feel old yet? i remember these girls from when i was in school. there song was huge. i thought it was pretty fucked up at the time there were lesbians being shown on tv. well, heres the story about them. anyone surprised the music industry churned this out? they were not even dykes in real life. it was all a show. pretty disgusting
14 year olds marketed as lesbians for music shekels
Other urls found in this thread:
Burn a fag flag at a faggot festival this Summer.
Make sure to wear a ski mask.
Know the local police response times.
Scope the place out first.
Know what you're going to be yelling as the flag burns.*
Have your escape routes planned.
Do it when the police aren't nearby.
Consider leaving your phone behind if you're worried about being tracked.
Work quickly and safely.
And don't forget to bring a gun in case you're put into a self-defense situation and need to defend your free speech and prop comedy act.
If you need a fag flag, drive around a rich neighborhood until you find a house flying the flag.
Wear a ski mask to prevent an CCTV's getting your face.
Park your car far away and walk over to the house to get the flag in the dead of night.
*"This flag is being burned in solidarity for all the children who have been sexually and mentally abused by the faggot community."
Burn a fag at a faggot festival this Summer.
Make sure to wear a ski mask.
Know the local police response times.
Scope the place out first.
Know what you're going to be yelling as the fag burns.*
Have your escape routes planned.
Do it when the police aren't nearby.
Consider leaving your phone behind if you're worried about being tracked.
Work quickly and safely.
And don't forget to bring a gun in case you're put into a self-defense situation and need to defend your free speech and prop comedy act.
If you need a fag, drive around a rich neighborhood until you find a house flying the fag.
Wear a ski mask to prevent an CCTV's getting your face.
Park your car far away and walk over to the house to get the fag in the dead of night.
*"This fag is being burned in solidarity for all the children who have been sexually and mentally abused by the faggot community."
tune was pretty good
>they were not even dykes in real life.
just like """"lesbians"""" in real life
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
One step at a time.
>gib hot 14 years old not lesbian but ok with doing such stuff sister waifus
Thank you ISIS, very cool
It's pretty common. Their (((producers))) were looking for a gimmick to make them stand out. Them being hot cute teenage lesbians was scandalous and sexy at the same time so it sold.
Plus their songs were pretty catchy.
one of them was forced to masturbate by there manager for one of their music tracks cant remember the name but that was funny to find out.
>i remember these girls from when i was in school. there song was huge
wtf, they openly play russian propaganda in the UK?
This was the first big lesbian media push I believe, no straight guys could say anything because 2 sexy russian school girls. I remember hearing their songs at parties for children
They weren't even lesbians it was all (((smoke and mirrors)))
sure. they played into the lgbt agenda we see now. because lib cucks like lesbians.
i never understand the attraction cucks feel when seeing 2 girls kissing each other. it is disgusting.
Tthey were kinda world famous
I admit that i love until today the song "All the things she said" but it's a secret, i don't want people to think i'm a fag or something like that, and lets be honest se always knew that everything was fake marketing, a move from their manager Ivan to profit from the LGBSHIT comunity
Yeah but they are Russian. I like Russia and Russian's but they could be honeytraps. And then you are dead.
Nice to look at but that's all.
I doubt that happened but I think I know which one you are talking about.
They don't speak anymore and the last time they performed together several years ago, they weren't very subtle about how much they hated each other. One of them has a permanently ruined voice from being forced to scream to keep up with the other.
how come noone posted
My personality is nearly the same as Volkova's
There was minor outrage at them in the early 2000's but no real effective opposition. Lesbian children is not ok
Let me guess. Their producer was a Jew?
Whats the problem?
>that lazy plaid skirt fill
Absolutely disgusting. I can't even enjoy this.
Lmao I remember this.
The christcucks were SEETHING
Now with that shit religion dead we can have true love
>And don't forget to bring a gun
>And don't forget to bring a gun
Hey discord tranny fagots. Quit telling people to do illegal shit like bringing a gun to a place of nuisance. Jow Forums is a board of peace.
they released the english version here. it was fucking huge. on all the music tv channels and on radio. to be fair, we have sky tv here, which is largely american channels like mtv etc
you have to remember, this was early millenium. things were still pretty calm back then. this is probably the starting point of the widespread degenerate LGBT acceptence shit
those breakbeats. pretty nice
in fact, this is undoubtfully a jewish product
wew. did kojima hired her for what would of been the silent hills soundtrack?
lol. I'll take " what is Michael Jackson" for 500, Alex. Also they had drag queens and faggy tv comedy people. pic related may or may not have been a queer but he sure acted like one any time he was on TV as well as Liberace Threes Company had Jack Putter pretending to be gay in order to room with two hot babes under the prudish eyes of the landlord and Bussom Buddies was mainstreaming cross dressing.
Not really.
there is a big difference between US degeneracy, and uks fall into degeneracy. of course you will not know the seperation, but here, television was quite regulated, its only the last 20 years the decline has happened. we had music shows like top of the pops, which performances would have gone through clearing. heres an example of something risque on british tv
The songs not about lesbians, they're just kissing.
yeah we know brainlet. did you read the thread or watch the video? no? ok. they were not even lesbians it was a marketing ploy. they just got 2 14 year olds doing this shit for sales. and it was fine................apparently. why do americans shit up every thread with retardedness?
Their first album contained a track called Gay Boy. They were meant to further lgbt.
>14 year olds
i just recently finally purchased their first cd, and will get the 2nd soon - always really liked most of their songs, the albums can be enjoyed end to end, not many cds are like that where every song (or very close to it) is enjoyable enough to not be skipped
hybrid theory is another such thing, early 2000s music was nice there was alot more diversity to sounds and styles then, of what i liked anyways, nowadays everything seems homogenized rap inspired shit - ive moved on to Vocaloid and classical music mostly (also a vocaloid producer) but i still enjoy the old stuff from my younger times and what i downloaded and loved then i always intended to buy someday, slowly working on that
i dont actually like their name, and why was it a.c.r.o.y.m.i.z.e.d? but good songs with nice lyrics, its not easy to make things work across oanguage translations so whoever helped them on that aspect when expanding outside russia well done
their music was good. the musical content is not in dispute here. its the marketing ploy of using young girls (underage) to push homosexual agendas, when the girls where not even homosexuals in real life. this is the point being brought to attention here.
in regards to the name, the producer made a another group called n.aT.o lol
not gonna lie I had a lot of wet dreams about "Nas Ne Dagoniat"
pretty much always dreaming about fucking them in the truck.
the red head sucking my dick while the other slut sitting on my face while I drive the trick into a cold snow
It is funny you are bringing it up now. I remember it being quite the topic back in the early to mid-2000's. Some people felt betrayed, others didn't believe it was all a lie, and still others thought it didn't matter and rather that it still helped their cause. I frequented a messageboard back then for tatu. It got probably hundreds of threads per day. I was only interested because of the catchy music and lesbian schoolgirls. The initial music videos were pretty good though most were in Russian. I never kept up with them after the first album.
I still remember them doing a mtv concert here with a large group of girls dressed in the attire they were famous for and p diddy going crazy over it.
I also liked that song, and the fact they were hot dykes was cool too
well, its LGBTQPhjdbfublalnblabiyhn month, so it is a fitting time to discuss such things. when teh community tries to deny their peadophilic intentions, its points in history like t.a.T.u worth noting, how jewish dominated industries conduct themselves.
But they weren't children. Also I didn't really know it was pride month. In normal people land it is June, the beginning of the terrible heat.
>not children
nigger, what?
Who here does not like hot lesbian porn? Be honest now.
Grass on the field
Damn I keep forgetting that the early 2000's anime boom was EVERYWHERE
>the period or age at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction of offspring: in common law, presumed to be 14 years in the male and 12 years in the female.
You should know English common law. You are British.
fuck they must have been cold when they filmed that
I always thought their promiscuity led them to become lesbians. Because that's what usually happens, they say (heard it from an older family member, a woman) that many women choose to turn dyke. They can swing both ways.
Alot of lesbos do gay shit, perverted stuff with other women and they're not even officially homo
They were suppose to get an anime but it fell through.
> a russian anime
fuck why does that seem like such a strange concept to me
ps: russias homophobia doesn't give them a bad name. If we hate them it's because of the cold war.
This countries embrace and promotion of faggotry gives us a bad name. Mainstream media/entertainment industry and politicians are leading us all to damnation.
And tatu were lesbians because some women turn lesbo when they feel like, they're just not called out on it.
>Anime is a psyop
Anime is fucking degenerate
Of course they weren't lesbians.
Lesbians are never attractive in real life.
All females are bisexual and they make themselves bisexual as an evolutionary advantage to be part of chad harem.
Only hugos and menopausic 65+ disgusting abominations are "real lesbians".
Because most russian media is just propaganda.
But bisexuality IS homosexuality. It's directly under that umbrella
>All females are bisexual
And males are not? Considering the popularity of dickgirls I seriously doubt that
That's pretty sad, to be so easily influenced.
>futa is gay
Here we go again...
If you are not impregnating some hot under age booty you already lost. Jamal and Mohammed don't care about the age of consent. Step up if you don't want the white race to die out.
Not only Lgbt. They have a song dedicated to vibrators lol.
They might be degenerate but damn, I have a huge nostalgia boner for them.
Disgusting liberashka
It's pretty easy: you always picture your dick being between them
They were quite controvercial in Russia.
Basically zog controlled degeneracy-light.
Songs such as "gay boy", "I've gone crazy/mad/insane", and "simple movements" with music video showing animals fucking.
Not Weimar tier, but it all begins somewhere.
>i thought it was pretty fucked up at the time there were lesbians being shown on tv
Don't lie. You fapped.