It is refered to as cultural marxism not because of the effect it has on society but because of the analytical framework. As spelled out here It is called cultural marxism because it stressed the group identity over the individual. And some of the effects you mentioned are part of it. For example things like Slut walks and girls sleeping around today is framed as feminsts fighting back against the patriarchy. It is a group struggle not an individual excercise.

Similarly, the embracement of non-standard English with trying to mainstream Ebonics is viewed as a fight of the black group identity against the overpowering white group overlords. Same with the pride parades where homos walk around with their dicks out and things shoved up their assholes while waving dildos. That is seen as the LGBT group identity fighting back against heteronormative power structures.

I will say though that the substance abuse isn't born in group identity. But it isn't neccesarily born out of "captialism" either it is a problem that has existed for millenia. And likely will persist for as long as humanity does.


you might as well call leftism a rightwing paranoia
>um sweetie leftism doesn't actually exist it's called science

Subversion in the fields of education and the media

A better name for the phenomenon which you're describing is "intersectional identity politics"
When you use the term "Marxism" there is a connotation for a positivist mindset about history and a material focus, both of which are absent from that phenomenon.

>A better name for the phenomenon which you're describing is "intersectional identity politics"
That might be the case. I think Marxism is used because of the group identity analysis inherent in it, and because this particular branch of politics is coming from the left in the West today.

>When you use the term "Marxism" there is a connotation for a positivist mindset
What do you mean by positivist mindset? A focus on empiricism?

>a material focus, both of which are absent from that phenomenon.
Oh the cultural marxism politics in the west is very much focused on material gain, (assuming what is what you meant by materialism). They use the language of moral dignity and worth and blah blah blah. But when they talk about the importance of diversity and inclusion, what they want in effect are policies that favor certain people because of their belonging to a specific group identity.

Someone told me it's actually called "cultural bolshevism." I believe it, because nobody would make shit up on the internet.

>But when they talk about the importance of diversity and inclusion, what they want in effect are policies that favor certain people because of their belonging to a specific group identity

And by that I mean favor them in getting more and better jobs, wealth, political power etc.

I miss randy screaming about turtle cocks and moose balls

Materialist means that the focus is upon real and quantifiable things such as income/economic output rather than spooks such as "race"
Marxist theory tends to hold that the oppressing economic class acts more or less the same to the oppressed economic class regardless of color or creed, and the interaction between economic oppressor and the economic oppressed is the important one.

and maybe some day you'll grow out of this tophat phase.

Marxist analysis of cultural forms. Basically this:

back to the Jow Forums fiend

found the jew

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>Fake Solzhenicin quote
I'm surprised brainfarts still fall for fake quotes in 2019.

nothing surprising there, poltards don't bother to fact check any of their le redpill memes. they just blindly digest and then shit out anything that appeals to their contrarian edgelord sensibilities and then have the gall to call everyone else 'NPCs'.

There's no 'conspiracy theory' going on here. Marcuse was literally an employee of the OWI and the OSS (CIA precurser) and the US State Department. This is public record. The entire Frankfurt School was funded by the US Government. Capitalism is not some natural arrangement that magically pops into being. It is a carefully designed structure to protect the interests of the ruling class.

the CIA created the Cultural Marxist left to combat the USSR.

USA funded (((modern art))) and the (((frankfurt school)))

And your own corps shipped all your work overseas.

Frankfurt school produced bourgeois ideology for the CIA

after reading Marcuse's "On Soviet Communism" (funded by the CIA btw), I abandoned them.

Trying to save culture from capitalism

kalutural markisms killed 1100 kajillion people
nevar forget

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Historicist strain of Marxism that values ideas and acts following its usefulness as revolutionary praxis, instead of according to any correspondence with reality. Basically they abandon any attempt to build a scientific understanding of the relationship between society, politics and the means of production (because these scientific attempts generated predictions that failed spetacularly in 1914) and instead follow to the letter the eleventh these on Feuerbach, about the point of philosophy being to change the world, not understanding it.

What happens when you give minorities critical theory, according to the frankfurt school

Reductionistic materialism.
It pervades everything

instead of the infrastructure, they go for the suprastructure

Fukin based and redpilled Jow Forums friend watch out for (((them))), you know too much!!

Well it depends on what you mean by

when women and minorities do something I don't like.

A label for how the far-left is organizing around anti-white, anti-male sentiment with similar language and means to how Marxists used to organize around anti-capitalist sentiment. Because it uses identity & cultural issues rather than economic ones to push its message (which is still fundamentally Marxist-inspired) it is called cultural Marxism.

Hope that clears it up for you

Probably something about Frankfurt School of sociology
People think the Cultural Marxism thing began during Trump bun in reality Paleoconservatives like Paul Weyrich and William Lind were talking about it back in the late 90s. They explained it as something like "the intellectual and academic elite are trying to replace western values and social traditions with the ideals of the counterculture movement"

A buzzword for anything my Mongolian knitting forum told me not to like

Intersectionality, described as seen from an outside (traditional right wing) perspective.


It is called "cultural marxism" because like traditional Marxism it divides the population into classes, which are competing against each other. But the line between the classes is drawn based on cultural groups rather than economical groups.
Similarly to Marxism, dominant classes are seen as oppressive against weaker classes. And because these dominant classes fight for their own interests, they cannot be expected to be fair. So to equal things out there is a redistribution of social and financial capital between classes.

It's basically just nihilism turned vicious and outward by Marxist theories of oppression. Where you undermine the oppressor from the inside by undermining truth itself, trannies are a good example. They have become this giant social contagion in the west weakening its values by turning them against themselves, the politics are full of moral outrage and any kind of meaningful discussion becomes difficult. It is precisely this paralysis that is sought by cultural Marxists, consciously or otherwise. You don't have to convince all people that basic science is fraudulent, you just need to inculcate a room for that kind of refusal of objectivity or logic, the sentiment spreads and enfeebles the system forcing it to turn its attention inward and conflate traditional liberal values with insane post modern 'values'.

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The New Left (i.e, the anti-Marxist, post-modernist, unmaterialist cultural nonsense of the Frankfurt school and similar movements) was literally funded by the CIA you terminal brainlet

The CIA funded French postmodern theory in order to facilitate a purge of Marxist academics. The FBI simultaneously infiltrated and destroyed various left groups, leaving only the most craven and unpopular, like CPUSA, behind. The end result is that since most people in the US go to college, they get indoctrinated into French structuralist and poststructuralist theory and become drooling servants of the ruling class who think historical materialism is ‘class reductionism’ and that culture/ideas are the driver of history. Even those who then describe themselves as socialists either have never read or do not fully understand Marx. But most don’t go that far, they become radical liberal types obsessed with representation, as though having more movies starring black people or women will magically make structural racism or sexism, both of which are rooted to a large extent in the economic base, disappear.

>What's Cultural Marxism?
Straight from the lobster's mouth.

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That was actually far more coherent and valid than I expected, why do people keep meming cultural marxism as this nebulous catch all phrase when it's so explicitly presented by its creator?

I understand why marxists and socialists hate the framing of the social-justice phenomenon as "cultural marxism" because they don't want to be associated with the new-left degeneracy. And honestly I don't really disagree with their objections, it is pretty far removed from regular Marxism and doesn't seem that much more influenced by it than any other idea that developed post-marx.

What I don't understand is why the people who buy into the ideas that get called cultural marxism hate the term so much. They seem ok calling themselves socialists or marxists but as soon as someone adds "cultural" as an adjective to distinguish it from the marxism that focuses on class and material conditions instead of cultural issues they scream that it's a conspiracy theory and only right-wing loons would ever frame it that way. Why? Perhaps they just don't like there being a term that separates them from actual marxists because they want the legitimacy of old socialist movements?

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>why do people keep meming cultural marxism as this nebulous catch all phrase when it's so explicitly presented by its creator?
Butthurt Marxists and pseuds who can't sit through a 40 minute video.

People object to the term because intersectionality and social justice have very little to do with either culture or marxism
"identity politics" is a more accurate term, albeit still used as a pejorative by incels who think posting pepes is """winning the culture war"""

both racism and sexism have been used by CIA to undermine economically-left positions and create scapegoats.

Even in the 19th century, Marx had to purge the American section of the Internationale because they couldn't resist being hijacked by idpol.

CIA popularized liberal identitarianism to completely displace leftist politics in the USA and abroad

Marxism and idpol are compatible

The frankfurt school and hippies have the destroyed the european left. This is what happens when you ignore the core of socialism (economics) and concentrate on what is supposed to be a concequence of a communist utopia and try to implement it in a capitalist system, it leads to degeneracy and erosion of traditional values, which serves the capitalist.

Cohencidentally this "cultural marxism" was developed for the CIA. Go figure.

>The frankfurt school and hippies have the destroyed the european left. This is what happens when you ignore the core of socialism (economics) and concentrate on what is supposed to be a concequence of a communist utopia and try to implement it in a capitalist system, it leads to degeneracy and erosion of traditional values, which serves the capitalist.

I don't disagree but that doesn't answer my question. Why do they, after having almost entirely displaced the left and marxism, hate having what they believe in framed as "cultural marxism" so much?

Cultural Marxism is not an invention of the paranoid right. It's a school of thought developed by left-wing Marxists and named by them as such because it describes the application of their own theory to culture rather than economics. Whether you agree with the movement or disagree with the movement, saying that it's not a movement, or that William Lind created a fictitious movement in 1998, is absurd. You are either misinformed or lying. Below is a list of sources drawn exclusively from professors and scholars practicing cultural Marxism in which they use the term to describe the Frankfurt- and Birmingham-descended schools of thought.

Richard R. Weiner's 1981 book "Cultural Marxism and Political Sociology" is "a thorough examination of the tensions between political sociology and the cultural oriented Marxism that emerged int the 1960s and 1970s." You can buy it here: amazon.com/Cultural-Marxism-Political-Sociology-Research/dp/0803916450
Marxist scholars Lawrence Grossberg and Cary Nelson further popularized the term in "Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture", a collection of papers from 1983 that suggested that Cultural Marxism was ideally suited to "politicizing interpretative and cultural practices" and "radically historicizing our understanding of signifying practices." You can buy it here:amazon.com/Marxism-Interpretation-Culture-Cary-Nelson/dp/0252014014 Note that the left-wing and progressive Professor Grossberg is a world-renowned professor who is the Chair of Cultural Studies at UNC

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Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain", by Dennis Dworkin, is described by Amazon as "an intellectual history of British cultural Marxism" that "explores one of the most influential bodies of contemporary thought" that represents "an explicit theoretical effort to resolve the crisis of the postwar Left". You can buy it here: amazon.com/Cultural-Marxism-Postwar-Britain-Post-Contemporary/dp/0822319144
(Note that Dennis Dworkin is a progressive professor at the University of Nevada, where his most recent book, "Class Struggles", extends the themes of "Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain".)

-“Conversations on Cultural Marxism", by Fredric Jameson, is a collection of essays from 1982 to 2005 about how "the intersections of politics and culture have reshaped the critical landscape across the humanities and social sciences". You can buy it here: amazon.com/Jameson-Conversations-Cultural-Post-Contemporary-Interventions/dp/0822341093

-“Cultural Marxism," by Frederic Miller and Agnes F. Vandome, states that "Cultural Marxism is a generic term referring to a loosely associated group of critical theorists who have been influenced by Marxist thought and who share an interest in analyzing the role of the media, art, theatre, film and other cultural institutions in a society. The phrase refers to any critique of culture that has been informed by Marxist thought. Although scholars around the globe have employed various types of Marxist critique to analyze cultural artifacts, the two most influential have been the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt am Main in Germany (the Frankfurt School) and the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies in Birmingham, UK. The latter has been at the center of a resurgent interest in the broader category of Cultural Studies." You can buy it here. abebooks.co.uk/Cultural-Marxism-Frederic-Miller-Agnes-Vandome/2237883213/bd

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>trannies are a good example. They have become this giant social contagion
>CIA popularized liberal identitarianism to completely displace leftist politics in the USA and abroad
It always amazes me how issues concerning something like 2% of the population so completely dominates the national discourse. Everyone's shrieking about transsexuals, gays, blacks and so forth when they are this tiny portion of the population.

The essay "Cultural Marxism and Cultural Studies," by UCLA Professor Douglas Kellner, says " 20th century Marxian theorists ranging from Georg Lukacs, Antonio Gramsci, Ernst Bloch, Walter Benjamin, and T.W. Adorno to Fredric Jameson and Terry Eagleton employed the Marxian theory to analyze cultural forms in relation to their production, their imbrications with society and history, and their impact and influences on audiences and social life... There are, however, many traditions and models of cultural studies, ranging from neo-Marxist models developed by Lukàcs, Gramsci, Bloch, and the Frankfurt school in the 1930s to feminist and psychoanalytic cultural studies to semiotic and post-structuralist perspectives (see Durham and Kellner 2001)." The essay is available here: pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/essays/culturalmarxism.pdf

-Note that Professor Kellner is a progressive professor, an expert in Herbert Marcuse, and critic of the culture of masculinity for school shootings.

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-For another reference, see culturalpolitics.net/cultural_theory/journals for a list of cultural studies journals such as "Monthly Review", the long-standing journal of Marxist cultural and political studies". Note that the website Cultural Politics is a progressive site devoted to "critical analysis" of the "arena where social, economic, and political values and meanings are created and contested."

You could also check out "Cultural Marxism: Media, Culture and Society", Volume 7, Issue 1 of Critical sociology, of the Transforming Sociology series, from the Institute for Advanced Studies in Sociology. I hope that this brief survey amply demonstrates that Cultural Marxism is a term created and actively used by progressive scholars to describe the school of thought that first developed at Frankfurt and Birmingham to apply Marxism to cultural studies

Inb4 you move the goalpost with the “o-okay cultural Marxism exist, but you don’t understand it!” Shill line

Also inb4 the shill excuse that it’s simply a method of movie critique like some simpletons like to claim in threads like this when pic related directly refutes this claim

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>The working class is no longer a potentially subversive force capable of bringing about revolutionary change. As a result, rather than looking to the workers as the revolutionary vanguard, Marcuse put his faith in an alliance between radical intellectuals and those groups not yet integrated into one-dimensional society, the socially marginalized, the substratum of the outcasts and outsiders, the exploited and persecuted of other ethnicities and other colors, the unemployed and the unemployable. These were the people whose standards of living demanded the ending of intolerable conditions and institutions and whose resistance to one-dimensional society would not be diverted by the system. Their opposition was revolutionary even if their consciousness was not.[30]

It’s just applying Marxist dogshit to analyze culture, just like the name suggest. The fact that leftist have to dance around and make up these complicated conspiracy theories about it while playing stupid and obfuscating is bordering on funny and boring

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Frankfurt School is a CIA psyop.

Cultural Marxism is a shibboleth for unsophisticated retards, it's actually called critical theory and its modern offspring is called Intersectionality, it was created by Jewish elites at the Frankfurt School of Social Science in Weimar Germany and after they fled the reaction to their research, they moved to the US and the CIA used them to create MK Ultra techniques

Cultural Marxism is revisionists propped up by CIA subversions to harm socialism during the cold war.

Yuri and the CIA purposefully leave out that it was the OSS and CIA that brought those Frankfurt school Marxists to the US!

The intelligence agencies are tools of the financier shadow government. They create a culture of total conformity to the globalist state by destroying religions, ethnic loyalties ("racism"), and trade unions. Any potentially powerful source of opposition is gutted.

The CIA is responsible for pushing cultural Marxism and conducting social engineering to destroy our society

have sex.

drop your pants and bendover



that's some next level black pill shit.

the worst part is it makes perfect sense.

big if true

WAIT...So if Cultural Marxism (actually Critical Intersectionality) is a CIA creation designed to undermine traditional socialism, where does the Christian Right come from?

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You weren't supposed to actually tell them.

Marcuse, Kirchheimer, and the Frankfurt School, worked with CIA, to popularize anti-Worker """"socialism"""".


the CIA and COINTELPRO got involved and certainly changed the course of left-wing activism in the US and throughout their globalized vassals
Marxuse was a CIA agent, but Oh haha just disregard that. Truth is the capitalists pretty much found the ultimate weapon against workers movements, turning it into faggotry with the help of a few pseudo communist academicucks.

The Frankfurt School did on the cultural level the same work neoliberalism did on the economic level, destroyed the institutions that could make a stand against the power of the centralized state. That's why the CIA funded Herbert Marcuse.

frankfurt school were CIA, thats also a nice little fact nobody can change.

In layman's terms, groupthink retardation.

Gloria Steinem - How The CIA Used Feminism To Destabilize Society

>The Frankfurt School did on the cultural level the same work neoliberalism did on the economic level, destroyed the institutions that could make a stand against the power of the centralized state. That's why the CIA funded Herbert Marcuse.

fuck me.

do you have a podcast? this shit is fascinating.

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You remind me of my father. You overestimate the world.

Didn’t read lol

most groups are controlled opposition by the CIA

Even Jewish groups have been subverted and controlled by the CIA

The CIA has more control on society than the KGB did in the SSR

In practice, this meant that Israel would have become integrated into a regional anti-Communist bloc that came into a brief dubious existence as the Baghdad Pact. The American Council for Judaism also closely collaborated with the CIA-backed American Friends of the Middle East.

Key officials, especially in the State Department and CIA, and several critical supporters of the Eisenhower administration, such as the owner of the media conglomerate, Time-Life, Henry Luce, considered the “historic ACJ” as a potential ally of its foreign policy objectives, and as a potential, friendly countervailing force and support group within the diverse American Jewish community. Key elements in both the U.S. State Department, and CIA were to reach out to the ACJ in the early 1950s, including Undersecretary of State, Henry A. Byroade, and senior CIA official Kermit Roosevelt, and his distant cousin, Archibald “Archie” Roosevelt. Their support of the ACJ was overt at times, and explicit.


all the podcasts get shoah'd

Not to mention the CIA plotting to weaken the people with drugs and a criminal culture that didn't exist before the 50s.
Oh and we know that the CIA actively distributed illicit narcotics like LSD centering around Berkely California and that was proven in a congressional hearing.

CIA psuhed hard drugs to implement 2 goals: a) Population control (Rockefeller/Bush) b) destroy the Workers and Socialist movements

tl;dr: Financial profit for the few top elites led to the destruction of the society, only combined by even more degenerate practices like fags, infanticide, cultural marxism...

No it isn’t

Stop same fagging

>Muh CIA
Ok but cultural marxism is an actual strand of leftist and simply the next logical conclusion of Marxist thought which is why literally every leftist in the West subscribed to those ideas while pretending they don’t exist

fuck off CIA shill

Do you see Cultural Marxism flourishing in any country hostile to the US?

Or does Cultural Marxism only flourish in countries that are under US (CIA) hegemony?

>no response
Cultural Marxism is a western strand of Marxist born outside of the Soviet sphere as well as being critical of it. Since you’re a very stupid person you of course don’t know this and mistake your own ignorance as some gotcha moment for me.

Again, this is why literally every leftist in the West is a cultural Marxist without exception

>] [
Stalin fought against western ""socialists"".

Stalin warned against the western degenerates who seek to destroy socialism.

Michael Parenti on identity politics being a CIA psyop and neoliberal con


Stop pretending you aren’t some basic bitch western leftist user. You’re just some insecure goober with no identity and constructing CIA boogeyman theories about simple concepts you’re too stupid to understand.

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"liberal progresivness" is an anti-marxist plot to undermine Socialism via CIA

George soros, identity politics supporter to the core, also funded tons and tons of anti-communist and dissident movements in the soviet union.

The elites managed to distance the so called left from working class people by infusing socialist groups with demented liberal shit such as the lgbt or gender craze. Thus this "socialism" became an ideology of the bourgeoisie, at least in the west, something working class people couldnt identify with anymore.

You have to consider that printing leaflets and books and magazines costs money. So the reason that this cultural commentary stuff became so common is not that it wooed working class people in open debates between left-liberal cultural change guys and actual communists. One side had massive $$$ backing them and the other did not.

nigga, I am Yugoslav, a cousin of Tito and Zizek, and we deconstruct and destroy glow in da dark fags like you

You’re literally not even responding to my post because you know you’re wrong. I’m not surprised considering the sort of simpleton who name drops Zizek as if anyone is supposed to be impressed with your 16 year old lelddit tier takes on things you obviously have no clue about.

Once again slowly, cultural Marxism is simply the natural progression of Marxism to its logical conclusion. It was born in Germany outside of and critical of the soviet socialist. This is why it exist in the west. This is why every leftist without exception follows the idea they laid out, and this is why you are completely impotent to respond to my post with anything of substance and can only beat your head against the wall with this retarded CIA boogeyman shit since your reptilian Slavic mind can only make sense out of anything by framing it as some babauska witch casting a curse on your turnip farm or whatever propaganda you repeat from the retarded system that collapsed in your country before you were born

we in the west have been propagandized our entire lives in really devious ways.
For example, in the 1960s communism was gaining popularity in America so what did our superior "free" government do? They sent out an army of shills to get people to take drugs so they'd become less political.

Operation Northwoods was a plan to use false flag terrorism targeting US civilians to create a cause for war with Cuba .
The Vietnam War was started on false premises to try to destroy communism all the way in Vietnam.
And it's still happening today with the Venezuelan socialist government being attacked and legitimized by glow in the dark interests.
When people say "Hurrr communism has never worked" they ignore the fact that every time communism/socialism fails, there's a US dick in that country's butt causing it to fail.
If I'm in a lab trying to grow bacteria and a CIA nigger pours bleach in my petri dishes, that does not mean the bacteria can not grow, it means CIA niggers sabotaged my experiment.

son, i am your father. now leave the basement and have sex

What does neoliberalism have to do with any of that you degenerate?

There was also the involvement from CIA and COINTELPRO who worked to divert left-wing activism in the United States from focusing on Communism and instead towards social justice


LGBT movement has its intellectual foundations in Foucault who was anti-Marxist, neoliberal, and loved by the CIA.


The Frankfurt School did on the cultural level the same work neoliberalism did on the economic level, destroyed the institutions that could make a stand against the power of the centralized state. That's why the CIA funded Herbert Marcuse.

frankfurt school were CIA, thats also a nice little fact nobody can change.

I want to teach all of you how to hurt (((them))).

●Start by fucking (((Wallstreet.))) 99% of mutual funds fail to beat the market average, and they charge you outrageous fees for inferior performance. They're literally fucking worthless:

●Bonds are pointless until you're close to retirement. Just another way (((they))) rip you off, if you have a 401k you're probably buying them for no reason:

●Next, close your (((bank))) account and join a credit union.

●Never give money to Ben & Jerry's, Dell, Dunkin Donuts, Facebook, H&R block, Intel, Pampers, SodaStream, Snapple, Starbucks, Victoria's Secret, Vodka Perfect, or Uzi.

●Next, science shows you can buy happiness, just don't buy all the shit (((advertisers))) wants you to buy:

●Use Firefox with the following add-ons: U-Block Origin (subscribe to all lists), cookie master, privacy badger, and https everywhere.

●If you have a son, don't circumcise him, it's just fucking retarded.

●Finally, torrent or avoid all TV and movies (I recommend RARBG and 1337x) Never ever give (((Hollywood))) your money. Ever.

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