What's Cultural Marxism?

Stop pretending you aren’t some basic bitch western leftist user. You’re just some insecure goober with no identity and constructing CIA boogeyman theories about simple concepts you’re too stupid to understand.

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"liberal progresivness" is an anti-marxist plot to undermine Socialism via CIA

George soros, identity politics supporter to the core, also funded tons and tons of anti-communist and dissident movements in the soviet union.

The elites managed to distance the so called left from working class people by infusing socialist groups with demented liberal shit such as the lgbt or gender craze. Thus this "socialism" became an ideology of the bourgeoisie, at least in the west, something working class people couldnt identify with anymore.

You have to consider that printing leaflets and books and magazines costs money. So the reason that this cultural commentary stuff became so common is not that it wooed working class people in open debates between left-liberal cultural change guys and actual communists. One side had massive $$$ backing them and the other did not.

nigga, I am Yugoslav, a cousin of Tito and Zizek, and we deconstruct and destroy glow in da dark fags like you

You’re literally not even responding to my post because you know you’re wrong. I’m not surprised considering the sort of simpleton who name drops Zizek as if anyone is supposed to be impressed with your 16 year old lelddit tier takes on things you obviously have no clue about.

Once again slowly, cultural Marxism is simply the natural progression of Marxism to its logical conclusion. It was born in Germany outside of and critical of the soviet socialist. This is why it exist in the west. This is why every leftist without exception follows the idea they laid out, and this is why you are completely impotent to respond to my post with anything of substance and can only beat your head against the wall with this retarded CIA boogeyman shit since your reptilian Slavic mind can only make sense out of anything by framing it as some babauska witch casting a curse on your turnip farm or whatever propaganda you repeat from the retarded system that collapsed in your country before you were born

we in the west have been propagandized our entire lives in really devious ways.
For example, in the 1960s communism was gaining popularity in America so what did our superior "free" government do? They sent out an army of shills to get people to take drugs so they'd become less political.

Operation Northwoods was a plan to use false flag terrorism targeting US civilians to create a cause for war with Cuba .
The Vietnam War was started on false premises to try to destroy communism all the way in Vietnam.
And it's still happening today with the Venezuelan socialist government being attacked and legitimized by glow in the dark interests.
When people say "Hurrr communism has never worked" they ignore the fact that every time communism/socialism fails, there's a US dick in that country's butt causing it to fail.
If I'm in a lab trying to grow bacteria and a CIA nigger pours bleach in my petri dishes, that does not mean the bacteria can not grow, it means CIA niggers sabotaged my experiment.

son, i am your father. now leave the basement and have sex

What does neoliberalism have to do with any of that you degenerate?

There was also the involvement from CIA and COINTELPRO who worked to divert left-wing activism in the United States from focusing on Communism and instead towards social justice


LGBT movement has its intellectual foundations in Foucault who was anti-Marxist, neoliberal, and loved by the CIA.


The Frankfurt School did on the cultural level the same work neoliberalism did on the economic level, destroyed the institutions that could make a stand against the power of the centralized state. That's why the CIA funded Herbert Marcuse.

frankfurt school were CIA, thats also a nice little fact nobody can change.

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